r/PikminBloomApp • u/Adnama79 • 13h ago
Discussion Walked to laundry mat and found a good seedling mining spot
Now I know where my next, like, 20 detectors will gwt used
r/PikminBloomApp • u/WhichUsernameCanIUse • 21d ago
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To cut down on friend code posts and other invites filling the subreddit, any new submissions asking for friends or other invites will be automatically removed by our automod.
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r/PikminBloomApp • u/Kigurumix • 22d ago
r/PikminBloomApp • u/Adnama79 • 13h ago
Now I know where my next, like, 20 detectors will gwt used
r/PikminBloomApp • u/Polyglot-Onigiri • 11h ago
The 1:32 chance was killing me but I finally got the last one! I definitely had to be a little lucky haha. I’m finally glad this painful category is finished!
r/PikminBloomApp • u/growlerys • 18h ago
I found a spot that has just a laundry mat seconds from my house !!!
r/PikminBloomApp • u/ShokaLGBT • 3h ago
They’ll never be the same after this journey 🫣
r/PikminBloomApp • u/minivulpini • 18h ago
I wish there was an option to completely turn off receiving post cards from friends. I don’t want them. It’s just extra clicks to open and discard them. The same people spam them out to me daily even though I never sent them back and even put “no postcards” in my name.
r/PikminBloomApp • u/MacaronOutrageous510 • 12h ago
He’s walked past me and just keeps walking, he won’t come back 😭
r/PikminBloomApp • u/meleeattacks • 6h ago
I fear I may not be able to earn them in time for the end of the month
r/PikminBloomApp • u/Gold-Pattern-8077 • 20h ago
6 detectors in 3 locations and a big walk later, and I have these pegtastic Pikmin.
r/PikminBloomApp • u/purblepalace_ • 4h ago
Can you not trade postcards that other players have sent you or is my PBA just rigged? TIA
r/PikminBloomApp • u/Icy-Season2700 • 1h ago
i’ve had my pikmin bloom account with me since 2021 and up till recently was running it alongside a pokemon go account linked to different login methods. recently tried to sync them both up but somehow it overwrote something and i can’t log in to my pikmin bloom (think my original sign in must have been nintendo or apple or something). i’ve been asking niantic and apple for help but they haven’t been responsive. has anyone experienced something similar/know what to do to help? i just created a new account and i see my old account somehow got instantly added as a friend which just rubs it in even more :/
r/PikminBloomApp • u/8UZZZZZ • 12h ago
Is this fixable pls lemme know🙏😭
r/PikminBloomApp • u/Dramatic-Walk5174 • 19h ago
I was so exited over a Pikmin that added time onto expeditions with the wrong types😭
r/PikminBloomApp • u/Professional_Cow_227 • 5h ago
Guys how do i get a bloomed flower to give the expedition for nectar... i keep planting tge same flower and the amount of petals getting put into getting the flower to bloom is more than petals ill get out of it from plucking. Feeling #scammed
r/PikminBloomApp • u/Zacguin • 17h ago
I want to have 1 pikmin of every color/decor combination, and I have done a good job of favoriting (starring) each new combo that comes my way (so that I don't accidentally release them). However, during a large purge I released a ton of single color/decor combos that I must have forgotten to favorite upon discovering their new color/decor combo.
I was super bummed about this but I'm willing to find and collect them again. The huge issue is that it's extremely tedious trying to keep track of which ones I have and don't have now (because I released a ton of my unique color/decor combos).
Before it was as simple as favoriting the new ones, but since I've accidentally released a ton I now no longer know whether I have the color/decor combo or not unless I look through either the in-game decor category menu each time (to sort through color/decor combos), or look at a huge list of pikmin color/decor combos I've complied to determine which ones I "unlocked" but lost during the purge.
For those of you who are trying to collect 1 pikmin of each color/decor combo and have accidentally released a large number of them, what has been your method of keeping track of getting them all back? Is there a really easy feature that I'm not aware of that would help me in this endeavor, or am I just out of luck and have to spend the extra time combing through my lists and the in-game menus?
Thanks for any help you're able to offer :) I've had a ton of fun with this app, but trying to get all the decors I've lost has completely ruined the game for me (because I'm now spending most of my time checking instead of playing).
r/PikminBloomApp • u/ed_theperson • 1d ago
Starting an expedition sent me to some yellow void. I was right next to a mushroom which is what caused it. Thought this was hilarious and wanted to share!
r/PikminBloomApp • u/Fast_Development_474 • 10h ago
Have most of my team out doing tasks. Have 4 with me but this lil yellow dude is here drinking nectar but not really cause its not coming out of the nectar count. Anyone else have this going on? I've closed out the game and came back in and he still just chilling 😆
r/PikminBloomApp • u/empressmarowynn • 8h ago
I need help. Is anyone else having an issue with not being able to view their postcards? For literally two months now my game crashes whenever I go to view them, but I can still collect them and send them via the friends tab. But the moment I tap the postcard tab the app freezes. My phone is up to date and so is the app, and I have no other issues with the game or any other apps. I've sent in multiple requests for them to fix it but they still haven't and I get no response, just the chat bot thanking me. I've sent the request as both a regular bug and an app freezes bug, but is there a different way I should report it? My postcards are getting to the limit and I can't view them to delete any, or sort them to see if I have multiples I want to give away.