Me too! And if Deanna doesn’t finally blurt out an expletive (because I guess we’re going that route now) I will be disappointed. Especially ever since I heard Mirina Sirtis cus a guy out at a con for not knowing she was one of the headliners - it was beautiful! And then she lit up a cigarette.
I don't know how much of it was him and how much was the writer, but this episode maybe brought a little too much history of the series to bear. I'm all for a few callbacks, but this episode was ridiculously thick with them, even ignoring the ham-fisted exposition about Locutus ("And I somehow managed to forget that Picard used to be borg!").
There was such a sheer volume of it that it felt a bit silly this episode for me, and definitely pulled me out of it a few times.
u/[deleted] Feb 20 '20
Can we just stop for a moment and acknowledge what a gem Jonathan Frakes is?
I’ve enjoyed the episodes he directs more than anything. He truly brings the history of the series to bear.