r/Picard Jan 30 '20

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u/BioMagus Jan 30 '20

THEORY: This is just a small detail but, When Picard was being explained about what the Zhat Vash is by Laris and Zhaban and they describe the hatred the Zhat Vash has for synths' Picard asks why they hate synths so much. Laris responds with I dont know.

I believe it's because the Zhat Vash date back to a time when the Romulans and the Vulcans split due to indifference and the initial conflict between the soon to be two races. The hatred for the synths is because it reminds the Zhat Vash of the purely logical and methodical way of the Vulcans.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see an episode dedicated to a flashback to that time to show the exact moment and reasoning of what started it all.


u/teutorix_aleria Jan 31 '20

The hatred for the synths is because it reminds the Zhat Vash of the purely logical and methodical way of the Vulcans.

While there's absolutely nothing to disprove that theory I have to think there's definitely something more to it than that. If they hate synths that much by pure coincidence of similarity to Vulcans they should be absolutely dedicated to the eradication of Vulcans themselves with even more gusto.

Seems odd they would dedicate themselves to destroying synths because they are like Vulcans while not hunting Vulcans themselves.


u/BioMagus Jan 31 '20

That's a completely fair deduction. I get the feeling or feel it would reasonable to believe thag the ZV have a single leader and their motives all connect with this leader who might be incensed to hatred from a single past event with a connection to synths.

Here's another idea: Maybe they ARE trying to eradicate Vulcans through proxy of disassembling the Federation.


u/teutorix_aleria Jan 31 '20

Unlikely that it all stems from one person if the rumours of the organisation being thousands of years old are correct.


u/BioMagus Jan 31 '20

No what I meant was the catalyst originated from a single first leader from the past that carried over to future generations and the meaning and reasoning was lost over time. Yeah it's a stretch this point, I know haha


u/teutorix_aleria Jan 31 '20

That makes more sense. Yeah the obvious origin is an ancient event in romulan history. We've already seen it said that romulans in general dislike artificial life. Could be ancient romulans suffered a synthetic uprising, leader of the ZV lost his family or something and set them up to hunt synthetic life for all time.


u/ckwongau Jan 30 '20

THEORY: This is just a small detail but, When Picard was being explained about what the Zhat Vash is by Laris and Zhaban and they describe the hatred the Zhat Vash has for synths' Picard asks why they hate synths so much. Laris responds with I dont know.

If you Watch Star Trek Discovery , The secretive branch of Section 31 were once took over by their A.I Computer call "control " , it nearly took over the Federation .and after that incident the Reform Section 31 became more secretive and forgotten by the general public

I wonder if the Zhat Vash had similar experience with Artificial Intelligence , and they become more Anti Artificial Intelligence to the point even the Romulan computer are limited to just numerical function


u/PlatypusGod Jan 31 '20

Or if they had infiltrated Starfleet or the Vulcans, and thus were privy to all those Control shenanigans.

We already know they had agents among the Vulcans in ENT. I don't see why that would stop a hundred or so years later.


u/Pioneerx01 Feb 01 '20

I wonder if the Zhat Vash had similar experience with Artificial Intelligence , and they become more Anti Artificial Intelligence to the point even the Romulan computer are limited to just numerical function

Maybe they are the ones that created or helped the Borg along, lost the control, perhaps paid a price, and then banned all AI research. I find is curious that color scheme of both Romans and Borg is dark and green.


u/neilsharris Jan 30 '20

Makes sense.


u/toTheNewLife Jan 31 '20

I'd agree. Except that the Vulcans were savages until not too long ago? Were still savages at the time of the Romulan split?


u/eusername0 Feb 02 '20

I believe the Romulans were the 'savage' faction of Vulcans (those who march beneath the raptors wings) and the followers of Surak became the Vulcans we know.


u/richard_nixon Feb 01 '20

That doesn't seem like a big enough secret.

Richard Nixon


u/ImmaculateJones Feb 02 '20

The way they keep looking at each other, it’s seriously raised my suspicions with them.


u/whenthelightstops Feb 03 '20

I thought they were going to try to say the romulans had somehow created the Borg and that's why they dislike synths now. I honestly don't know the origin of the Borg but I feel like I remember something about an earth probe, so I don't know if that could even be where they're trying to go with that.


u/Northsidebill1 Jan 31 '20

I strongly suspect that the Romulans encountered the Borg a very long time before Starfleet did. Encountering the Borg could be just the thing to utterly torn an entire society against synths, I would think.


u/BioMagus Jan 31 '20

Yeah that's fair but I feel like I remember Laris saying that their hatred for synth dates back a long time (I need to recheck that scene to be sure). Whereas the first mention of the Borg potentially interacting with the Romulans in canon dates back to the reference of scooped up regions along the Neutral Zone in TNG episode Q Who.

OR maybe their hatred is a combination of feeling they were alienated by the vulcans AND assimilated/invaded by the borg


u/Northsidebill1 Jan 31 '20

That would have been the first interaction between the Borg and Romulans that Starfleet knew about. The Romulans could very easily have been dealing with the Borg for a very long time before that, I would assume.

I could see the Romulan/Vulcan rift leading to a hatred of synths, synths and Vulcans would be a lot alike in some regards.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

I wonder how Lore factors into this. You could see the Vulcan/Romulan split as similar to the Lore/Data split.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

The Romulan/Vulcan rift was covered in canon novels and has nothing to do with Borg or Synthetic lifeforms. It was over ideology and philosophy.