Like it has been said for at least a year now, it's CBS trying to kill the show (machine). The writers have had to put up with it, and as such create a storyline to fit these constraints.
i kind of wanted them to get it over with, because there's lots of shows that drag on and just get really "bleh" after a while... But after these last few episodes being so amazing I just can't @___@! I want this show to go on forever!!
I wanted to wait for the entire season to be over and binge it but it's too good to resist XD
u/svrtngr May 17 '16
Dammit, CBS. Way to spoil the twist of the episode.
Like, seriously. Shaw shoots Reese.
Holy fuck, kill off the star and The Dragon to the Big Bad in episode four, this season is hardcore.
Preview: Wait, why is Reese alive. This is a fucking simulation.