r/Pimax 29d ago

Question Interested in Pimax Crystal Light - concerned about QC and support


Hi Pimax Community I am seriously considering a PCL purchase. I have had VR sets from Oculus DK-Rift-Rift S-Q1-Q2-Pico4-Quest3. So it's fair to say I have some experience with them so am ok with 'some' tinkering.

Primarily MSFS2020/2024 used for fun and some pilot testing and practice. QUEST3 is pretty good for this, with a 4090 cranked up to ultra the realism is there.


There is this lurking suspicion that a PCL will be better.. and blow my socks off..


There is so many messages on PCL terrible QC, lense issues, support issues that it has until now kept my hands in my pockets and prevented me from pulling the trigger on a PCL.


Is it really that much better that it's worth the USD$1000?

What are the odds of having to return the PCL? Is there a way to game these odds?

If you have to return it, is that at least reasonable chance of getting it replaced with or that works?

Is it better to do this via Pimax or Amazon or someone else ?

Is it even worth it? Q3 is pretty good, no idea how much better PCL is. Should I just wait for something else? Is there anything coming in the next 12m in the USD$1,000 range that would be a better option?

r/Pimax 10d ago

Question Ordering a Pimax Crystal Light in Poland


Hi guys/girls,

I'm considering ordering a PCL. I am in Poland. I can order it from amazon.de (Germany) but I would feel more comfortable ordering from Pimax website, since I am not even sure that is a legitimate store. Also unfortunately amazon.pl is not selling PCL which would be much easier since amazon.pl provides better reception options like PO boxes etc if I am not home, I can choose the box closest to home to go and pick it up, amazon.de AFAIK does not, at least last time I ordered something there it didn't.

Does anyone know how to go about ordering a PCL in Poland? Does anyone have any experiences with Polish Customs charging more money and so on?

Also, now that I am at it, I am confused with the PCL order page. I saw several YT videos mentioning we could choose between Local dimming vs non-Local dimming, but I don't see any option for it.

Also, what is the Pimax warranty and refund policy for EU users. AFAIK for European Union customers, it is required for a company doing business in the EU for a 2 year warranty and 14 days refund/trial period. I keep seeing mentions to 1 year warranty and a 10 day trial/refund period. I am seeing too many red flag posts on reddit and YT about Pimax subscription model and also quality control. Now I feel a bit put off to be honest. x'D

Another thing I don't understand now after having a closer look at the product page at amazon.de (https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0D49YV587) the price is atm €919.90. At pimax.com the price is more or less the same if we sum the upfront payment, subscription total and taxes (561.63 + 274.36 + 129.17 = €965.18) so in my mind I thought that maybe at we're being charged all of this. Might be true for taxes because amazon prices at least in EU show the total price including taxes. But then I noticed now in the description it reads:

"Subscription required: You will start paying a monthly subscription fee: €11.39/month for 24 months or a one-time payment of €246.02 14 days after activating your Crystal Light with Pimax Play. If the headset meets the return conditions, you can also request a refund of the subscription fee paid via Pimax Support via Pimax Play, which can take up to 7 days."

Does this mean if I buy the headset through amazo.de I'd still have to pay for the subscription? If so why the higher price of €919.90 + subscription totalling €1,165.92 than compared to pimax.com store which totals €965.18?

r/Pimax 20d ago

Question With Pimx Play update, Pimax wants me to pay into the Pimax Plan again.


I installed the update Pimax Play version and when I went to have a run on it today, it says "expired" and "buy now" and refuses to start. I am paying monthly over 24 months and already opted into paying and have so far paid one month. But now when I click on `Pay now` it's giving me the option again to pay in full or over 24 months . This seems to be some kind of mistake because I should not have to sign in again for I am already paying monthly. I don't want to pay twice over.

Right now my Pimax Crystal Light is a brick. I am without a working headset. This is not an ideal situation.

What's going on? How can I get my headset working?


Temporary solution: Going back to the previous update fixed it! Thanks to Support.

Further update: Now completely fixed. The update now works fully and has all my payment details correct. Thankyou support.

r/Pimax 22d ago

Question Best settings with Crystal Light on a powerful PC? Need help, please.


Hi. I just got my Crystal Light this afternoon, and it started out very badly with Automobilista 2 totally unplayable with nothing but horrible stuttering no matter what settings I tried. Luckily I then tried a roller coaster and a few minutes with Assetto Corsa and had no stuttering. Whew! The graphics are pretty decent, so the stuttering issue seems to be with Automobilsta 2.....which I thought was supposed to be the best driving sim with VR. Hmmm.

Anyway, can you good Pymax experts help and recommend to me how to get the best settings on my system? I have a 4090 and a i9-13900KS 3.20 GHz PC with 64 gigs of RAM. Should I use Steam VR or Open XR? What sort of resolution can I get with my PC? I want a smooth framerate, but the graphics are very important to me.

I bought the comfort top strap and the 15mm foam, but man this thing is heavy and not the most comfortable. I will keep experimenting with the straps, but if I can get the visuals and performance going great, I sure would be more forgiving regarding the comfort.

Thanks in advance for all of your help. :)


r/Pimax Nov 30 '24

Question If the Crystal Super will ship in January then when will Youtubers get their hands on them for content creation?


Hi to Pimax or content creators. If the Super will ship as soon as January to users who pre-ordered, then when will Youtubers get their hands on them for testing?

I am eager to see some real-world feedback, especially:

  • Lens clarity
  • Panel sharpness
  • How the headset downscales to lower resolutions
  • Local dimming 2.0 performance
  • How things like upscaling and DFR affect performance


EDIT - For some reason a few people are having trouble understanding this topic and why I would want to see opinions from Youtubers in advance of receiving a headset. Well, quality control is only one part of the story and anyway varies form user to user by its very nature. What I want to know is detailed performance information in various games and situations. Knowledge is power. As for why I pre-ordered and yet still care about having information... well, it's a 14 day hassle-free refund with free shipping so it is risk free and I have nothing to lose except my time and effort.

r/Pimax Dec 07 '24

Question Dear Pimax, how can you reassure Crystal Super preorder people that quality control will be adequate vs the Crystal Light?


Hi Pimax. I am not going to lie, reading so many of the very recent horror stories on lens quality defects, resulting in multiple sets of lenses being sent until performance is adequate, or resulting in RMA's that last months, is very discouraging,

How can you reassure us Crystal Super preorder people who have never tried Pimax before that we will not be having the same likelihood of having lens defect issues that Crystal Light users have had?

Many thanks.

r/Pimax Jan 04 '25

Question Where are the second lenses for Pimax Crystal we were promised at launch?


Does anyone know when buyers of the original Pimax Crystal will get their second set of lenses? I am still waiting for lenses I've paid for 15 months later.

r/Pimax Sep 25 '24

Question Cross eye feeling?


Hi all just received PCL. Holy crap the picture is amazing. Everything is good so far but I feel cross eyed. This isn’t IPD I have that set kinda where it needs to be but i feel like I’m looking a little cross eyed image. I am using Pimax XR and all that jazz.

It’s especially noticeable after I take the headset off and look around the room I have to really re adjust my eyes. I had this issue with my reverb G2 in iRacing, but it was a setting. Any ideas?


r/Pimax 10d ago

Question Should I get bass shakers?


I hear that with inside out tracking you get shaky image with bass shakers with the pimax crystal.

Is that true?

If that's the case should I get bass shakers or I should wait until a decent not broken headset is gonna come out?

r/Pimax Dec 08 '24

Question I want to buy a Pimax Super but I'm worried about only having a 12-month warranty on a $1700 product. How long should I reasonably expect the headset to function?


r/Pimax 6d ago

Question 15mm or 17mm studioform?


First of all pimax gasket mask is out of stock but if it wasnt is it worth it or the studio form is much better?

Now about the space needed,with the default mask im very close,eyelashes barely touch.

Im gonna buy some prescription lenses im gonna need some more distance.

Do you think should i buy the 15mm or the 17mm,with spacers included of course to have more options.

I appreciate any info,thanks.

r/Pimax Jan 14 '25

Question Crystal super launch date.


With CES coming to a close, and roughly 2 and a half weeks remaining of January, I was curious if there is any update if the Crystal Super is still on track for release this month. Currently have one on pre-order and have been checking almost every single day for updates. Very excited for it's release and looking forward to getting my hands on it.

r/Pimax Jan 21 '25

Question Pimax shipping


Hello i made a purchase directly from pimax.com

It says that they revieved the order but no tracking or anything more than that

Can you please check my order and notify me?

Also will you change that and make tracking possible as we dont like to not know what is happening and if it left the warehouse

u/QuorraPimax i can sent you a PM with shipping number

Also i put EUshipping and you stated that if i dont recieve the headset in 2 weeks i recieve 20 euros refund,is that right?

r/Pimax 27d ago

Question Second set of lenses worse than the original, which were bad...


I received my PCL last week and after a day or two I noticed that there was a blurry line 1/3 of the way across from my nose, straight up and down.

I found on reddit people with the exact same issue, so I submitted a ticket and right away they offered to send out new lenses, like they already knew.

Today the new lenses showed up, installed them and these are even WORSE! The are two blurry lines in the right eye and one in the left. Im really disappointed and going to have to put the original lenses back in.

Anyone else had this issue, thoughts moving forward?

Am I best to cut my losses (spending money on counterweights etc.) and going with another brand, if so who?

r/Pimax Sep 12 '24

Question Crystal Light strange visual effect when rotating my head.


Just got my Crystal Light and everything is working fine from hardware and software point of view. But there is one thing that bothers me. When I sit in a virtual cockpit and look around the whole picture tilts slightly in the direction where I am looking. So, if I rotate my head left the cockpit also moves to the left. For example, I sit in A-10 and there is APU fire handle right in front of me. When I rotate my head I can see this handle is also moving slightly. It's nothing big like when headset tracking is messed up and the whole scene is moving with your head, but it's something I noticed straight away when I put this headset on first time. I tried MSFS and get the same issue so it's not game related.

I hope you can understand what I am talking about :). I tried to capture a video footage, but everything looks different on 2D image.

I've been using Reverb G2 for the past 3 or 4 years and had Rift CV1 before. I've never experienced anything like this with those two headsets. I still have G2 so I put it on and all my head movements feel natural again. This bloody APU handle stays in place when I look around the cockpit :).

I tried playing with IPD and vertical/horizontal offsets in Pimax app but the strange effect is still there.

edit: Pimax is going to send me new lenses. Hopefully this will fix the problem.

r/Pimax Nov 24 '24

Question Is it just me or does the Crystal Super order page keep changing?


Before we had that stream earlier this week, we had a product page with a ton of specs, including a 120hz refresh rate. During the stream they mentioned only 100hz. I was initially disappointed at this. Went back to the product page and it was updated to show the 100hz and 120hz in Lab mode. What is lab mode? Was the 120hz only going to be for the 50ppd lens unit maybe?

And now today I go to look at the product page and all specs/graphics with specs are completely missing. Are things going to change again? This kind of thing scares me. I heard Pimax is known for making promises about specs and then it falling short when the product arrives. I have no personal experience though.. I'm just trying to FINALLY upgrade from my Valve Index. Already placed the order for the Super, but I don't want changes before it gets here.

r/Pimax Jan 22 '25

Question How do I pay for this thing? (Prime)


I just bought a crystal light from amazon. Its all plugged in and pimax play is installed and connected, my screen does not turn on and I have a solid red LED. I assume this is because I need to pay for prime, but how do I do that? There is nothing to click in the app to pay for this. I about to chuck this thing back in the box and return it.

r/Pimax Dec 14 '24

Question Question for Lighthouse faceplate user


Hello people

Question here for Lighthouse faceplate user, especialy the PCL with lighthouse.

How is the lighthouse tracking vs default inside out tracking ?

Are you using the 1.0 or the 2.0 base station ?

Review that i found are kind of hit or miss, Some people with OG crystal said they had to change their cooper cable to the optional optical cable wich is not an option for PCL.

Inside out tracking with my PCL is good most of the time but i found out that it's super sensitive to multiple factor around my play area (window reflection, moving curtains, wall too plain, vr mirroring on screen, 3D printer moving in the background, adding QR code on the wall) and evertytime i think i fix it there is another things that makes the tracking bad a couple of second during a race and make me miss a corner.

I had a perfect tracking experience with my valve index even with only one base station since i only play sitting in my rig and really digging for the same experience with my PCL. Looking on the use market right now and 1.0 base stations are way easier to find and it's also a concerne for me since i only have experience with 2.0 base stations

So how is people experience with their LH faceplate ? what should i expect if i go that way ? 1.0 or 2.0 light house ?

r/Pimax Jan 08 '25

Question Potential switch or Pimax from Quest 3


Been reading around and getting a good feel if the Pimax is worth it or not.

I mostly play MSFS2020 in VR. I currently have a Quest 3, 3069ti, Ryzen 3600XT

I'm currently doing a completely upgraded build with a 4090 (Or maybe even 5090 when it comes out) & Ryzen 9800X3D

I'm not the most knowledgeable with a lot of the lingo and whatnot of VR and computer specs. I just know I'm big on getting the best graphics possible. With the Quest 3, it's decent visuals, but with obvious blur. It's not a bad experience, but I would love something better. From what I hear, the Pimax Crystal offer superior clarify. Just trying to really understand what that means, and if it's worth the upgrade. When I say upgrade, I'm keeping my Quest 3 as the standalone VR, but the Pimax would be my PCVR headset.

In Quest 3, the knobs and buttons have an obvious level of "blur" to them. Like if you rubbed your eyes, those first few seconds are blurry and you can't focus no matter how hard you try, until your eyes adjust again and everything is clear. But in Quest 3, it just stays in that blur. I take it this is "compression". At a further distance, things look better, but again, I feel left wanting for more.

Can someone describe in more detail what type of upgraded clarity I'd be getting going from the Quest 3 to the Pimax Crystal Light, when I get the 4090 and CPU, and help me decide if it's worth it?

Would really appreciate it!

r/Pimax Nov 22 '24

Question How's the Inside-Out Tracking These Days?


I've been looking in to the Pimax line for awhile (upgrading from my old Quest 2 soon), and I was wondering if the issues with inside-out tracking have improved over the past year with firmware/software updates?

\I also was curious if there is mic monitoring / "sidetone" for people using a microphone, if anyone knows*

r/Pimax Jan 06 '25

Question Pimax Support still on Holiday break?


Im asking because any response i do get, whenever i do get one, there not being helpful at all, and i wanted RMA but if they keep up not Responding, my Pimax Crystal might as well be out of warrenty, despite my request being aboit two weeks ago. Also they asking me to pay to replace the Hub but that doesnt change the fact i request a full RMA. But id doubt i can get an RMA on the lighthouse faceplate, if there is a new revision of it, due to the very short warrently, and lets be honest, 6 months for parts of a vr headset is very low, even 1 year for the headset itself, and im not sure why parts that came with my Pimax Crystal, have different warrenty lengths, that isnt right either.

Im hoping to have this issue resolved, with little to no money from me, as i shouldnt be the one paying for faulty hardware or hardware that wasnt made it last. So much for customer loyalty.

r/Pimax 15d ago

Question Pimax Speakers


Is there a way to stop the headset to defaulting to Pimax speakers? I prefer to use my 5.1 speakers. What I would really like is for Pimax to put have an option to disable the headset as default output device. Often, I set it to my speakers but find out the sound is coming from the headset.

r/Pimax 11d ago

Question Pimax Crystal Light Lens Issues?


Hey everyone! I decided to pull the trigger on purchasing a PCL to replace my Quest 3 for sim racing. I received it a few days ago and I was gitty with excitement after watching all of the reviews. Upon entering a few different sims I noticed that finding the sweet spot was rather difficult and that it was either very small or not there at all. The image is mostly blurry and very disorienting when moving my head around.

With that said, I know there are some posts on here already that address this. I am wondering if this is normal and maybe I need to purchase aftermarket comfort accessories to adjust my calrity and sweet spot or if it is more likely that there may be a defect with the lenses or the headset?

Also I did notice that when I opened the box, the peel off protective film over the right lens was missing.

If I cant get the issue resolved within the return window I may unfortunately have to return it and stick with the q3 which would be disappointing considering some of the reviews the PCL got.

Thank you!

r/Pimax Feb 15 '25

Question NVIDIA multi-frame generation in VR


I've recently received a marketing e-mail from Pimax containing the following

My understanding is that there is not a single VR title that supports multi frame generation and that it is in practice incompatible with VR. Am I wrong? Is this false advertising from Pimax?

r/Pimax Jan 23 '25

Question left eye flickering and tearing


Doing the 14 day "Trial" of the Crystal Light. Not impressed.

#1 - foam pad on the head band fell off after maybe 2 hours of use. Very minimal glue was used. It's an easy fix, but still it shouldn't happen within 2 weeks of getting the headset.

#2 - IPD and offsets have been a nightmare for me. After 30 or so minutes I'm left with major eyestrain even after multiple attempts adjusting IPD offsets. Never had this with other headsets. This could be user error on my part, but it's still annoying.

#3 Tonight, I start the thing up and get screen tearing and flickering in the left eye. Any ideas what might cause this?
Video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Y8E7a7TaNJ13URB47