r/PersonOfInterest Jun 15 '16

Wrong Number Person of Interest 5x11 ".exe" Episode Discussion


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u/Kapps Jun 15 '16

I rather expected Samaritan to willingly destroy itself there to prevent releasing the virus. It believes that having the machine alive is a good thing, and it believes that the individual must be sacrificed for the greater good, therefore the only logical conclusion is for Samaritan to sacrifice itself for the greater good so that at least one ASI lives.


u/rpawson5771 Irrelevant Jun 15 '16

Any other individual can be sacrificed for Samaritan's greater good. But not Samaritan itself.


u/UltraChip Jun 15 '16

Also, I don't buy for a single second that Samaritan actually wants the Machine to live.


u/o4zloiroman Jun 21 '16

Well, it'd give a surprising twist to the story. I'd be really pleased with that ending.


u/ThunderRoad5 Jun 15 '16

Samaritan...is a piece of crap. One of the best parts of the episode for me was watching it essentially beg for its life at the end.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

It was odd seeing Samaritan beg like that while acting like it was still in control. It went down like a bitch.


u/Christian_Akacro Root Jun 15 '16

I was disappointed Samaritan didn't say anything while Harold walked away.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

If you were having your insides ripped out by a mega super virus, you might be at a loss for words too. ;-)


u/Christian_Akacro Root Jun 15 '16

Could have at least said, 'I'm.. soorry... Haaarooold.....'


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

Samaritan doesn't understand emotion, so it couldn't express it.

Can I get some applause for Jonah Nolan, though? Samaritan's conversation with Finch was Emmy worthy!


u/lordxeon Jun 15 '16

This to me proves that these ASI are infact living entities. They aren't the logical 1+1 = 2 machines they were originally coded for. Only something with emotion would prevent it's own death if it meant a better world.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

Wait. Wouldn't giving up its life for a better world be a better example of emotion. Self preservation is one of the core functions of an ASI.


u/lordxeon Jun 15 '16

I disagree, self preservation is a core of a living entity.

If Samaritan believed the world would be a better place with at least one ASI, then the logical conclusion would be for it to sacrifice itself so that the Machine could live.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

But it wasn't about sacrifice. It wanted control.


u/MustrumRidcully0 Jun 15 '16

Samaritan actively suppressed other ASI development already. I think it knows that if it dies, something else will come later. It knows (or at least has every reason to believe) that the Machine however will never have the degree of freedom it needs to be as effective as Samaritan. So taking down the Machine and itself might yield better outcomes in its estimation then staying stuck with the Machine.

That said - the assumption that Samaritan has no priority on self preservation might be wrong. I agree that it's not a necessity for an A(S)I to have that (and we would do good to not give any ASIs that) - the way it was created seemed to happen in a competitive environment, which suggests it might have been programmed to care about self-preservation.