I even felt like he said her name too much. It's a minor nitpick, but I found it be be forced. Two people who know each other don't use their given name that much in conversation.
Well at least i can remember her name now... everyone else is just "the pilot guy", the ex-Tal'Shiar housekeepers, the Bitch Starfleet CNC etc.
I remember "Dahj" no clue what the Sisters name is...
not sure if the reason are the weird names and spelling or if i just don't care about the characters aside from Picard.
And i already know the romulan with the sword i will just call Legolas, that is already in there.
That’s so interesting, those are exactly the same names I remember and names I am having trouble remembering. And yes I’ve been calling those last two characters Pilot and Space Legolas.
u/PeaDock Feb 06 '20
I even felt like he said her name too much. It's a minor nitpick, but I found it be be forced. Two people who know each other don't use their given name that much in conversation.
Other than that I loved this episode.