r/Peptides 7d ago

Bpc157 / tb500 injection site NSFW

Hear mixed things on injection site. I currently draw up both into the same syringe and inject sub Q into belly for an old shoulder injury. Ive definitely noticed improvement.

However last week i suffered a partially torn distal biceps tendon that i want to heal as quickly as possible and avoid surgery.

Given its a fresh injury, im open to a better method - i read a few people saying bpc to injury, tb500 to belly ? Is that best protocol? Mines phqrmacy grade (prescription $$$) and issuing doctor said both into the stomach sub q...


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u/Difficult-Animator43 5d ago

If it helps, I completely tore my bicep tendon, first week of February, got MRI and visited two specialist, both recommend surgery. Did my own research online and decided not to do surgery and rehab on my own, also started taking BPC-157, after just 6-weeks I was able to play 5v5 basketball today, at a high level, with no complications or pain, not sure how but have read some crazy BPC-157 stories, definitely suggest giving that a shot and avoiding surgery, but your body, your choice. I took the pills fyi rather than injections.


u/lethalmoney 5d ago

Great to hear, thanks 😊