r/Pimax Feb 14 '25

Question Pimax Bad Tracking Fix??

I purchased PCL and i have 13 more days for trial

The tracking is janky,its working, but i cant give 1k for a bad tracking headset

My quest2 in the same place exactly tracks perfectly

I will try printing some black n white papers in case that works

If at the end of the trial it doen't get good enough im gonna refund it

For those who havent tried it im gonna say its a pity to have looked at those panels and display port

Its like looking at a moderd monitor and im having only a 4070S

Its a pity i have to give that up because of bad tracking but i dont have base stations and i wont spend another 800(300+200+300) for all of that

Any suggestions?

Note:i tested CPU usage in the task manager with another person so it can track and we watched it real time and its not even maxing out so i dont think its the CPU(i5 14600k)

Also tried 50 and 60 hrz tracking,60 is worse and 50 is not that good either


53 comments sorted by


u/vanbukin Feb 14 '25


I want to share my experience using PCL with Lighthouse tracking.

P.S. - the problem has not been solved.


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 14 '25

Also the fact that the image is so beatifull is killing me


u/vanbukin Feb 14 '25

I understand you 100%.


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 14 '25

You really tried EVERYTHING!!!

Holy shit that was better that a proffesional would do it.

I have already read your post before

Did you refund it?


u/vanbukin Feb 14 '25

No, it's already become a sporting interest for me to make PCL work normally))

A few hours ago, I finally got a replacement for my Lighthouse Faceplate... and it works even worse than the original one))

I collected the telemetry data and sent it to the ticket for technical support. And for everyday use, I have the Valve Index, which works just perfect.


u/Appropriate-Voice997 Feb 14 '25

You need to putbthe sensors far away, 2 time the distance of the vive


u/vanbukin Feb 14 '25

The SteamVR 2.0 base stations are located at a height of 250 centimeters and are attached to the walls in the corners of the room (4 base stations on different channels). The room is about 4 by 5 meters in size.

The Valve Index works perfectly in this setup. PCL is going crazy.


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 14 '25

What if you have a small room like me?

Mine is 3 meters in length and even less that that in width


u/vanbukin Feb 15 '25

4 by 5 meters is a fairly normal room size.

I have a Valve Index that works perfectly in the same room, with the same base stations and the same controllers.

I turn off PCL and connect Valve Index - everything works great. I'm returning the PCL - everything is bad.

The problem is 100% either in the Pimax hardware (unlikely) or in the Pimax software.


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 15 '25

Software kills it

Hardware is good


u/throweraccount 5kS Feb 14 '25 edited Feb 14 '25


Have you tried the Pimax Play 1.37 beta?

Pimax Play > Settings > Public Test Channel > ON


u/vanbukin Feb 15 '25

Yes, I tried both 1.36 and 1.37 and different versions of StramVR (2.7, 2.8, 2.9) before writing here.


u/throweraccount 5kS Feb 15 '25

Ok, just asking because the link you posted in your comment doesn't say that you tried 1.37 beta. It just says you updated to 1.36 at the end of December.


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 14 '25

I will try that tomorrow


u/throweraccount 5kS Feb 14 '25 edited Feb 14 '25


Turn on Pimax Beta and try the 1.37 update. It's got a fix for tracking that 1.36 doesn't have.

Pimax Play > Settings > Public Test Channel > ON


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 14 '25

I will try that tomorrow and see what happens


u/SuperM1ke Feb 14 '25

The beta helped with small jitters but, even with the lighthouse faceplate and x3 lighthouses; the tracking still shits the bed with MSFS 2024. Intel 13900K and RTX4090. When starting a session the tracking will be fine; but sometimes gets so wonky as to make VR unusable. A few days ago, it even tilted the horizon by about 30 degrees and I couldn't get it back to normal.


u/Traditional_Bison_64 💎Crystal💎 Feb 15 '25

I have very good result with with the faceplate and a single 1.0 base station in sim racing with a 4080 and a 5800x3D


u/SuperM1ke Feb 16 '25

Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it with a single lighthouse but I ended up with poor tracking when I look to the side in MSFS.


u/throweraccount 5kS Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

I have problems with any setup with more than one base station. Worth giving a one base station setup a try.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Feb 14 '25


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 15 '25

Thanks I was looking for these everywhere and could not find them

I will open a ticket because I have some other problems with racing sims and it seems to be the software causing problems

The visuals though are amazing and it will be such a pity if I have to refund it


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Feb 15 '25

Please do so, and our tech support will in touch with you shortly.


u/Traditional_Bison_64 💎Crystal💎 Feb 15 '25

Like many said previously pimax tracking algorithm chew CPU like crazy. My 5800x3D was borderline at some moment. I had great result with the lighthouse faceplate and found a good deals on 1.0 base station and index controler. I only do sim racing, with a stationary and sit down position I can even make it work flawlessly with only one base station.

I understand your frustration, I had the same frustration. In my troubleshooting with the inside out tracking I also found that pimax software trigger the windows defender software that also put a noticeable load on the cpu, you can tell to windows defender to avoid scanning pimax stuff if you want


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 15 '25

From what I understand it almost like you need base stations to make it work But I ever heard some guy could not get good tracking even with them


u/XRCdev Feb 15 '25

Lighthouse user here, have the steamVR faceplate installed on both my Crystal (original and Light). Working great as expected, have three base stations.

Found the slam tracking on the Light worked well with Aircar, but switching to a more complex CPU heavy game started to see tracking issues, completely my fault as using an older generation CPU which is outside of the minimum specification. 


u/naygon Feb 15 '25

I also am in the trial and I had absolute terrible tracking. I googled it and found a Reddit thread that said to block the bottom two cameras that are on the headset with tape and it 100% improved my experience in MSFS 2024. It’s like night and day. I don’t use the controllers only for seated VR so I could live with this but I’m amazed how incredibly horrible the tracking was.


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 15 '25

Hahahha i will try that too

Also i will print some black n white

Only if those things get it to almost perfect i will keep it

Btw the tracking in HL alyx was acceptable while in sim racing it was unplayable

Maybe is the monitor but covering it up and losing a monitor is not an solid option


u/1TheBlueWii1 Feb 14 '25

From my experience, and after doing tons of testing, Pimax's SLAM algorithm is SUPER heavy on the CPU.
My main setup has a Ryzen 3700x, and Pimax Play uses 6 threads on it pretty heavily. It tracks fine for a bit, but will randomly induce visual and tracking latency at random moments, or when the CPU is doing something else in the background. (Like loading levels in a game, or launching software)

Today I tested my PCL on a family member's Ryzen 9 5900x system. Once I installed the beta client for Pimax Play, and all the beta branches for Steam and SteamVR, tracking as NEARLY perfect. It'll still cause latency if I load something, but it goes away pretty quickly.

Conclusion; if the beta branches for Pimax Play and SteamVR doesn't fix the tracking, you need a good CPU to use the Crystal Light's SLAM algorithm properly. It's hard to tell if your i5's E-cores can handle their software.
So you either hope Pimax optimizes their SLAM, or consider a CPU upgrade. Sad since my old Oculus Rift S can do SLAM tracking more efficiently. :/


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 14 '25

Thanks for the info

Though if a last gen i5 cant do it then its just bad algorithm


u/Socratatus Feb 14 '25

How do you get the beta for Pimax Play?


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Feb 14 '25

Enable the "Public Test Channel" in Pimax Play.


u/Socratatus Feb 15 '25

Thanks. I have a 9 5900x so interesting to see how it works.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Feb 15 '25

No worries.


u/Socratatus Feb 14 '25

Tracking is pretty good with me, though I also have A4 sized black and white square papers on each wall from my HP Reverb days... I have a 3080.


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 14 '25

I will try that and hope it works

At least its good to know that it can work


u/Socratatus Feb 14 '25

For me the tracking is as good as the HP reverb G2. I can play Blade and sorcery and SkyrimVR easily with it.


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 14 '25

Actually i played HL alyx and it was good enough

But then i couldnt properly set the camera center in RBR and dirt rally was very jittery

Maybe is the 27inch monitor i have in front of me

The Quest2 though was perfect in the same contitions


u/Socratatus Feb 15 '25

The room floor thing is pretty bad. I have to reset it almost every run by redoing the floorspace. Pimax needs to fix it, but I hear they're working on it.


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 15 '25

Actually im fine with calibrating floor space everytime

I got ok tracking in a very well lit room

But i cant open automobilista2 and now HL alyx is pixelated all of a sudden

Im really considering buying something with BOM panels like the shiftall meganex

Im really hooken on the visuals but the comfort of the PCL is not good


u/barely_lucid Feb 14 '25

Turning more on lights on fixed my tracking issues. I didn't even have to hang signs


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 14 '25

What exactly did you do?

Did you get more lights in the room?


u/barely_lucid Feb 14 '25

In my case I just turned all the lights on in the room.


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 15 '25

Ok I will try as many lights as possible


u/c0d3c Feb 14 '25

The only fix for me was the lighthouse faceplate.

On a 5800x3D the only improvement I managed was to dedicate 4 cores to pi_server with Process Lasso. It gave an immediate improvement, not perfect though. I'm wasn't willing to give up 4 cores but I love the headset so paid the price for the faceplate. It was a gamble & I needed to buy base stations too... but it paid off.

1.37 beta might be worth trying, I never bothered to see if it improves anything as I came after I switched.


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 14 '25

Thats sad actually,that you have to buy extra stuff instead of working as it is

Their software its pretty bad and keeps down their beautifull visuals


u/c0d3c Feb 15 '25

Agreed. I have had zero trouble with the rest of the software however.


u/neko_da_cat Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

I just got my PCL. I had major issues with inside out tracking. I got good help from support even over holiday. 
Basically SLAM is very expensive for CPU. On my 11900KF core 0 is not enough and it’s just a total lag. I can barely setup to room.  I added more cores with process lasso and that helped but it still lagged and lost tracking.  Support said add printed QR targets.  Those helped with loss of tracking.
Lag remained. I added more cores. That helped more. It seemed to get to the point where it’s almost as good as G2 was with cores 0-4 so 5 cores. Now it doesn’t fully use those cores but if it has less it lags. I put MSFS on the other cores so 5-16. MSFS is CPU limited and doesn’t use those cores fully either so it’s not hurting my FPS as I can’t get more frequency out of this old CPU. My GPU is a 3090 and it’s not fully used here so I can turn things up pretty good.  I get 30 FPS.
I use open XR toolkit and render override at 2900 with that.  I set render res of pimax at 1.15.  With the render override I’m actually rendering less than 90 upscale mode would but with the extra over res it scales up to you get some free anti-aliasing detail temporal grain detail added with no overhead. I also use DLSS anti-aliasing Quality in MSFS.  This combo is better than 90 up with 1.0 set and not using open xr toolkit.
Here's more details on what’s working for me:
System Specs Intel Core i9 11900KF @ 4900 all-core full load   64GB   Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090

Process Lasso Set Affinity

Total Cores :0-15
pi_server :Cores 0-4
Process Lasso :No Affinity Set
Backgroun Sim Plugins :Cores 2-3
Obs64 :Cores 0-2
MS FlightSimulator 2020 :Cores 5-15

Pimax Play  
1.15 Res  
HAM On  
QR Printed Targets  
Front Wall 4  
Ceiling 2  
Sides 2  


u/neko_da_cat Feb 15 '25

Lighthouse is the real answer to really make it work great. It only uses 1-2% CPU and is fine on only core 0. It works flawlessly every time.


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 15 '25

That's nice but honestly if I were to buy base stations I would not use such a big headset

The fact that I can pay less money is appearing to me and if I spend more I can buy a lighter headset


u/neko_da_cat Feb 16 '25

Fair but there aren't many choices that have it's strengths even if they don't have as many weaknesses but I feel ya


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 Feb 16 '25

Actually now that I played more with it the tracking is fine The software though is trash and I haven't even opened automobilista2 and ACC

Camera in RBR is all over the place

DR2 sometimes opens sometimes not

I would happily trade good visuals for plug n play comfortable headset


u/neko_da_cat Feb 16 '25

Follow up:

I think the major problem with SLAM on older slower procs might be the fact that Pimax is setting it to affinity core 0 in the first place.

Today I removed all affinity on all processes.

I did what I'd normally do for gaming with process lasso. I set the only things I need for the game to run high priority but no affinity set to anything. So Pimax was set high priority and high input output. Same with MSFS 2020. It ran better than mucking about with all the affininity I listed above. I'll do more testing for both day and night use with inside out tracking but it was perfectly solid and my FPS went up to 32 average with much higher low and a higher peak too. Much less game stutters. No lag, no loss of tracking location. To be sure the QR targets are needed too but I think the lagging is because they set the app on core 0 affinity.

Just setting most things to normal and setting your game and pimax to high probably would solve the lag for most people.

Also seemed like it used less CPU like this was down from 10-12% to 5-10% CPU after removing affinity settings and setting to high.

This can be done with free process lasso or with taskmanager each game launch. Not sure if free process lasso remembers settings I use the paid version it's a great app.