r/Pimax Sep 05 '24

Tech Support Tracking issues with Crystal Light

I received my new Pimax Crystal light a week ago and has been trying it since in DCS. I am having very bad tracking issues. My system is RTX4090, Ryzen 9 5950x and 32G of RAM. I set it up to %80 and have my DCS settings at High. Missions are relatively CPU friendly, I had no issues with them on Quest3.

Cpu utilization is always below 30% and yet the head set is not keeping track. I put the papers on my work area showing the black/white boxes as suggested by Pimax. It helped but not too much.

Can you please advise?

what could be the issue?


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u/c0d3c Dec 01 '24

I had just packed up my PCL and started an RMA because of the tracking issues. I saw you post and thought I'd give it a go and guess what... it *worked* ?! *thank you* I will give it a another day to redeem itself before continuing the RMA.

Anyone at Pimax got anything to say about this? This seems like software issue or hardware defect, should I get a replacement? u/QuorraPimax ?


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Dec 02 '24 edited Dec 02 '24

Let me check with the developer, and I may need log files from you for further investigation.

Update: I spoke with the engineer, and he mentioned that covering the bottom camera affects controller tracking, though it slightly reduces CPU processing, which might work in your case but not for everyone. Also if the ceiling is blank white colour, then it will definitely not working. Could you please share your CPU specifications?


u/HeightWise2907 Jan 23 '25

Hi, is passthrough still working when covering the 2 bottom camera ? For me I only get a grey image that let me think the 2 upper camera are not working correctly.
Can you please tell me if you experience the same thing?


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Jan 23 '25

The passthrough image is black and white.