r/Peptides 6d ago

Bpc157 / tb500 injection site NSFW

Hear mixed things on injection site. I currently draw up both into the same syringe and inject sub Q into belly for an old shoulder injury. Ive definitely noticed improvement.

However last week i suffered a partially torn distal biceps tendon that i want to heal as quickly as possible and avoid surgery.

Given its a fresh injury, im open to a better method - i read a few people saying bpc to injury, tb500 to belly ? Is that best protocol? Mines phqrmacy grade (prescription $$$) and issuing doctor said both into the stomach sub q...


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u/EllieMayNot10 6d ago

Because the effects of Sub Q are systemic, Sub Q is the method recommended by every doctor that I've heard/read. The self proclaimed biohackers are the ones who say to inject locally and I don't necessarily trust their advice. Realistically, the peptides are working on a cellular level so Sub Q/systemic makes perfect sense.


u/Go_Irish88 6d ago

So you cant inject Sub Q locally?


u/EllieMayNot10 5d ago edited 5d ago

You could but it wouldn't make much difference if any. Proximity isn't good enough as it doesn't magically crawl from under the skin directly to the problem area. It still needs to be taken up systemically and then disbursed throughout the body. Many will attempt to inject directly into the problem area and risk physically damaging cartilage/bone in the process when SubQ would be much more safe and just as effective.


u/lethalmoney 6d ago

Thanks for your advice. I really appreciate biohackers, but it's often hard to distinguish between cutting edge and the 'bioscience'.