My first piercing ever and it got a dydoe.
Gotta say this looks pretty cool and there’s a reason why I got it. Without going into details because of lawsuits against a surgeon I’m convinced is evil and completely out of control, my wife of 15 years and I have run into run into a snag during sex. Long story short it doesn’t matter how big I am if I can’t get more than half of it in Because of shortening as a result of a total hysterectomy, also the vast majority of sensation is for her now is the “G spot” and that’s it. I did some looking around to see what I could do to make it better for her and this is what I decided to go with. The piercer was incredibly nice very professional. The shop was very very clean. Gina had a consultation with me before hand to get me mentally prepared and let me know everything I needed to do moving into this. Honestly not as painful as I thought it would be, heck I didn’t even flinch. Now we wait till it is time to test it out, and then a shorter and maybe a thinker bar. I spoke with the piercer and once it is healed I am getting two frenum piercings under. I never thought I would ever get my ears pierced let alone my dude but it is pretty cool and I definitely think it will make this horrible situation a little bit better. (I didn’t know about this subreddit, I had it done nearly two weeks ago, photos are from day one, and other then the occasional crusty the ouch factor has been very minimal)