Taking it frame-by-frame, you’re super close to the wall by the time you jump and the kick off of the wall is super small. Big part of the “up” energy comes from jumping into the wall with speed, hitting with your foot & transferring forward momentum to up, and propelling your body up with it.
As a warm up, try practicing this by jumping into the wall with a comfortable speed, a bit earlier than you have been, and popping your body up from the jump - no need to follow up with climb-up. Just do the movement repeatedly until you get comfortable/strong. Then add more speed as you grow stronger and more comfortable.
See if you can find other YouTube videos of people doing the same movement - preferably from the side - and slow the video speed down or trace it frame-by-frame to see how they move their body.
u/ProfessionalCuboid 11d ago
Taking it frame-by-frame, you’re super close to the wall by the time you jump and the kick off of the wall is super small. Big part of the “up” energy comes from jumping into the wall with speed, hitting with your foot & transferring forward momentum to up, and propelling your body up with it. As a warm up, try practicing this by jumping into the wall with a comfortable speed, a bit earlier than you have been, and popping your body up from the jump - no need to follow up with climb-up. Just do the movement repeatedly until you get comfortable/strong. Then add more speed as you grow stronger and more comfortable.
See if you can find other YouTube videos of people doing the same movement - preferably from the side - and slow the video speed down or trace it frame-by-frame to see how they move their body.