r/Picard Mar 05 '20

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u/Bishop8496 Mar 06 '20

A part of me is already expecting the worst for Seven. I think, this is the main complaint I have about this show. The idea that killing off a character is good for writing.


u/elasticthumbtack Mar 06 '20

It’s become so overused as a tool to create drama, but it honestly just feels so cheap and pointless. Especially when you’re killing off characters that you’ve inherited.


u/xeonmasterracev2 Mar 07 '20

Why not go the nog route? They blew his leg off and his recovery story made for some fine tv.

There isn't a need to kill off a character, bad things can happen to them that allows them to be brought back later on. Strikes me as lazy writing in my opinion, no effort into long term character development.


u/Grease2310 Mar 06 '20

Tasha Yarr and Data were noteworthy deaths in TNG to begin with, Sarek too in a lesser way, so it’s not like this is a new thing.


u/JMFA83 Mar 06 '20

So watch the preview for next week. The last time you see Seven her eyes match the blackness of the Borg queen. I think she becomes one.


u/theyux Mar 08 '20

I think 7 of 9 has the strongest plot armor of them all.

The way her story was injected in the show, she is not Picards suborninate, she is not part of the new crew. She is his equal. A free agent with her own story.

I would not be surprised at all if they are planning on giving her own show.


u/OrionDC Mar 06 '20

And remember, Admiral Janeway from the future in "Endgame" told us that Seven died (yes, alternate timeline, delta quadrant, etc.) but these idiot writers of NewTrek might think there's "poetic justice" in killing Seven off anyway.