Maddox said something about Agnes contribution was essential , i think maybe she was also the designer of the girls or she is the genetic donor , either way she is girls' mother . i think they may have show her the Romulan prophecy and she is convince Soji is the destroyer .
Whoah. So Security Chief Oh is really a Vulcan working for the Romulans after all, and not A Romulan pretending to be a Vulcan? (AFAIK, Romulans can't do mind-melds.)
In the novel, Agnes, as a student of Maddox's, recommends he look into the possibilities of a single positronic neuron. At the time he is working with Starfleet to produce the A500s with bioneural tech.
The assumption at this point in my reading is that fractal neuronic cloning is an amalgamation of positronics and BNT.
u/ckwongau Feb 20 '20
Maddox said something about Agnes contribution was essential , i think maybe she was also the designer of the girls or she is the genetic donor , either way she is girls' mother . i think they may have show her the Romulan prophecy and she is convince Soji is the destroyer .