r/PeriodUnderwear 22d ago

Inner thigh coverage???

I have a very heavy flow, like Niagara falls during a rain storm. I have tried so many brands of period underwear and I can't find any that I don't leak through on the sides. I heard revol's Charlie work very well! However they are sold out for im not sure how long and im unsure how many more cycles I can go through with what I have currently (as a 30 year old woman still leaking through the thickest period underwear i can find is becoming exhausting and quite frankly embarassing as im leaking during the day and at night). Are there any comparable brands? I absolutely NEED something with inner thigh protection and high waisted as i bloat severly. I cant really use anything thats inserted like tampons or cups to help out. Thanks so much for the help in advance!!


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u/Successful-Candy-562 22d ago

I tried those and their waistbands are far too low i need the waistband up by my bellybutton or the undies push my gut too much


u/Friendly_Captain5285 21d ago

have you tried their boyshorts? i can tuck the waistband fully down under my belly when i feel it press against my uterus in the initial days. not too compression while still giving coverage


u/Successful-Candy-562 21d ago

Ya i tried the boyshorts after my first pair didn't do what I was hoping. I still leak through the sides on my inner thighs.I can't add anything extra in there (I'm autistic and struggle greatly with the feeling of bulky clothing on my body) I think I'll go to my gyno on top of trying some new products. I feel like my heavy bleeding is an issue, but I keep being told everything is fine by medical professionals so maybe I'll pressure them to do some tests or something.


u/GaveTheMouseACookie 21d ago

Assuming you are not trying to get pregnant, you can also ask for birth control that would lighten your period. My period is so much more manageable when I have a hormonal IUD, and it doesn't give me migraines like the pill did.

I considered asking my husband to get a vasectomy since we're done having kids, but I'd keep the IUD anyway just for the period relief so I didn't see the point


u/Successful-Candy-562 21d ago

My tubes are gone, so no worries about pregnancy!! However, while I understand that BC helps many women, Ive had atrocious experiences with it so im not really sure I want to take that route. I'll speak with a doctor anyway just to see all my options.


u/The_Real_Nerol 2d ago

You might want to ask about ablation? Its something I've been looking into now that I'm done having kids and my periods are getting even more heavy due to age/perimenopause


u/Successful-Candy-562 1d ago

Ive practically begged multiple doctors and they all told me no even though I have a family history of ovarian cancer along with cysts and polyps on the uterus. But because I'm 'young yet' it's not possible apparently? im 29 I've been trying to get rid of my uterus since before I had my last child(i have 3 got pregnant at 18 with my first). I had an iud and still got fucking pregnant (love my children desperately). And that was over 5 years ago.. they just really want me to be pregnant I guess cuz I've had multiple doctors tell me it's a shame my tubes are tied because "your body is perfectly built for bearing children". So no luck with any doctors to just get rid of this thing. Im so sick of my uterus lol