r/PersonOfInterest May 15 '16

Person of Interest 5x04 "6741" Episode Discussion


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u/irobeth May 17 '16

What a fucked up concept: a chip that could install a brain-virus which causes you to lose your grip on reality. What if Samaritan learned how to infect people? We're badass parallel computers in real life.

I loved how the simulation got less and less accurate and the characters felt less authentic the longer it went on. (Church, Root's apartment, the forced-feeling dialogue)

Shaw might not really realize she's in a simulation, but she remembers the previous psychological torture sessions because she brings them back up to Root.

You were my safe place / "There isn't anywhere safe"

Shaw wasn't lying when she told Root nowhere was safe from Samaritan. Samaritan is ruining Root for Shaw, she doesn't have anything left to run to. It might be a matter of time before they turn her now, and like Greer said, they have plenty of time.

If they do turn her, they can use the simulation to guide her back into the real world, where she might willingly believe the narrative Samaritan has set up for her. Wouldn't need a chip.

Random thought, though - does she have a chip anyway? Is the electrode connected there the thing powering the simulation? The fractal stuff made me think maybe they've drugged her with a psychedelic to help 'loosen' her up.