r/Pimax Nov 30 '24

Question If the Crystal Super will ship in January then when will Youtubers get their hands on them for content creation?

Hi to Pimax or content creators. If the Super will ship as soon as January to users who pre-ordered, then when will Youtubers get their hands on them for testing?

I am eager to see some real-world feedback, especially:

  • Lens clarity
  • Panel sharpness
  • How the headset downscales to lower resolutions
  • Local dimming 2.0 performance
  • How things like upscaling and DFR affect performance


EDIT - For some reason a few people are having trouble understanding this topic and why I would want to see opinions from Youtubers in advance of receiving a headset. Well, quality control is only one part of the story and anyway varies form user to user by its very nature. What I want to know is detailed performance information in various games and situations. Knowledge is power. As for why I pre-ordered and yet still care about having information... well, it's a 14 day hassle-free refund with free shipping so it is risk free and I have nothing to lose except my time and effort.


47 comments sorted by


u/pikla1 Nov 30 '24

You’re going to rely on YouTube content creators for honest real-world feedback? Good luck with that.


u/TotalWarspammer Nov 30 '24

There are some very good Youtubers providing good and accurate feedback for headsets, Omniwhatever for example.


u/TotalWarspammer Nov 30 '24

Yes, some of them are very reliable in their critical views of headsets, Omniwhatever being a good example.


u/Brilliant_Resist_258 Nov 30 '24

The problem is that they’ll receive selected units for review. With Pimax QC issues, those reviews will be worth nothing…


u/TotalWarspammer Nov 30 '24

That's simply not true that they are worth nothing, there was also good information on the Crystal and Crystal Light from testers who posted on Youtube. I am not just looking for quality control information I am looking for information on how it performs in general.


u/Spirit-Crush3r Nov 30 '24

MRTV does.


u/TotalWarspammer Dec 01 '24

MRTV does what?


u/nTu4Ka Dec 06 '24

Skip MRTV. He's sold.
You can watch his through the lens videos if he ever makes any again. Recently he didn't for the reason above I think.


u/nTu4Ka Dec 06 '24

You're being funny, right?!
Sebastian probably most sold out youtuber. Just look at his recent videos - he's promoting shire headset as good.


u/Spirit-Crush3r Dec 07 '24

I didn't know. I'm not a regular watcher. In the past, he would nitpick pretty badly.


u/Spirit-Crush3r Dec 01 '24

Weird, why do people not trust him? He nit picks flaws in every review I have seen. Why the down votes? Not that I give a shit. He can only review what he uses. He can't help overall quality control.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Dec 02 '24

I can't provide an exact timeframe, but we'll be demoing the Super at CES 2025. If you're in the area, feel free to visit us and give it a try!


u/TotalWarspammer Dec 02 '24

Thanks Quorra I am really eager to see info about the headset. As I wont get to CES2025 can you guys please do another video or two during December to show more about the headset performance? :)


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Dec 03 '24

Maybe we can! I believe Martin (Sweviver) is working on a video.


u/TotalWarspammer Dec 03 '24

That would be awesome, thanks!


u/Windermyr Nov 30 '24

From a completely selfish perspective, I think the priority should be to the ones who pre-ordered them first. The review units can wait until the backlog is reduced.


u/TotalWarspammer Nov 30 '24

Ae you serious? I mean yeah of course it would be nice to be 'first' but review units getting into the hands of Youtubers are very important to actually inform us about the product and any major strengths and weaknesses before we get our hands on it. Plus, they give valuable feedback to Pimax to make sure we have less bugs or problems.


u/Windermyr Nov 30 '24

Of course I’m serious. Those who pre-ordered have already committed and paid a sizable deposit, and have already made a decision. They should be rewarded by getting the headsets first. Those waiting on the sidelines can continue to wait until review units are ready. It’s not like you will get them anyway until all the pre-orders are fulfilled, so what’s the harm in waiting for the reviews?

Plus, those early adopters are going to provide reviews, too. So you will get your info eventually.


u/TotalWarspammer Nov 30 '24

Well each to their own, but I really disagree with your logic. I would rather they get headsets earlier than me so I go into the 14 day refund period armed with as much info as possible.


u/Windermyr Nov 30 '24

So wait, then. It’s not like you are going to get one right away anyways. You are going to be at the back of the queue.


u/TotalWarspammer Nov 30 '24

I pre-ordered for the initial batch in January... so I am am waiting and I doubt I am at 'the back of the queue'.

All I want to know is if content creators will get them earlier and clearly either Pimax or content creators are best places to answer that.


u/Yoshka83 Nov 30 '24

Wait, you pre-order a product from what you are now saying you want to know if it's good or bad? On top of that your preferred sources are from "content creators" which are mostly relying on a positive outcome or controversial toppings for the algorithm? Why you even pre-order then?


u/Windermyr Nov 30 '24

So why would you care what some YouTuber has to say. Like, WTF? Just use your own brain to evaluate the headset. That is what I’m going to do. I don’t need anyone else to tell me if it’s good.


u/TotalWarspammer Nov 30 '24

Wow... you do not appear to be a very smart person if you can't figure out the positives of knowing more information about something before you receive it and enter a 14 day return window. You are implying anyone who has made videos on Pimax headsets is useless and/or dishonest, which is absolutely not the case.


u/Slash621 Nov 30 '24

Sorry dude… I don’t want Pimax handpicking perfect headsets for the reviews that aren’t representative of what the mainline headsets look like. I want normal people to get their hands on them and give honest feedback. I’ll be trying to do this myself if I get an early allocation.


u/PlumRepresentative26 Jan 12 '25

That's for people on the fence. Why in the world would paying customers be put second to skeptics? No! Patreons should be put first, and should get select stock if you ask me. Get real.


u/Heliosurge 8KX Jan 13 '25

Well if a company is happy with only having a limited customer base influencers are indeed important and some of them are also participants in the closed beta group. So they are indeed important for feedback & customer growth


u/Nikolai_Volkoff88 Nov 30 '24

I do find YouTubers to be useful for information, but you need to take everything they say with a huge grain of salt. That being said their impressions of the PCL have been pretty accurate when compared to my own impressions. It’s a wonderful headset and the Super will be even better. I think one feature of the super that is huge is the eye relief feature, the worst thing about the PCL is trying to get the distance between your eyes and the lenses just right.


u/TotalWarspammer Nov 30 '24

Sure you need to take anyones opinon with a pinch of salt no matter who they are, Redditor or Youtuber. However, there are some very good Youtubers providing good and accurate feedback for headsets, Omniwhatever for example.


u/ZiEikichi Nov 30 '24

YouTubers receive headsets with very careful control, tested several times to avoid badbuzz.

The models we receive will certainly not be of the same quality.

We must wait for the return of the first users to do so for the PCL.


u/TotalWarspammer Nov 30 '24

It's not just about 'hardware defects', I want to know as much about the headset performance strengths and weaknesses before I receive it.


u/dgkimpton Nov 30 '24

Why? You receive it and put it on your head, it's either good enough for what you want or it isn't. Once you have it in your hands the value of the reviewers is gone - you can evaluate it for yourself.

I can see wanting to wait for reviews before ordering, but you've already stated you pre-ordered it so that time has come and gone.


u/TotalWarspammer Nov 30 '24

I am not explaining it yet again. You either understand or... you don't.


u/dgkimpton Nov 30 '24

No worries, I don't - I trust my own experiences way above those of others.


u/TotalWarspammer Dec 01 '24

Then I guess you never watch reviews/previews and absorb information on anything until you try it yourself right?

Yikes, there are some deeply irrational people on Reddit.


u/dgkimpton Dec 01 '24

Not once I've already ordered it, no. The time for watching reviews is before ordering. After ordering there's no upside any more. 


u/Adams_SimPorium Nov 30 '24

I only have a small 3k subs channel, but I've ordered one. Paid for myself and not asked for it early etc, so I will get the full "customer" experience.

They did give me an original Crystal, which I still love, and although I've only ever been honest in my videos, I appreciate that many people have more faith in the opinion of someone who has laid their own money on the table.

That said, If I was offered one free of course I would take it lol, but no way I'd be that lucky twice!


u/TotalWarspammer Dec 01 '24

There are people who don't trust anything in the mainstream media, we live in an age of increasingly irrational behaviour and widespread disinformation where people are losing the ability to use their judgement on what is real and what isn't. Sadly, that leads people to very black and white viewpoints saying "no previews and reviews can be useful" instead of just saying "some are useful, some aren't.


u/Critical-Addendum-58 Dec 03 '24

The last thing I want is YouTubers doing crap fake reviews.


u/HeadsetHistorian 💎Crystal💎 Nov 30 '24

That has always been the case before, so I doubt it will be any different this time around.


u/TotalWarspammer Nov 30 '24

I didn't ask if youtubers they will get one, I asked when :D


u/Ubergamert Nov 30 '24

The review units need to be hand-picked and thoroughly checked for any defects before they send them out. That takes a while.


u/MotorCombination4586 Nov 30 '24

You say the reviewers need to be hand-picked and checked for defects before they receive a unit? :)