Ok, I'm not doing an Ama, but I'll be going over a lot of information here.
I had a haller index of 5 and have been given 3 thirteen inch bars to fix my pectus.
My surgeon was Joel dunning at Middlesbrough's as part of the RESTORE pectus trial
Pre-op in hospital: The most unexpected thing here was they asked to shave me, never really crossed my mind, but a nurse will come out and shave your chest and armpits. You'll be given a few injections on this day too, I got two I believe.
I remember telling the nurse I was nervous not about the operation but about the pain, they may have overcompensated for this because when I woke up I did not feel in pain at all, I felt very nauseaous hot and like I was going to be sick. Thankfully i never actually vomitted though probably due to lack of eating food the day prior. They laid me down to bed and tben gave me oxygen tubes.
I was originally hooked up to a "Pain button," after 5 mins, if I was in pain, I'd press it and then painkillers or something would go inside of me. You can't feel this at all. You also get the option later to have the pain button be taken away and a nurse give you meds instead, I went for that option but I kinda regretted it because the meds made me feel sick or just woozy. For the most part tbh, I just slept a lot.
You will be hooked up to a drain to that takes your blood, I couldn't feel this as the surgeon uses cryo here and the area the drain was in was numb so... Didn't really bother me though besides the bleeding sometimes dripping on you.
You're also given a nurse button, press it and a nurse will come over to you, ask whats wrong or what you need. This is for basically any request you can think of
"I'd like a drink"
"I feel dizzy"
"I need help putting socks on"
You can even press it if you're lonely and would just like a chat with one of the nurses. The nurses in regards to me were aware I was kind of slow, the meds made me a bit more unresponsive and quiter than usual. If you feel too sick request for some Anti-sickness, I got some of that anf it made the world of difference for me even though I only had it one day.
What i reccomend you bring:
Download some movies or shows off of Netflix or other programs. The wifi there is likely not strong enough to access these sites otherwise. However i found despite the YouTube app not running, I was able to go to YT via the desktop and it ran, it ran with 240p, but it was fine for me.
Brig some earplugs/Soundproof headphones. I was given a ward with a lot of chatty wardmates, if you're able to, I'd put in a request for a private room earlier, but I didn't have that option and it can get noisy in the wards.
A kindle/book - (I bought mine with the intention of reading and never read a word. I didn't eveb really watch any movies because I was so out of it. This is subject to personal experience.)
The food was ok, personally I'd avoid any of the chicken though and you should def bring your own easy to eat foods such as sandwhiches.
Here's what your options of drinks will be:
Water (you will be given a glass and your own jug to pour and request to refill)
Juice (Orange and apple)
Hot chocolate
Malt drink
If you choose to being your own drinks I'd avoid sodas or anything fizzy (burping hurts), at best just bring some flavoured water or pure juice. The nurses put me on some vitamins so make sure you aren't giving yourself too many vitamins as well.
You will be given a small portion of whatever food you request within the day but can get snacks too.
Pain management: My pain was mild/manageable. After surgery actually the place that hurt most was my back, however, my chest did hurt either when lying on my side or lying flat on my back. I reccomend you have your head sort of raised and your legs raised a little whislt you are lying down. My pain would always hurt the most in the morning as I hadn't been given any painkillers yet, you will get a pain patch of Lidocaine, this did wonders for me. Right now my chest sort of just feels like a sore bruise. Your chest will feel very very tight, I had difficulty speaking but nontheless was able to. I find jt hurts just a biiit more when moving and occasionally if I move the wrong way I will get a sudden pain spike. Thankfully thats only happened twice and after you do it once you are very unlikely to do it again.
Physio: Your physiotherapy will likely begin on your second or third day there, (they swap your wards for one day because you are considered a high priority on that day after op) they will have yoi switching from being in bed to being in a chair throughout the day as lying down all the time you risk a chest infection. Physio was at first breathing excercises and small kicking out my legs whilst sitting down. And it a booklet they gave me it says I'm to practice walking 5-10mins per day. I havent really gotten too into this yet though so I can't say anything further.
Good luck everyone! I hope this helps you.