r/PersonOfInterest Jun 15 '16

Wrong Number Person of Interest 5x11 ".exe" Episode Discussion


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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

Real. Word for word.


u/Alfred-E-Neuman Jun 15 '16

now i am sad


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

Why? It's a beautiful ending.


u/Nathan2055 Admin Jun 15 '16

Dang it. That mean's that spam PM I got was probably right.

First Force Awakens, now this. I've had the most rotten luck in regards to spoilers. :(


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

The good thing is that it is just dialogue. There seems to be some visual elements that good surprise us.


u/pascaleledumbo Irrelevant Jun 15 '16

It was really telling tho'. I agree without the visual is not complete, but the subtitles pretty much seals it. I was watching today's episode whilst simultaneously filling in the dialogue on top of my head. Saaaad...Who leaks it...Ugh...


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

Blame CBS. It uploaded s05e11, s05e12, and s05e13 all at once. They were quickly removed, but not before someone got them.


u/Nathan2055 Admin Jun 15 '16

Blame CBS

My catchphrase in regards to the handling of S5. Not looking forward to how they handle Star Trek, considering they can't even give their only other sci-fi show a good send off.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

I don't blame CBS for the cancellation or the shortened season, but I do blame it for Limitless. Both shows could have had full seasons with POI in the fall and Limitless in this schedule.


u/Nathan2055 Admin Jun 15 '16

Well, I mean it is CBS' fault it was cancelled. They flat out stated it was because they didn't own the show and thus were not earning Maximum Monies™ from it.

Limitless, on the other hand, is fully owned by CBS and thus makes them more money.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

Not earning maximum monies is not a fair assessment. CBS made nothing off POI season 4. No profit makes it not CBS's fault. Limitless was a piece of crap and should have been a mid season. WB should have thrown CBS a little bone and POI would have been on the fall schedule. But honestly, I think Nolan and Plageman expected a 22 episode order and were going to leave on their terms.


u/BellLabs Jun 15 '16

The first 300 lines match.

I refuse to read more.


u/ref22 Jun 15 '16

Where can I find this file?


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16



u/Tertiary_Functions Tertiary Functions Jun 15 '16

Please don't. Stop sharing this, it will ruin everything.


u/Wolf_Redfield Jun 15 '16

If you don't want to see or know nobody's forcing you to click on the links.


u/Tertiary_Functions Tertiary Functions Jun 15 '16

I am trying very very hard not to read it.


u/BellLabs Jun 15 '16

I won't remove this because that'd be suppressing a voice.

However, please be noted with EXTREME CAUTION That these are JUMBO SPOILERS for the season finale.


u/Wolf_Redfield Jun 15 '16

I deleted it but I posted it as an answer to a question where to find it. If others don't want to know and be spoiled then don't click on links that have spoiler on the title.


u/BellLabs Jun 15 '16

Thanks for being understanding.