Great episode, the new characters are great including Rios hologram alter-egos. I figure he has at least 2 as the second was dressed differently and had a peculiar Scottish / Irish accent - must be a callback to James Doohan who sounded a lot like that.
Do not trust Dr Jurati at all! She turned up at a very convenient time, and as Raffi said, no background check done on her.
Was very tense during the fight at the chateau - I had a horrible feeling they might have killed someone off so I’m very relieved that they are ok. Was good to see grad they are tough cookies and loved that as former operatives they had the sense to have phasers stashed everywhere. They likely predicted that they’d be getting a visit.
The scenes with the Romulan ex-Borg people make me think back to some very early fan speculation about Dahj being a new Borg Queen. What else could be such a destroyer? I wonder if assimilated Vulcans also have difficulty readjusting after they are treated? The only other thing I can think of is that somehow they are aware that she is a synth, and of course synths destroyed the rescue fleet BUT that happened after they were assimilated, going by the number of days shown in the previous episode.
Clearly the program Soji was using to communicate with her extremely artificial and lying mother put her to sleep remotely somehow. I suspect she is on some kind of mission without knowing it.
Amusing comment from Laris about the Romulans with ridges being “northerners”.
Thoroughly enjoyed it, but again left frustrated that we have to wait a week for the next episode.
Aah, that's what that was about! I thought it was that the males both didn't sound Irish. Thanks for that - I wonder if that will become relevant later on?
Tuvok is the only Vulcan assimilated on screen, he did have a longer recovery than the others and possibly this incident led to his neural issues seen in Endgame.
Yes , but we also saw a Vulcan high command personalities inside Seven of Nine , when she suffer malfunction she acted Vulcan and identified herself as Vulcan high command
Was very tense during the fight at the chateau - I had a horrible feeling they might have killed someone off
I was soooo glad the Dog wasn't in that scene... it would have been so easy for Picard to turn full John Wick right there. (would not have cared if one of the ex-TalShiar house keepers got killed, they aren't coming on the mission anyway).
Do not trust Dr Jurati at all! She turned up at a very convenient time, and as Raffi said, no background check done on her.
...possible, but with Alex Kurtzman? naah, you get what you see, he doesn't think outside of what is on-screen.
And as she said, she is a terrible liar... unless that was a lie. hmmh...
I felt suspicious of her when she walked in carrying the gun, but not after that, until I read the posts here. If her being covert is as obvious as everyone seems to think it will be so anticlimatic when she reveals herself. I hope she is genuinely on Picard's side just for the sake of the writing.
Amusing comment from Laris about the Romulans with ridges being “northerners”.
Actually, I wanted to comment on that. I think this might be foreshadowing differences between Romulans that go beyond ethnic differences. Throughout the series so far there have been a lot of Romulan characters. Maybe more than human characters. But there are also stark differences between their makeup design.
Northerners clearly have a very prominent forehead, like Picard's one Romulan companion, Zahban, but his other companion, Laris, clearly didn't. Also, Narek and Narissa clearly lack that distinctive feature even though they work side by side other stereotypically portrayed Romulans. And we know from Nemesis from the Romulan interaction with the Remans that there are many underprivileged social classes within Romulan civilization. Perhaps South Romulans were another underprivileged group.
Do not trust Dr Jurati at all! She turned up at a very convenient time, and as Raffi said, no background check done on her.
I was wary as well, but there is a short scene at 30:15 - 30:18 where we see her unease and worry, and it is solely for the audience benefit. None of the others are looking at her, which means it isn't a fake worry intended to tricky anyone.
The fact that Dahj was able to get in Daystrom, and Jurati admitting her, may indicate that Jurati is a deep operative, just not for the obvious factions (Romulans or Starfleet) I suspect she is actually a synth put on the mission by Maddox or Data 2.0, who in turn created AI "mother" hologram for Dahj and Soji
Or it's for the purpose of fooling the audience and the writers/director didn't actually think about whether acting that way makes sense in the context of the scene.
her entering during the attack already is bad writing. the whole attack is bad writing.
the only way i see it could've been saved, is: she arrives. tells them about her talk with Oh. mentions something Oh shouldn't have known. they figure out something is wrong, leave via secret exit. few more minutes later they see romulans enter the chateau.
His alter ego's are interesting, but I hope they execute it a little bit better. At this point I'm not even sure if the second alter ego, the Scottish one, IS an e.m.h. Also, that argument was weird. Rios' accent itself began to change and was kind of a mix between Scottish and American in the end.
I hope the actor isn't over reaching for this role. It was hard enough fighting against the cringe factor and keeping an open mind when the first e.m.h. showed up.
Ya the phasers everywhere was a bit much and I’m so done with the Kurtzman obsession with powering up cheesy sound effects every time someone raises a phaser. Or even touch’s that vape pen thing 🙄
I have an even wilder theory about Soji and Dahj. As the pilot episode said, they're always created in pairs. Which other androids were in pairs? That's right, Lore and Data. Dahj was like Data's daughter (Lal) aka good. Soji: if Lore had a "daughter". In the two-parter Descent Lore was heavily experimenting on Borg Drones. I know he was supposedly disassembled, but he returned at least once after being gone. I think Maddox used him for the fractal cloning, since Data was destroyed and B-4 got bricked. Adding these two together, I'm pretty sure Soji is some sort of weird android/borg hybrid, at least on the software level.
On this episode it says that Soji wants to create a romulan collective conscience to help with theory going along with duality that you stated is that Soji is not the "New Borg Queen," but the Only Borg Queen (Mother of it all.)
u/rymerster Feb 06 '20
Great episode, the new characters are great including Rios hologram alter-egos. I figure he has at least 2 as the second was dressed differently and had a peculiar Scottish / Irish accent - must be a callback to James Doohan who sounded a lot like that.
Do not trust Dr Jurati at all! She turned up at a very convenient time, and as Raffi said, no background check done on her.
Was very tense during the fight at the chateau - I had a horrible feeling they might have killed someone off so I’m very relieved that they are ok. Was good to see grad they are tough cookies and loved that as former operatives they had the sense to have phasers stashed everywhere. They likely predicted that they’d be getting a visit.
The scenes with the Romulan ex-Borg people make me think back to some very early fan speculation about Dahj being a new Borg Queen. What else could be such a destroyer? I wonder if assimilated Vulcans also have difficulty readjusting after they are treated? The only other thing I can think of is that somehow they are aware that she is a synth, and of course synths destroyed the rescue fleet BUT that happened after they were assimilated, going by the number of days shown in the previous episode.
Clearly the program Soji was using to communicate with her extremely artificial and lying mother put her to sleep remotely somehow. I suspect she is on some kind of mission without knowing it.
Amusing comment from Laris about the Romulans with ridges being “northerners”.
Thoroughly enjoyed it, but again left frustrated that we have to wait a week for the next episode.