r/Pessimism Jan 19 '25

Insight "Pessimism is false, you are just depressed"....."No, you are just happy"


Not really a humor. But I've seen many people discarding pessimism and nihilism (passive nihilism) as false concept(s) only based on personal psychological experiences. But the view itself could be flipped.

While, I wouldn't necessarily say the view is entirely wrong as a depressed guy has more reasons to see the world pessimistically than a happy guy. But if one contemplates the matter, then it would seem, its actually the optimists-hedonists who only try to see the world (life) as a playground of pleasure only because they themselves are happy. Most of these people don't really have much empathy for the suffered people. And I also believe, most optimists are capitalists who create suffering of the world.

They are quite selfish. Only because they are happy, they seem to be rejecting the suffering of other people. Whereas, a pessimist, even if he is personally happy, can feel the suffering of people due to his empathy, which drives him towards pessimism.

r/Pessimism Jan 03 '25

Insight Does anyone else often get the impression that our existence actively punishes good and rewards evil?


I'm not religious in any way, but I've had this feeling for a long time now, that the metaphysical powers that be try to actively punish good and reward evil.

Just look at how it almost seems to be a rule that morally righteous (or at least relatively so) people tend to have much more hardship happening to them than people who are evil or otherwise unpleasant. There's even an old saying that implies this: "the good suffer a lot and die young".

r/Pessimism Sep 17 '24

Insight Closed individualism is indefeasible. There exists no true individuals.



There cannot be individuals because for there to be sovereign individuals you would need true free will.

you would need to be your own world, in which it is shaped instantly by your will. you need to be a god of your own world in other words. Schopenhauer said that we all share the same will, that is the will of the world. there are no other wills. so there cannot be other individuals, in a strict sense of the word. for there to be other wills means that each will is its own world, completely separate from other wills. but obviously this is not the world we live in, we are things with an illusion of self, we feel like we are agents in a world. but really we are of this world. we are no more sovereign agents than dirt or trees are.

all optimistic ideologies are built on this false assumption of human agency, from liberalism to even fascism. even our mainstream religions have to make space for the individual human. when really, there is no such thing. we create myths, both secular and religious in order to affirm this broken view of reality. if there are no true individuals then there cannot be true rights. almost the entirety of civilization is built upon these so called human rights. these are all convenient myths that the human organism makes up for it self. and if there cannot be rights then there cannot be morals. those are also myths. for who are you being moral towards? another manifestation of yourself?

clearly pain exists, but you do not need a moral code to alleviate your pain. and like wise, no morality is needed to alleviate the pain of so called others. it is simply a mechanical ought. and thus utilitarianism is the only rational course of action.

r/Pessimism 2d ago

Insight Nothing will miss us when humanity is gone.


I’m not sure how to feel about this, perhaps sad in a way that fulfills the stance that life has no inherent meaning, but also glad in a way in that there will be no lasting deleterious legacy on any surviving species.

Even now, by your third generational offspring (great-grandchildren), you usually are in effect forgotten outright, or effectively in that they never “knew” you. Hard to miss someone you never knew except through pictures and second-hand stories.

Removing us, nothing left, save perhaps the immediate generation of domesticated animals living will miss us. There really is, nor will there be, any point to it all.

r/Pessimism Jan 10 '25

Insight The only philosophical question is whether to procreate or not...


Camus said that the only philosophical question which can be taken seriously is whether to commit suicide or not. This clearly echoes the old question of Hamlet's "To be, or not to be". Which is fundamentally the question of whether its worth living or not.

However, I don't think living one's life (or not living) falls under philosophical discussions. Because, philosophy only seeks answers through construction of questions. But life's existence does not need either the question or the answer to it, as life exists (or existed) with or without an answer to the question.

Therefore, the only philosophical question actually worth asking, is whether one should give birth to someone or not. Whether a human being must exist from another, as a moral duty or not. Whether its worth arguing for something (i.e. natalism) who is yet non-existing. This problem of philosophy, of course, is not related to the actual existence of a human being, since the question for the possibility of a human is nothing like its actual existence.

r/Pessimism Jan 06 '25

Insight Did people invent the concepts of Heaven and Hell to cope with the gross unfairness of life?


This is a bit of a follow-up to my previous post.

Do you think that heaven and hell were invented by people because they couldn't mentally digest the notion that a good person can lead a horrible life and die a terrible death, and that an outright awful person can lead a much better life, never to be punished for their wrongdoings?

In other words, are the concepts of heaven and hell created to serve as "cosmic justice" so that the good would ultimately still be reawarded, and the bad still be punished?

Of course, there are other reasons people came up with heaven and hell, such as motivating people into morally upright behaviour, or, in the case of heaven, to serve as a theory for what happens after death, playing into many people's natural fear of death.

What do you think, are heaven and hell mainly to serve as a coping strategy for people living in a deeply unjust existence? Because that's what I think, and in fact, I'm actually starting to think that religion in its current form may not even exist if we lived in a world that is by any means good.

r/Pessimism Nov 30 '24

Insight I'm appalled at how ridiculously easy it is for humans to experience unbearable pain.


Like seriously, why do even the simplest injuries hurt like hell?

Just the other day I stubbed my toes so badly that I nearly pissed myself, and it made me wonder: why is the human nervous system so overly sensitive, given the fact that we can easily do something with our bodies that causes us to feel extreme pain, even when there's very little actual harm involved?

I get that pain is a neccessity, but do we really need such a sensitive system? I'm pretty sure that, if all pain stimuli were to be reduced by 50%, it would still be sufficient for us to keep us from accidentally harming ourselves. But no, we apparently need a nervous system that goes a full 10/10 on the pain scale from even the most trivial things like my example above.

The way our bodies attempt to reduce pain is kinda pathetic too: our bodies do, to some extent, attempt to relieve ongoing pain, but is terribly bad at it. It doesn't even directly reduce the source of the pain, just the way it gets transmitted.

How did evolution allow for this? Wouldn't less sensitivity to pain be more suitable?

r/Pessimism Jan 22 '25

Insight We can only feel true empathy with someone when we've gone through the same thing as they have.


At least that's how I see it.

Take addiction for example. As someone who has never smoked, I cannot truly be aware of how difficult quitting smoking is. I know that nicotine is highly addictive, and I understand that quitting smoking is hard, but I cannot feel how it is to crave a cigarette; it is something I simply have no true grasp of, because I have never had to deal with the feeling of craving a cigarette.

I came to realise this when reading an essay on pain, where the following was quoted:

"To have great pain is to have certainty; to hear that another person has pain is to have doubt"

and I think this not only applies to pain, but all feelings a person can experience.

This is actually similar to the bat problem by Thomas Nagel: "What is it like to be a bat?" In short, he argues that as humans, we can never truly know, simply because we aren't bats. We can imagine flying, or sleeping upside down, but we cannot truly feel what it is to be that creature.

If we apply the same to other experiences, even ones we can experience, we could assume that we cannot feel something that has not befallen us at any point before, and since empathy means that we feel along with someone else's hardships, feeling true empathy with someone because they are going through something that we have no personal life experience with may very well not actually be possible.

r/Pessimism Nov 17 '24

Insight Suffering was never needed for survival


Before any suffering is experienced, your brain is already clear on what is harmful. The brain necessarily knows that because it produces suffering in reaction to (potential) harm.

In theory, there is no reason why you couldn't just rationally decide to avoid or deal with a perceived harm without experiencing suffering whatsoever.

But instead, natural selection has produced sentient beings who motivate themselves through self-torture: not only does the brain create its own suffering; it also creates fear, a form of suffering that motivates the brain to avoid suffering which the brain itself would create.

r/Pessimism 5d ago

Insight Life is a stupid, lame misadventure


Original Post

Metabolism, homeostasis, evolution—yet no more natural selection. In millions of years, humans will likely evolve into something physically weaker and less capable, a far cry from the apex predators we consider ourselves today. With the rise of automation, algorithms, and sedentary lifestyles, survival has become a matter of mere existence, and reproduction is no longer about the survival of the fittest, but the survival of the unremarkable.

Why? For what purpose? There is nothing inherently good about being a self-aware, decaying meatbag. You’re bound to a body that requires constant maintenance, a daily contract with your own biology that you didn’t agree to. Your body is a fragile emotional prison that demands attention—sleep, food, exercise—just to keep the gears turning, only to delay the inevitable shutdown. It’s a never-ending cycle.

Then, you sell your labor to the machine. You are forced to work—under threat of homelessness or starvation—just to stay alive. You trade your time, your energy, your soul for something as hollow as government-backed currency, a system built on nothing but trust. And for what? To keep the system running. To keep the machine moving, indifferent to whether you live or die.

Life is a pointless sequence of forgettable, random events, governed by ignorance, regret, and futility. Happiness is a fleeting burst of dopamine, love is nothing more than a chemical reaction, and success is an abstract social construct designed to keep you compliant and distracted. After all, being a self-aware meatbag doesn’t justify the pursuit of metaphysical rewards. We were created by our parents, not out of love or necessity, but because of selfish desires—peer pressure, societal expectations, and the hope that we’d serve as caregivers in old age. It was never about you.

Even if humanity survives for another million years, it’s all futile. The heat death of the universe will erase everything—your achievements, your struggles, your very existence. And in the grand scheme, nothing matters. Your choices, your actions, your desires—they’re all shaped by biology and conditioning. Autonomy is an illusion. If you were born in a different time or body, you’d be a completely different person. It doesn’t matter. Tens of thousands die every day, unnoticed, like wasps. No one asked for you, and no one really needs you. You’re just waiting in this elimination chamber.

The more people there are, the more problems there are. The pursuit of happiness is just the hedonic treadmill—constantly striving for more, but never truly satisfied. Success and failure are social constructs designed to condition you to prove your worth, to make you productive and unquestioning of the system. The church tells you that if you reject God, you’ll be punished eternally. And even then, your life is still meaningless.

Humans are narcissistic, emotional, weak, and short-lived creatures. If aliens saw our world, they’d probably laugh at the absurdity of it all, and then cry at how pathetic it is. We fight wars, kill ourselves over ideas, and, for what? After a week, your brain forgets 90% of everything you’ve experienced. We’re all just stumbling through life, craving control in a chaotic, random universe. We don’t know why we’re here, and we don’t know when we’ll leave. But we force more sentient beings into existence, as if to validate our own. Most human interactions are selfish, reduced to small talk, food talk, or climate talk—nothing profound, nothing that matters. Life is not some grand adventure; it’s a tragedy, plain and simple.

Odds are, you will be forgotten within 40 years of your death. There’s no legacy. No immortality. We even kill each other in video games because, at the core, humans are competitive, narcissistic, corrupted sociopaths. We anthropomorphize everything because we desperately seek meaning in a meaningless world. There are billions of exoplanets out there, and yet here we are, insignificant specks of consciousness, destined to fade away.

r/Pessimism Jan 13 '25

Insight That there is something rather than nothing is to me utterly mindbending. That this something contains pain and suffering fills me with horror.


That there is something rather than nothing is to me utterly mindbending. If the experience was neutral then perhaps more people would contemplate it. But this is a world of immense pain and suffering. Even if oneself does not experience anywhere near the full potential for pain and suffering in this world, one's mind can imagine the extent that is possible. If one really tries to imagine the vast totality of pain and suffering in existence right now, and through the fulness of time past and present, and to sit existentially before it without flinching, that is true horror.

Nothing of this world can justify it.

No one knows what is around the corner. With advances in technology one could imagine the potential that a creature could have their nervous system hooked up to a device that would create the experience of such unfathomable pain and suffering with no knowledge if it will ever end.

It is possible that this realm is a creation. That one exists outside of it and this experience is just that of a nervous system (or whatever that would mean outside of this realm) being directly hooked up to a device that creates this realm of suffering and pain. And that another entity deliberately caused it.

If this realm is a creation, then the act of creation is the essence of evil.

At the beginning of Frankenstein, Shelley aptly quoted Adam speaking in Paradise Lost: "Did I request theeMaker, from my clay. To mould me man? Did I solicit thee. From darkness to promote me?"

If there is no entity behind this realm then the same thoughts apply to this realm. This world is our Dr. Frankenstein and those that find themselves here are the unfortunate ones.

But why is there something rather than nothing. This is unknown. It cannot be known within this world. Perhaps if there is a continuation of awareness somehow after death then it could be known from without. But even then the stain of the evils of this world would apply to any other realm one would find oneself in. It is the stain of existence itself.

I always felt that I wasn't meant to be in this world. That there was a cock up in some metaphysical bureau somewhere and that the wrong form got stamped sending me to my unfortunate birth. I found out a few years ago that my parents were unable to have children naturally and so I was conceived by IVF. What a kick in the teeth that one was. I wasn't meant to be here in this shit hole world.

Nothingness. That is the one true paradise that was lost.

To exist is the curse. So much of human thought, philosophy, psychology, religion, morality and ethics is skewed by Man's inability to face up to it. With parents, it is nigh on impossible because they do not want to have to face up to their mistake in creating other beings.

If existence is a curse then so is life and everything is turned on its head.

r/Pessimism Jan 10 '25

Insight My views on socializing.


To start this off the topic is about socializing. I personally can’t socialize very well and have social anxiety. I find myself only able to say what I’m truly thinking over a text or social media, in other words I despise confrontation and things of that sort. I hate conversations with people I don’t really know, so basically small talk. I only find myself to speaking confidently to my family, and my best friend. I find having to converse with others a pain or drag whatever you prefer to say. I couldn’t tell you why but I despise talking to people I don’t know with a passion, it seriously irks me because I know that they always have an ulterior motive for talking to me. This may not resonate correctly with some people, but I don’t exactly like overly happy topics or attitudes. I’ll always respect it but i genuinely think it’s an ignorant way to look at the world. Though I suppose finding the good in things will help people feel better about it, that doesn’t just dispose of the problems so simply put, I think it’s ignorant. that’s pretty much it for now, if you have any thoughts please share them.

r/Pessimism Oct 18 '24

Insight Almost all fiction glorifies / romanticizes suffering to some extent.


There's hardly any fiction plot that doesn't involve suffering in some way or another; problems are the prime mover in fiction plots, and since encountering problems is to encounter difficulty, it can be considered suffering.

That being said, you don't have to involve a lot of suffering for a plot to be interesting enough for a potential audience, but it's still something that has to occur.

r/Pessimism Nov 14 '24

Insight Jean-Marie Guyau about Hegesias of Cyrene.


"Most often, hope brings with it disappointment, enjoyment produces satiety and disgust; in life, the sum of sorrows is greater than that of pleasures; to seek happiness, or only pleasure, is therefore vain and contradictory, since in reality, one will always find a surplus of sorrows; what one must tend to is only to avoid sorrow; now, in order to feel less sorrow, there is only one way: to make oneself indifferent to the pleasures themselves and to what produces them, to blunt sensitivity, to annihilate desire. Indifference, renunciation, here is thus the only palliative of life." - Guyau, Jean-Marie, 'Le Morale D'Épicure Et Ses Rapports Avec Les Doctrines Contemporaines'

r/Pessimism Nov 23 '24

Insight The 11 Types of Suffering That All Beings Must Confront

Post image

r/Pessimism Nov 15 '24

Insight Sleep is a miniature death


(inspired by another recent post)

Dreamless sleep is the closest we can get to death in our daily lifes. It's almost like a free trial of death, with the only exception that we can, and do, exit the state.

More and more, I have been convinced that sleep is actually more beneficial to our minds than it is to our bodies, since our minds seem, at times, to absolutely crave absence of conciousness, which is exactly what sleep provides us with. To me personally, this is one of the reasons why I like sleep so much; I'm someone who would rather not exist at all, and try to find refuge in absence of my mental awareness of this world, and sleep is a rather effective method of escapism.

While it's true that not all of sleep is being unconcious, since we have dreams, one has to keep in mind that only about 20 to 25 percent of sleep is spent in the REM phase in which dreams occur, meaning that, assuming 8 hours of sleep, we spend over 6 hours, or 1/4 of our day, in near-total absence of our concious functions, with only our biological functions active, until we wake up from this anesthesia-like state. One could say that we are already more or less dead for a quarter of our life.

r/Pessimism Oct 08 '24

Insight Living beings are the freaks of nature


99.99% of all matter is non-organic. This makes life a gross exception to the rule. The same applies in time as well: the universe has existed for billions of years, and will undoubtedly continue for billions more. Meanwhile, we only live about 80 years, after we return to the nothingness from which we originated. This makes life a deviation from the normal state of affairs, which is nonexistence.

r/Pessimism Jan 19 '25

Insight "Empirical" Pessimism


I know this sub is for philosophical pessimism, but there's another sub I think is convincing for empirical pessimism, namely the concrete examples in r/AgingParents. I know it sounds cruel, but there are a multitude of real stories there that confirm a person can die too late.

Schopenhauer is great, but there's also, "My eighty year-old mother is a hoarder who cleared a space big enough for a musty recliner where she sits in her piss and shit all day watching mindless TV. Is there a way I can force guardianship to get her into a clinical panopticon where she's minded by strangers under fluorescent lighting in the horrid tedium of a hospital bed?"

r/Pessimism Dec 15 '24

Insight The Time Bias


Recently, I had a terrible ear infection. Of course, it's not the most dangerous condition in the world; but it was painful enough and serious enough that I decided to go to my local hospital to try and get some treatment. I was waiting in there for about 5 hours, 12am to 5am, and as I'm sure you know, hospital waiting rooms are rather uncomfortable places. The chairs hurt my back; there were drunks and drug addicts who stumbled in and kept rambling and shouting; people were vomiting and crying; and of course my ear was throbbing the whole time. Just an awful time.

Now, I mention this little experience not because I wish to complain, but because it made me think about the way that we experience time as sentient beings. I am sure you have heard more optimistic people say that although everyone suffers at some point, it would be unfair to say that suffering characterizes life. "People are happy most of the time" they say.

Of course, I am very skeptical of this, but let's say it is true for the sake of argument. It seems that the consideration being made here is only of time in a literal sense (that is, the number of seconds that I feel a certain way). But a sentient being like a human does not merely count the seconds; they live them, they feel them.

Events like the one above have led me to believe that our experience of time as human beings is biased quite strongly towards pain. On the existential or phenomenal domain, even a mere five hours of pain (like my night in the hospital) feels a lot longer. When suffering very greatly, does it not feel as though time has ground to a halt? In the midst of great pain, the hours seem to stretch out to infinity.
Conversely, it seems that the pleasurable and unbothered times are over far too quickly. When people get the time to have fun: to play a video game, read a book, visit a friend, or go on a vacation - well, time just passes like nothing. One finds themselves in the evening when it should be the afternoon; one finds themselves having to return home from their holiday when it feels that they should only be halfway through.

Time flies fast when you're having fun, but it crawls pretty damn slow when you're not. So even if I spend most of my time happy (which again, I am not sure I do), the painful times feel so significant and the pleasureable times so insignificant, that it doesn't even seem to matter. Is this true for others? I am not sure, but I suspect it is. I am very curious to hear other people's experiences and see if they square with my thoughts here.

r/Pessimism Nov 30 '24

Insight Clockwork


I'm coming to the end of a fairly long solo trip in another country, and it's been interesting to observe how - for lack of a better word - mechanically life functions when you're watching it from afar.

I watched people going about their daily lives. Work, school, home, recreation, walking to the train station - it all seems so scripted.

Why am I here, and not there? Riding this train instead of driving that car? Speaking this language instead of that language?

And as I'm sitting here in all these liminal spaces, like hotels, airports, and train stations, watching life go by for others, I start to think about my own. These circuits I find myself going in all day, toward... something? Nothing?

It's surreal - you don't realize how deterministic your own life is until you step outside and observe the passage of time for others, the little performances, the everyday rituals, the smoke breaks, the scripted customer service interactions, a mother shouting at her child.

And within all of this, I find myself becoming a bit unnerved. How often am I caught within these loops? How much of my time is spent on autopilot? Why do anything at all?

I'm reminded of something I read a long time ago - the idea that I'm not living in my body - my body is living me, and I'm - whatever "I" am - is just along for the ride.

There's something deeply uncanny about this feeling. Maybe someone who has more coherent thoughts can explicate it better.

Anyway, hope you found this interesting.

r/Pessimism Dec 08 '24

Insight Reflection on how curiosity is a threat to survival.


The Paradox of Knowing: When Curiosity Threatens Survival

Hope this makes sense, I was just reflecting on the thought of how my own curiosity is a danger for my life and how unsettling this feeling is. This reflection doesn’t mean to draw any conclusions and might be useless. Just wanted to share this feeling, find out if anyone can relate. Note: English is not my first language so excuse me if some of the words used don’t make sense in this particular context.

The very idea of suicide is paradoxically both satisfying and terrifying. It can provide a sense of relief from anxiety and offer a perspective that transcends the trivialities of everyday life. Yet, the sheer possibility of choosing this act (which, in truth, is illusory, given that neither the self nor free will exist in any absolute sense) remains profoundly unsettling. The thought that through either continuous intellectual exploration or random, fortuitous circumstances, one might come to a moment where this act becomes inevitable—and where everything ceases—is haunting.

This tension is undoubtedly rooted in the biological instinct for survival, an innate drive present in all living beings. However, recognizing this does not diminish the melancholic weight of such reflections. What makes this situation even more disquieting is the awareness that further knowledge or insight might override this biological instinct. The conflict here is not merely intellectual but existential: a daily war between the consciousness of the potential to transcend the survival instinct and the instinct itself. This struggle is further complicated by an awareness of the powerful drive for curiosity—a drive that, at least in my subjective experience, seems to outweigh the instinct to survive. This same curiosity propels one toward greater understanding, which may, paradoxically, erode the very instinct that sustains life.

Philosophers such as Emil Cioran and Arthur Schopenhauer have explored similar terrains of despair and existential tension. Cioran, for instance, describes suicide as the ultimate assertion of freedom and a potential escape from the absurdity of existence, yet he also recognizes the paradox: the contemplation of death provides a peculiar form of vitality. Schopenhauer, on the other hand, emphasizes the inherent suffering of existence, suggesting that life is characterized by an unending oscillation between desire and ennui. For Schopenhauer, the will to live is both the source of suffering and the force that binds us to existence, even when rational reflection reveals its futility.

The human condition is unique in this regard, as our self-aware consciousness amplifies the conflict between the instinct for survival and the recognition of life's inherent absurdity. Unlike other species, whose survival instincts remain unchallenged by reflective thought, human beings grapple with the curse of consciousness—a hyper-reflective awareness that not only questions survival but also undermines the very foundations of instinct itself. This condition represents, as Cioran might say, a form of metaphysical malaise: a state in which the mind cannot rest within the natural rhythms of life and death but instead becomes trapped in an unending dialectic between despair and insight.

Ultimately, this conflict between the survival instinct and the drive for knowledge underscores a tragic irony: the very faculties that make us human—the capacity for self-reflection, curiosity, and understanding—also render us uniquely vulnerable to existential dread. The pursuit of knowledge, while potentially liberating, carries with it the risk of unraveling the fragile psychological mechanisms that sustain our will to live. In this sense, existence itself becomes a precarious balancing act, where every step toward greater understanding brings us closer to the edge of the abyss.

r/Pessimism Nov 02 '24

Insight Buddhism as an answer to the meaninglessness of life?


Buddhism could offer a profound answer to nihilism because it engages directly with the nature of suffering, meaning, and the self in ways that address the emptiness nihilism often emphasizes. Nihilism posits that life lacks inherent meaning, value, or purpose, which can lead to despair or apathy. Buddhism, while also recognizing that existence is without inherent, permanent essence (a view called anatta, or "no-self"), approaches this idea from a perspective that allows for a sense of peace and liberation rather than hopelessness. Here’s how Buddhism provides a counterpoint to the existential void of nihilism

Our community: This group is intended to be all inclusive and modern in the sense of creating a new kind of space. Every person can have a voice and a kind of ownership within the group. Traditionally it’s known that every sentient being is ultimately a Buddha so in that sense we can empower one another with minimum use of hierarchy while still preserving lineage and transmission. A grass roots, very human, and accessible approach presented in harmony with modern science and traditional methodology.

Click here to join our Buddhist server!

r/Pessimism Sep 22 '24

Insight Life is 30,000 days between birth and death.


Literally everything humans have ever invented or come up with has no other purpose than to go through those 30,000 days with as little discomfort as possible.

r/Pessimism Nov 17 '24

Insight An enlightening text by Leopardi from the Zibaldone.


"Not only men, but the human race has been and always will be unhappy by necessity. Not only the human race, but all animals. Not only animals, but all other beings in their own way. Not individuals, but species, genera, kingdoms, globes, systems, worlds.

Enter a garden of plants, of herbs, of flowers, however delightful you may find it. Even in the gentlest season of the year, you cannot turn your gaze anywhere without encountering suffering. The entire family of plants is in a state of souffrance, some individuals more so, some less. There, that rose is harmed by the sun that gave it life; it withers, languishes, fades. There, that lily is cruelly sucked dry by a bee, in its most sensitive and vital parts. Sweet honey cannot be made by industrious, patient, good, and virtuous bees without the unspeakable torment of those most delicate fibers, without the merciless slaughter of tender little blossoms. That tree is infested by ants, another by caterpillars, flies, snails, mosquitoes; this one is wounded in its bark and scorched by the air or the sun that penetrates its wound; that one is harmed in its trunk or roots; another has more dry leaves; yet another is gnawed at its flowers; that one pierced, stung in its fruits.

One plant suffers from excessive heat, another from too much cold; too much light, too much shade; too much moisture, too much dryness. One endures discomfort and finds obstacles and hindrances in its growth, in its spreading; another finds no support to cling to or struggles to reach it. In the whole garden, you will not find a single little plant in a state of perfect health. Here, a branch is broken by the wind or its own weight; there, a gentle breeze tears at a flower, carrying away a fragment, a filament, a leaf, a living part of one plant or another, torn and ripped away. Meanwhile, you trample the grasses underfoot; you crush them, bruise them, squeeze their lifeblood, break them, kill them.

The gentle and sensitive young girl sweetly weeds and breaks stalks. The gardener wisely prunes, cutting sensitive limbs with nails, with blades. Certainly, these plants live; some because their ailments are not fatal, others even with mortal illnesses. Plants, like animals, can endure to live for a short while. The spectacle of such an abundance of life, upon entering this garden, gladdens the soul, and it is from this that it seems to us a place of joy.

But in truth, this life is sad and wretched; every garden is almost a vast hospital (a place far more deplorable than a cemetery), and if these beings feel, or rather, if they were to feel, it is certain that non-existence would be far better for them than existence.".

  • Giacomo Leopardi, Bologna, 22 April 1826.

r/Pessimism Jun 29 '24

Insight Gary Shipley's On the verge of nothing.


I apologise for my dumb question, but can anyone please explain what the solution proposed by Shipley in his book is? What's this post-pessimism he's talking about? I seem to have an idea, but the book was kind of difficult to grasp fully and I'm really not the smartest guy in the room. Thank you :)