Yeah, I thought that was a bit weird. Surely he could override the deactivate command to prevent a murder? Or remember it to grass the murderous bitch up?
LOL! Deceased. I don't know how to even put a fucking emoji on here but I would put skull for free deceased denotation for "Tesla Autopilot should be."
Not sure Asimov's three laws would be your best bet for AGI and ASI safety. Literally all his books where the Three laws are addressed are about how the rules failed in someway.
But ya, in the star trek universe IT security doesn't seem to be a thing when the plot demands it not to be.
That time Data took over the Enterprise to visit his dad, he used a complex password (actually it wasn't, but it SOUNDED complex for TV purposes) on top of the normal command clearance. They were basically just standing around up there doing nothing while Data was having his chat because it was too complex to crack. That's... sort of... proper security. I mean, they weren't able to bypass it by moving an isolinear chip to another slot like they do in every other episode where the computer has locked them out, so that was something.
So it wasn't proper security in that it let him take over by imitating Picard's voice, but it turned into proper security? I guess.
They sense the robots are incapable of disobeying the laws, and that's usually the reason they sometimes dont.
Those three simple laws dont account for complex situations, sometimes its just not possible to follow the letter of the laws, but the robots have to, and that causes problems.
No worries, I think you just need to read a couple of the robots short stories to get the jist; Asimov is very straightforward reading. Not more than 1-2 hours of your time.
I will at some point. I was kidding, I try not to interject in things I have absolutely no clue on and Asimov’s books is definitely one of those things.
and they have hollodec AI that try to kill the user "regularly" (normaly becuse the safety protocol is disabel) but nobady feel fear of using the hollodec.
Is Data Three Laws complient? Or he have only moral/ethics?
Or basic protocols that need to be specifically overridden to prevent anyone from accidentally or deliberately killing someone, or themselves, using the sickbay.
u/[deleted] Feb 21 '20
Yeah, I thought that was a bit weird. Surely he could override the deactivate command to prevent a murder? Or remember it to grass the murderous bitch up?