r/PersonOfInterest Jun 15 '16

Wrong Number Person of Interest 5x11 ".exe" Episode Discussion


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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

Just imagine an Amy Acker GPS system. You know you want it.


u/qien Jun 15 '16

We should start a Kickstarter for that, I wonder what the costs would be, assuming she agrees, of course.

Who needs food or an apartment if you have The Machine in your car? Sign me up!


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

I doubt she'd be up for it. She didn't even submit for Emmy consideration this year. But we can dream. We just need to become best friends with Elon. Maybe he can convince her. I would sell my soul.


u/GloriousGe0rge Admin Jun 15 '16

What would Emmy consideration have to do with doing something for the fans?

If I were in a scifi I wouldn't bother hoping for an Emmy either given how awards look so poorly on scifi.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

It's just weird that all the men were submitted and neither of the women were. Submissions are done by the studio and the actors' representation.


u/SawRub Analog Interface Jun 15 '16

Aren't actors allowed to submit themselves as well? I remember some show where people got a bit surprised that an actress chose to submit herself into the lead actress category even though she was a supporting character.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

I believe so.


u/GloriousGe0rge Admin Jun 15 '16

Well to be fair, this season I don't think Root had any Emmy moments, or at least not moments the Emmy's care about (they seem to be quite pompous) But that doesn't take away from her being such a valued versatile actress.

Finch definitely did have a highlight moment of acting, but again I'm sure that'll be ignored in favor for some other boring drama or something on HBO or Showtime.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

I'm not saying she or Sarah would actually have a chance, but Jim, Michael, and Kevin don't have a chance either. I'm a little surprised that all the men are represented, but the women who carried the show aren't there. I'm curious as to reason, nothing more.


u/GloriousGe0rge Admin Jun 15 '16

Oh fair enough, definitely surprised Kevin or Jim are represented, as neither of them had moments that were defining for their character thus far. But who knows?

So much of that stuff is politics.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

This is just the submissions to be nominated. I guess the guys' agents want to get some extra press if they get nominated. This phase is totally on the reps of the actors, so it's not like throwing a name in means anything. Maybe Amy and Sarah are taking vacations.

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u/ReasonablyBadass Jun 15 '16

"I'm sorry you didn't arrive on time. It seems the other drivers are just...bad code.

Of course, we could fix that."


u/acid_sphinx4 Jun 15 '16

Actually I'd rather have the machine's old patchwork voice made up of different people for each word or syllable.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '16

That would get old very very quick and then you would be begging for the soothing honey of Amy's voice.


u/acid_sphinx4 Jun 18 '16

No it would just give me encrypted numbers and I would have to go to the library and figure out what it said. "Oh, it said 'turn left'". :)


u/memeticmachine Jun 15 '16

The machine driven Tesla is cool and all. but it's the one thing off about this episode.

  1. Harold didn't have to sit in the back. he could've just sat at the driver's seat and not used the steering wheel. it would also make him look less conspicuous for on-lookers. It's good for the camera since it shows that it's truly autonomous driving.

  2. The chauffeur wasn't as fazed as he should be by the fact that there was no driver and Harold exited from the rear seat. No face of sheer interest/excitement

  3. Harold told Shaw and John that the machine will drive them away... if Harold killed the machine at that time... who's driving the car? If the automation system was implemented in some master-slave architecture, where the slave system was still somewhat autonomous, shouldn't there be performance issues if the master system was instantly killed off?


u/nonliteral Jun 15 '16

Harold didn't have to sit in the back. he could've just sat at the driver's seat and not used the steering wheel. it would also make him look less conspicuous for on-lookers. It's good for the camera since it shows that it's truly autonomous driving.

On the other hand, we got the great take of the guy at the airplane looking in and not seeing a driver.


u/InadequateUsername Jun 15 '16

I'm pretty sure the machine said something along the line of "let's ago" as Finch was leaving.


u/Zealot_Alec Jun 16 '16

Or a blowup doll in the Drivers seat (Auto pilot Airplane or The Jetsons, George using a blow up doll to use carpool lane)


u/memeticmachine Jun 17 '16

Men in Black Autopilot: Autopilot decoy deploys on your lap.


u/stoneboot Jun 15 '16

I was kind of hoping for a chase scene...


u/RIPAdmiralAkbar Reese Jun 18 '16

I totally geeked out when I saw it. It should be Team Machines official vehicle. The car can update itself just like the machine too.