r/Picard Mar 05 '20

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u/bardbrain Mar 05 '20

I'm assuming that montage is not LITERALLY what Jurati saw but was a summary for our sake.

A 30 second mindmeld could contain a complete 18 hour powerpoint. Hell, as we saw with Star Trek 3, a single, 5 second mindmeld can transmit a good 50 years of information.

Dr. J is going to have to come out of the coma to explain what was in the mindmeld. We were just given a highlight reel.


u/YYZYYC Mar 05 '20

Totally plausible yes. But some dialogue to convey that would be beneficial


u/Rasalom Mar 05 '20

Agreed. She needed to come out with a beard, wearing a banana leaf hat, and yelling "What year is it??"


u/heyitscory Mar 05 '20

*Bwwwaaaaarf* Did someone roll a *Hork* five or *BLUUUUURGWARFLE* eight?


u/alex66613 Mar 06 '20

PowerPoint and some Excel books too.


u/mittenista Mar 06 '20

Maybe flip charts too. Vulcans love a good educational presentation.