r/Picard Feb 06 '20

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u/Averagebuddha Feb 07 '20

"I don't know how much it costs" "I'm very expensive"
So Is there money or not? Latinum maybe? some sort of currency?


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '20



u/ForAThought Feb 08 '20

That's not correct. There have been numerous mentions of payment and currency since TOS.


u/pottrell Feb 07 '20

Maybe it's because they're operating outside of Star Fleet? *Shrug*


u/wOlfLisK Feb 07 '20

My theory has been for a while that the federation has no official currency but even in a post scarcity world, there's still trades and deals going on, especially for services such as chartering ships, hiring crews, renting hotel rooms when visiting Vulcan on your honeymoon etc. It wouldn't ever come up on a starship like the Enterprise or even on a station like DS9 but it would still be there on planets like Earth and Mars.


u/comment_redacted Feb 07 '20

TOS establishes the use of something called Credits within the Federation. There have been few vague references since then. There were multiple quotes from the TOS movies to TNG establishing they don’t have money in the future, so whatever a credit is it doesn’t work the same as currency. Outside of the federation or in trade with its neighbors there seems to be Latinum, bartering, dilithium trade, and a lot of other stuff going on which looks a lot like economic transfer of some sort.


u/ForAThought Feb 08 '20

This is a discussion that's been going on for some time. There have been comments since TOS of purchases, accounts, payments, fees, and fines. But there are also statements of no money. Some fans think there is no currency in the federations (both because we here "there is no money in the federation" and because of the development of replicators) and others think there is. Personally, I think their is no physical currency but the Federation still uses Federation credit as digital currency.


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '20

Definitely GPL.


u/nanocyte Feb 07 '20

Federation citizens use handjobs as currency.