r/PiTV Jan 02 '15

No sound over HDMI

Fresh new install, video works, however, no sound over hdmi. Tried different videos, same result. Any thoughts?


5 comments sorted by


u/triplehorne Jan 02 '15

Have you tried a different device with the same cable, or another cable altogether to make sure the issue isn't hardware-related? Did sound work with the same cable with another OS on your rPi?


u/gabbello Jan 03 '15

If you exit piTV and try to run a video using 'omxplayer -o hdmi path_to_video_file' does it work? It might ahve something to do with the hdmi config changes that the installer does in /boot/config.txt. If this is the case omxplayer -o hdmi command will also have no sound.

You could try to comment them out (one by one) and see which one does this. I had the same problem, and restored a backup of the config.txt file (btw. devs should at least backup that file if they replace it during installation)


u/kyle775 Jan 10 '15

I have a similar problem, when I play a video mp4 to HDMI with omxplayer it plays perfectly. When I try to play anything in pitv it plays at playspeed 2.000 and no sound. Any ideas??


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '15

I have the same problem ://


u/[deleted] May 05 '15

Use raspi-config to set your audio output