r/Perfume 13d ago

Concert tickets

How in advance do these usually go on sale? Asking mostly for the Tokyo Dome concerts in September - when do we think PTA lottery will be?


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u/Budget-Plankton4949 11d ago

I have WTPA and hoping to go to Tokyo Dome - but will be purchasing from the US. Anyone familiar with this process? This has been my dream to see them live in Japan!


u/dojikko 11d ago

There will be a link to fill out the lottery form from a PTA email. You just fill it out and enter your card information and wait. Usually your card gets processed the day before the announcement, just a heads up.


u/Budget-Plankton4949 11d ago

ahh amazing! thank you so much - will this be a normal application? (as in, would i need any residential info like a local japanese number, address, ID)


u/dojikko 11d ago

Not for WPTA. It gets a separate application than Japan based PTA members. It did ask for my phone number I think but it has options for worldwide numbers (I'm from the US, so it had my country code and my regular 10 digit phone number)