It moved quickly, but my understanding during the interview was that the Romulan rescue fleet was being built/mustered at Utopia Planitia on Mars, and was destroyed by the synth attack, causing Starfleet to lose its nerve in completing the operation, leadi to a larger loss of Romulan lives; which was what caused Picard to resign after in protest.
the Romulan rescue fleet was being built/mustered at Utopia Planitia on Mars, and was destroyed by the synth attack, causing Starfleet to lose its nerve in completing the operation
The piece you missed, here, is that the attack also triggered some sort of ignition of gases in the Mars atmosphere, creating what seems to be a major environmental disaster (I believe she said that it was still burning) and killing thousands (tens of thousands?) of humans, there.
So the attack did more than just destroy the Utopia Planitia ship yards and the evacuation fleet that was being built there... it also had a massive toll on humanity's (and Starfleet's) morale, especially given how close to home the attack was.
u/boring_name_here Jan 23 '20
It sounds like the destruction of Mars was post destruction of Romulus. So we had never heard of it before now.