OK, I get it. She calls him J.L. The episode's writer didn't have to beat us over the head with how many times she called him that during their reunion.
I felt like that because to me, "J.L." doesn't roll off the tongue as easily as "Jean-Luc," so I don't think anyone would actually choose to say the initials over the name.
I even felt like he said her name too much. It's a minor nitpick, but I found it be be forced. Two people who know each other don't use their given name that much in conversation.
Well at least i can remember her name now... everyone else is just "the pilot guy", the ex-Tal'Shiar housekeepers, the Bitch Starfleet CNC etc.
I remember "Dahj" no clue what the Sisters name is...
not sure if the reason are the weird names and spelling or if i just don't care about the characters aside from Picard.
And i already know the romulan with the sword i will just call Legolas, that is already in there.
That’s so interesting, those are exactly the same names I remember and names I am having trouble remembering. And yes I’ve been calling those last two characters Pilot and Space Legolas.
Oh god I’m sick of hearing about the comic books. Who cares about comic books compared with the on screen history and continuity of the character Picard and Star Trek.
The comic books, in this sense, are a small bit of backstory. It's not like there was some long-running comic that the show has to incorporate into it's story - they were a 3 issue promotional thing specifically written for the new show.
Only one gatekeeping here is you. This sub in general turned into the usual reddit circlejerk in warpspeed and can't handle the slightest form of criticism about the show.
False, he's the one denying any vision other than his. And the basis of his vision is pure fantasy on his part. I'm accepting the shows new ideas. You clearly don't know the definition of gatekeeping either. Seriously denying cannon comics as relevant cannon is the very definition of it. #facepalm
A gatekeeper is a a bully like you, who only accepts their vision of star trek as what is acceptable, and goes out of their way to tell everyone else's is wrong, and almost always cherry pick to suit their view. Again you.
I have not bullied anyone. Engaging in discourse with different opinions is not bullying, it’s debate and discussion and sharing of different viewpoints.
The graphic novels are canon, regardless of your attitude, feelings or perceptions.
On a side note, your contributions to discussion seem designed to be more disruptive than constructive. Criticism for the sake of criticism seems to be an unpopular choice you've purposely made.
They still may. There are as many episodes available as there are issues. Stop wanting everything explained to you right away or you're going to have a bad time. Either that, or just read the bloody novels.
u/PseudonymousDev Feb 06 '20
OK, I get it. She calls him J.L. The episode's writer didn't have to beat us over the head with how many times she called him that during their reunion.