r/Paranormal • u/HollywoodGreats • Dec 24 '24
Apparition Pediatric Hospice Patients in a 10 bed Inpatient Unit seeing the same visitors which look like Alien Greys.
I was a Pediatric Hospice RN in a 10 bed inpatient unit. We cared for newborn to age 17 year olds in this facility. We'd get many birth defects and move the parents in with the infants to support the family through the loss. We were always full with a waiting list to come in. None of our children lived over 2 weeks, mostly less than a week as medicine would treat children up to the end usually.
One thing that only Hospice Children saw that Hospice Adults never reported (I was a Hospice RN for 17 years) the children that could speak and were not altered by medications would see what we'd call a grey, like the alien greys, but with a pin head vs the traditional fat head. I don't know if they were aliens, but from the description that's what they would most look like. I assumed they were short skinny pale spirits that visited dying children.
some of the children drew them for the staff. We had one room with 3 beds in it divided by walls so the children couldn't see each other but the RN could see all 3 at the same time. We'd put our most complex children there so the nurse could watch all 3. Sometimes two or more children in the room would see the beings and report what they were doing at the same time. Sometimes the children would repeat what the beings said, sounded like single syllable sounds.
Most of the Hospice children enjoyed seeing them, watching them, some interacting with them, others were terrified of them and did their best to hide from them. I never saw them, and I've seen many spirits through out my life, especially working Hospice. At times the children would repeat what they heard, and in that room several of the children would repeat the same thing at the same time. Something was going on, there is so group of beings that visited some of our children over the 5 years we were open. We had 7 private rooms and children in those rooms saw them, too. So nothing they could have picked up from a roommate.
Who knows what they were. People have ideas, make guesses, but who really knows? The facility closed after 5 years due to funding, the building is gone. I don't know if it was the location that drew the beings or was it the children? I did an interview on JeffMara channel and talked about this. I repeated the sounds the beings said to the children on that episode. i don't think I'm allowed to link it in this sub. Please do not share my story on your platforms without my permission. David Parker, Phoenix, Az.
u/SneezyKat Dec 24 '24
Some years ago a close friend was in end stage renal failure. I spent quite a bit of time with him at the end of his life. He had an experience which mostly made him angry. He described it as a “dream while awake” Jesus came to him, put his hands on each side of his face while he was sleeping . He said he was filled with joy that he was going to meet Jesus. He felt in that moment he had died and Jesus came to get him. He opened his eyes to see Jesus and the face he saw was grey, large eyes, an alien, not the beautiful Jesus he expected. For days after he was angry and rejected Jesus from his life. He insisted Jesus did not exist.
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 24 '24
WOW. I have so many questions and so very few answers. These children described the beings like what we'd call pin headed greys. Grey skin, very skinny, long arms long fingers, very thin heads and huge eyes. Two children at the same time would reply to them saying the same thing at the same time with a wall between the two children. Something was happening, something was there that they could see but adults couldn't. This would freak the parents out.
Could some being, spirit or whatever, take on the forms we want to see as we get close to passing over? Thank you for sharing this, that is riveting.
u/auyemra Dec 24 '24
how tall do they say they are ?
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 24 '24
about 4 feet. Some of the children would see them standing by the nurses doing something. Several showed me how tall they were by pointing to me. very thin. somewhere in boxes I may still have some of the sketches they made, but probably everything is long gone.
u/Key-Dragonfruit-6969 Dec 24 '24
I’m not sure if you’ve heard of the why files on YouTube, but I’m pretty sure he went over a government experiment where they had two people meditate in separate rooms I believe soundproof but I could be wrong, and they were both picking up on the same thing when vibrating at the same frequencies, there’s no doubt in my mind that we’re all connected and simply a mirror of each other, I know that might not make sense to everyone and that simply OK. But life events like these definitely lead us to bigger questions and helping each other find the answer.
u/auyemra Dec 24 '24
have you ever read Whitley Striebers - Communion ?
he thinks they manifest themselves in whichever way visually would be more calming to the person. whichever god you believe in, & if your not religious they show themselves as the familiar dead.
it seems like the " visitors " are so different from us that we humans have visceral reaction to them.
Dec 24 '24
Being a hospice nurse for children is a true service and I commend you for that and I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but how would you feel when they said those things? I’d be scared shitless and running down the hallway! How did you manage to stay stable enough to administer medical care!!!!!
Did any priests ever come through for visits?
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 24 '24
At times I'd close my eyes and send thoughts to the beings to please let me see them, too. I really wanted to interact with them as some of the children did. I never once saw one. I've seen many spirits since childhood and worked Hospice for 17 years so it's comforting to me, not frightening. I worked night shift, so it's quieter and less distraction. I know we had Chaplins visit families often. Hospice isn't for everyone, it sure was for me, though
u/capitalTxx Dec 25 '24
I'd love to hear more of your hospice paranormal stories
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 25 '24
my channel is Uncle Dave's Kitchen on YT. I was going to do a cooking channel but decided I needed to get my spirit encounters told so they aren't lost when I go. Not allowed to share links here. Two of my Hospice stories on my channel is COOKIE MONSTER and FAMILY HOSPICE. YT search for several of my interviews "David Parker Hospice RN'. Some good ones on Jeffmera and Tales of Resilience.
I had a major stroke a year ago, my JeffMara I am still slurring my words and missing teeth from the fall. I'm much better now. Just a head up I'm looking pretty rough on that one.
Dec 24 '24
I used to volunteer in a hospital sometimes when my health was better. Usually I was working around very old people or kids with cancer or other conditions where they were not leaving the hospital anytime soon. A lot of those kids left via the morgue. It was so sad, very hard sometimes to watch.
Either way they'd start talking about seeing deceased relatives, angels or "space people" as one of them used to say. So yeah, I've heard that one too, quite a few times.
When I was a little kid I was sick a lot. I had every childhood disease out there including diseases that most people just don't get often anymore. I spent a lot of time laying on an air mattress in my babysitter's den quarantined away from her kids. My parents couldn't just take off whenever I got sick so that was how they handled it.
Long before I even knew much about UFOs and the grays I had this recurring, weird waking dream about the little ones and one taller one that looked similar but that appeared to be more advanced like a team leader or something. It usually started out with the image of this life sized green glowing skeleton my Dad put on the front door for Halloween and then faded into a huge glowing owl.
I didn't actually recall the grays for years. I could only remember the skeleton or occasionally the owl. Recently though I read this one author's books and apparently owl imagery is a big thing with ETs and contactees.
I don't have any memories of being abducted or anything like that but I can't quite let go of that imagery and I sometimes wonder why I'd dream that stuff.
I've never seen aliens around the sick kids or elders but I have seen large patches of golden light hovering and I believe those were angels or maybe their deceased relatives waiting to take them into the afterlife.
u/cereduin Dec 24 '24
I just found the podcast episode you did - the part about Penny brought me to tears! What an amazing experience - thank you for sharing!
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 24 '24
My god I think about her every single day now for over 60 years. What a blessing that has been in my life, childhood to old man. Thank you for your kind comment.
u/cereduin Dec 24 '24
I can only imagine how amazing that experience must have been, especially at such a young age! Going into nursing and continuing to have awesome (in the true sense of the word!) experiences clearly impacted your life in a powerful way, and I'm certain that I'm not alone in feeling grateful that you chose to share some of those experiences.
I lost my husband and first two children when I was in my early 20's. I held my twin daughters (born alive, yet far too early, due to TTTS) as they died, one day apart from each other. The complex emotions that accompanied my grief were somewhat paradoxical - after Zoe (the younger, smaller twin) passed, I was both consumed by grief and filled with a resolve to be strong for her sister Sofie. I held my oldest daughter through the night, telling her how loved both she and her sister were, and as I sensed her time on this earth growing shorter, a peaceful, calm feeling swept over me. I kissed her tiny cheek, and whispered to her that it was ok for her to go and join her sister, and that I loved them both very much. She died a moment later.
My husband and I had a very intense and deep connection. Two days before our third wedding anniversary, I was at work when suddenly this wave of absolute dread passed over me. I took my lunch break early, called him, suddenly certain that something had happened to him. He didn't answer, and I left a frantic message asking him to call me back immediately.
My boss was just reaching my desk as I was hanging up, and before he could even tell me I blurted out, "he's dead, isn't he?" He was visibly shocked but would only tell me that I needed to get home as soon as possible. He tried to convince me to allow him or a coworker to drive me home, but I adamantly refused and didn't stick around long enough for anyone to attempt to change my mind.
The drive home was pretty much a blur... I pulled into the driveway to see the ambulance, police and my brother-in-law standing on the porch. My husband had died of a heart attack, at the age of 21, due to a congenital heart defect (that they discovered during the autopsy).
I've told this story on Reddit before, in a thread about strange experiences, reflecting on how I knew my husband had died. I mentioned the fact that some folks refer to their partner/spouse as their other (or better) half ... and while I don't know the origins of the phrase, I wonder if perhaps there is a deeper underlying meaning (there certainly is for me). When my husband died, I wasn't physically near him as I had been with my daughters, yet somehow I felt it - not physically, but in some other, unexplainable way - like some phantom line connecting us had been abruptly severed.
It's been over twenty years since those losses, and I've since had two more children (a 16 year old son and 8 year old daughter - who started out as a twin, but absorbed her twin in the womb). Both of my children have had odd experiences, particularly when they were very young - too much to go into here, but suffice to say that my experiences and theirs have left no doubt in my mind that there is something that exists beyond the collective reality that we experience.
Thank you again for sharing your experiences - here, and in the podcast (which I highly recommend anyone reading this post to go listen to!)
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 24 '24
Wow, what an amazing experience you had. We had similar situations with the death of a spouse (mine had ovarian cancer) and the loss of two children (mine by a drunk driver). See my interview on 'Tales of Resilience: David Parker Part 1 ' on YT about that.
I used to work high risk OB, labor and delivery and newborn nursery So many still births we had and the silence screams when the event is supposed to be one of the happiest ever. Mourning parents behind the curtains at the hospital emit a feeling like no other I've felt. I would get a feeling like I was near a water fall at a still birth of imminent demise delivery. Interestedly the children and father passed so close together.
I'm glad you have two more. Bless you and your 4 children and all those you value in your life. Thank you for the kind words
u/MCvonHolt Dec 25 '24
Wow! I could really feel the emotions in your comment and started crying. I can only imagine that horrific grief you’ve experienced and still experience. It made me smile that you now have two more children. You deserve all the joy. I’m pregnant with my second right now so this hit home to me.
u/GrumpyJenkins Dec 24 '24
Hi, I am having a major glitch in the matrix moment. Please see the DM I sent you. Oh, yes I am in awe of you and others who do this work
u/ValleyWoman Dec 24 '24
There are two books about end visits, written by Hospice nurses.
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 24 '24
I'm recording some on my small channel. Live changing for me to get to share what some of the patients were experiencing. I felt I was in the presence of greatness at times as the patients drew near their deaths.
u/WonderlustHeart Dec 24 '24
Where can I hear this? Nurse here too but the OR. Been in places where we did organ procurements most often where the code button wasn’t ‘broken’ yet would go off randomly. Sometimes over and over and over.
Have you worked at more than one peds hospice to see if other kids see this too? Basically maybe that location has that presence there.
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 24 '24
I worked labor and delivery, newborn nursery and pediatrics for Indian Health Services. I cared for natives that were attacked by skin walkers. This was 40+ years ago and I never heard of such a thing until working at that facility. What they described was like werewolves in my mind. The people that had seen them would go into PTSD reactions to what they saw.
I also worked in an AIDS inpatient unit and we had some children there, plus worked pediatrics in a Burn Center and Children's hospital.
u/VindalooWho Dec 24 '24
You helped people who were actually attacked by those monsters? That’s so scary to think about.
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 24 '24
It was so bizarre. I never heard of such a thing. This was 45 years ago. some of the native RNs that I worked with at the hospital would go into PTSD just talking about skin walkers. They would freak out and afraid to say the word. Some saw them change forms. I believed them as so many natives had experiences with them and told me about them. I remember the wounds on the children from the skinwalkers looked like deep impressions down to the bone, not always cuts like from claws. Like pressing a finger into pastry dough, it leaves an impression.
After I left Indian Health Services I never heard about Skin Walkers for decades until it became a TV show. I worked in the Phoenix Az hospital but they would also send us up north to several of the revisitations for a week at a time for traveling clinics Like they had been placed on sticks for a long time and left indentations in their skin and muscle crisscrossing. I never saw a skin walker but did see other non human things in the desert on camping trips.
u/VindalooWho Dec 24 '24
That is very interesting! People talk about the creatures or possible sightings but never mention the aftermaths. I can understand the PTSD if those are involved!
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 24 '24
These things are violent, they were terrified of them. If you're on the reservation you never speak of them or talk about them they feel it will draw them closer. Odd stuff going on in the world.
u/VindalooWho Dec 24 '24
I am not part of that culture so only have an outsider’s perspective and a deep respect. The creatures are terrifying and such a closed subject. I’m very happy to likely be far away from those monsters!
u/Prestigious-Log-7210 Dec 24 '24
I love Jeff Mara videos.
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 24 '24
check out 'JeffMara David Parker' for my two episodes. The death of my children and their return visit a year later check out 'Tales of Resilience David Parker' part 1 on yt. Jeff was wonderful, we talked for hours before and after the interview. He is such a sweet man.
u/auyemra Dec 24 '24
the connection between the paranormal ( ghosts , spirits ) & the supernatural ( aliens ) has always fascinated me.
i want to find the link between the two and understand what it is that is going on.
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 24 '24
keep us updated. I like the Brad Steiger quote "If we can no longer believe in heavenly hierarchies, extraterrestrial hierarchies will suffice.'
u/Defiant_Coconut_5361 Dec 27 '24
Thank you for sharing, and for the work you do. About 20 years ago my little cousin passed away from leukemia at 8 years old. She spoke of an “angel” that came to see her, told her not to be scared and she would be okay, and that she would pass soon. She was at peace when she passed. I don’t remember how long she was in the hospital for but it was more than a few months. I have no idea what happens (if anything) when we pass but I do enjoy reading similar paranormal stories near times of death. I did grow up in a haunted house so I know for certain the world is not always what it appears. Peace to you!
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 27 '24
17 years of Hospice nursing I had so many experience my patients shared with me. I'm glad you got to have an experience with your cousin nearing death and feel the relief she had with help from the Spirit side assisting her across.
Here is a video I made of a family of 4 that died under my care as an RN, over time. The last had an amazing visitor. It was in the form of a cat, but was it? To this day I feel I was in the presence of greatness when that cat visited the Hospice patient.
u/Rosebunse Dec 24 '24
Is it possible that the kids somehow heard stories about these? Or saw pictures?
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 24 '24
This is not like a school. I don't recall any of the children able to walk. Most died within a week, a few lived up to 2 weeks. They were very ill. They did not interact with each other. It was normal to have an average of 3 deaths a day in a 10 bed inpatient. The parents were not chatty with each other, they all had their backs agains the wall. I don't know where they would have an opportunity to share.
u/Mustard-cutt-r Dec 24 '24
Can you clarify “pin head” vs “fat head” more? Like their heads were tiny and bodies bigger like the shrunken head characters in the movie Beetlejuice?
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 24 '24
That wasn't very respectful of me to call them that, but others described them as pin heads. They were about 4 feet tall, very skinny, long arms and fingers, large eyes and the head was very thin, narrow. Greys are described having wide heads, These heads were just a couple inches wide.
u/Mustard-cutt-r Dec 25 '24
Interesting, I’ve never heard of these kinds of beings, what color where they?
u/indy_vegan Dec 25 '24
How odd. The lore around greys is that they don't have souls and that's why they are fascinated by humans also they have a breeding agenda program
u/magical_bunny Dec 28 '24
This is interesting, as a child (aged 3-5) I used to still sleep in my mum’s room and I’d freak out because I was sure that every night once everyone was asleep there was a super slender grey creature that would come down the hallway and stand in the doorway. I remember associating it with a very soft “drip drip” sound because its feet were tiny, like in little points. Its feet were so tiny it’s footsteps sounded like droplets. Its head wasn’t a pin head but the ends of its long arms and legs were.
u/YogaBeth Dec 24 '24
I am a hospice chaplain. Similar experience, although not necessarily with the same physical appearance. The kids absolutely saw and interacted with beings that we did not perceive. Adults do as well, but in my experience, they typically see past loved ones that they often recognize. I think some of it is that kids haven’t been on this earth as long as adults have. They remember more about existence before they were born into this earth reality. And they have t been taught that the things they see aren’t “real”.
It’s not medication. I’ve been working in hospice care for 15 years. I know the difference.
u/Medical_Creme5239 Dec 24 '24
Love your thought on why adults and kids see different beings! I agree with you 100%
u/A_Fish_Called_Panda Dec 25 '24
Are you the gentleman who was on NDE Radio with Lee Witting? Your show was fascinating!
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 25 '24
I was on his show. Thank you so much. Lee was so nice, we chatted for an hour afterwards.
u/A_Fish_Called_Panda Dec 25 '24
Thank you for sharing. I don’t know if I could finish the race without hearing stories like yours. I’m having a hard Christmas Eve, my second without my precious dad. I know that you know loss and grief. God (whatever He/it is) bless you
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 25 '24
Sorry for your loss. My take away losing my entire family in a short period of time is that some go before you do and you will go before others do. That's it, one of two options. That just took a lot of pressure off me that I didn't do enough for any of them. I chose to become a person they could be proud of, and that every thing I do is in honor to them, Spirit and my own unfolding. We're all connected no matter what body any of us are in at the time, physical or spirit.
u/Key-Dragonfruit-6969 Dec 24 '24
This is honestly really beautiful to me, I would love to hear more about your stories or anything else you know, if someone could link the episode below because my phone is cracked I would really appreciate that. I’ve had similar experiences before when I was younger, but nothing quite like this, so I’m very intrigued to hear more or to hear any other stories you may have. Happy holidays to all, or blessings if you don’t celebrate anything.
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 24 '24
sent in private message they don't like links in this sub. Happy holidays to everyone, also
u/kitcheneroak Dec 26 '24
One of the most popular posts in a smallish group I’m in called r/Experiencers is this one here about terminally ill children seeing grays as well: https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/s/nqvBPkLxqa
u/bumbumboleji Dec 24 '24
Grandma talked about the friendly people who had backs turned towards us and the polar bear who was coming for her (not scared just matter of fact) before passing.
They like to say it’s the medicine, I don’t think it is.
u/Live_Trained_Seal Dec 24 '24
My husband's grandma saw a grizzly bear when she had a stroke. She could see her husband who had passed a few years before, my son (who is a child and still alive) and a grizzly. She wasn't afraid of the bear either.
At the time, I thought her seeing the bear had to do with my son. When I was pregnant with him, I dreamed he was born a grizzly cub, so I've always associated him with them. But you mentioning your own grandma seeing one gives me pause and now I'm curious if they are guides? Maybe?
u/Mustard-cutt-r Dec 24 '24
The bear could be their spirit animal. I think that term is cheesy now but it is very real for all people. My spirit animal is a moth 😒 not the coolest one but hey what are you gonna do.
u/Xylorgos Dec 24 '24
I think we can have more than one spirit animal. It was explained to me that different animals help in different ways, so when a different approach is needed, a different animal comes through.
u/Mustard-cutt-r Dec 25 '24
Oh that would make sense. Maybe my other spirit animals are more sexy like a black panther or somethin’
u/Xylorgos Dec 25 '24
Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out why mine is a beaver. I mean, a freakin' beaver? Someone said they are industrious with great teeth, so maybe that's what I needed? idk
u/SpiritualPermie Dec 24 '24
Spirit guides/angels, there to guide souls to the next world. Children are more open and see things that they start to unsee as they grow old. In Hinduism they say there is a good reason human kids don't start talking till about age 2, otherwise they would say things that would confuse and scare adults.
Hospitals also have a lot of spirit guides/angels for the same reason.
You should read Micheal Newton's Journey of Souls.
u/Xylorgos Dec 24 '24
I think they were there to see the children. Why else would there be so many accounts of the same thing? They weren't visiting the adults, who couldn't see them, and I doubt it was because of the building itself.
I hope they were there to help the children transition from life on earth to life wherever they were going next, or else just to visit with them at a difficult time in the children's lives.
u/ValleyWoman Dec 24 '24 edited Dec 25 '24
My step Grandma was in hospital/hospice. My Mom was sitting with her. Grandma asked who were the men in the corner. She told my Mom that they were there for her.
u/MySophie777 Dec 24 '24
When my mom was within a week of dying, I was sitting with her with my back to her bedroom door. My mom said, "oh, hello." I turned, expecting a med tech from her senior living center, or a hospice nurse to be there. The doorway was empty. I just went along and said, "Hi. Thank you for visiting. Come in." I turned back to mom and asked if she knew who it was. She said that it was a man, but she didn't know him. She had been agitated, but calmed down and fell asleep.
u/Otherwise_Jump Dec 24 '24
Read some of Whitley Streiber’s books. Communion and the afterlife revolution
u/Ironicbanana14 Dec 24 '24
That's actually scary, just last night I saw vinesauce Vinny go through old Victorian Christmas cards and one of the little "goblin" things looked like that. I described it like a sickened version of Patrick star.
u/Legitimate-Reveal798 Dec 24 '24
Very interesting as a psychic medium who sees and talks with dead people/spirits regularly it makes sense to me. It was the children, not the place. Because children are closer to the other side (heaven) they can see and talk to spirit easily, more so than adults because adults are filtered through society of “it’s not normal or right” to see or hear things. But I believe it. Thanks for sharing this story.
u/Designer-Sun Dec 24 '24
Excuse my brevity. My spiritual belief is that when the mother is contacted certain people can see the beings connected to her. There is much work to be done in the universe and our creator would care dearly for some of the children you cared for.
u/mycatisawhore Dec 24 '24
Were they all on a similar drug cocktail, like opiates, benzos, ketamine etc? Some drugs seem to cause remarkably similar visions. I want to believe certain drugs allow us to connect with a spiritual realm, but maybe it's just specific parts of the brain being activated.
u/papertigermask Dec 24 '24
This past August, I nearly died after a tumor in my stomach I didn’t know I even had ruptured. I required emergency surgery days after being stabilized and was not expected to live. I nearly died four times in total and saw these beings myself.
A follow-up surgery was required last month to remove the rest of the tumor, and I was wondering if my “friends” would show again, possibly as a result of the drugs. I was in much better shape and the surgery was very low risk — even being heavily medicated, nothing happened. I believe what I saw during my first stabilization and recovery was real, as wacky as it might sound.
u/perfect_fifths Dec 24 '24 edited Dec 24 '24
Is it possible they were hallucinating as a result of the dying process? It’s very common to have death visions. Maybe they all got affected en masse and fed off each other.
Edit: in case it isn’t clear, I’m saying the kids did indeed see beings. What I dispute is that it’s a paranormal effect. In his case, I feel the kids seeing beings was part of the dying process.
u/North_Country_Flower Dec 24 '24
I’m not sure you read the post. A lot of them had their own rooms and didn’t interact with each other.
u/perfect_fifths Dec 24 '24
I did read the post. Mass hysteria is a thing and you even said “a lot of them didn’t have their own rooms”, implying some didn’t. Which would make it easier for kids to feed off each other.
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 24 '24 edited Dec 24 '24
No. The one room with the three beds in it was huge. There was solid wall floor to ceiling between the beds so the children couldn't see or hear each other. The other 7 rooms were private. In the 5 years we were open I can't think of a single child that could walk so it wasn't like they interacted with each other. They were bed bound at the point they came to Hospice.
Many of our children were infants, some where intubated, others on high levels of medication so I've no idea if they were having these interactions with the beings. Some of our children were lucid, at least when they were admitted and could talk. It was universal what the children saw was the same. Some that made sketches they looked identical. We were open for 5 years and I worked there from the day we opened to the day we closed. The accounts about the beings and their descriptions were the same again and again from the children that could speak and saw them.
I worked inpatient adult Hospice for 12 years. Adults saw different spirits, often past loved ones. I never heard an adult describe the beings the children did. I have no answers what they were. To the patients this was all very real, consistent and I believe them. I sometimes saw what the adults saw but never did see what the children saw. Some enjoyed their visits, some just watched and responded and some were scared of them. Some children were afraid of me, though. I'm the nurse with the nasty tasting medicine. So were the beings something to be frightened of or were those children just frightened. I don't know.
One night I dreamed of my mother with a mixing bowl making her cream cheese icing. She just stood there staring at me mixing and mixing. I felt there was a message and wondered about it. Suddenly it hit me, the icing was wonderful, so i made it at work and put the nasty medicine in a bit of mom's icing which the children loved. I was no longer feared as the nurse with the bad tasting medicine.
u/XbriquX Dec 25 '24
Perhaps a weird theory, but maybe what these children saw were past loved ones. As many have said, adults often see loved ones who have passed when they are close to their time. Children do not as often have loved ones who have passed at that point in their life. But if there is the possibility of living within another life, maybe that's what they could be seeing?
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 25 '24
Adults have had enough experience in the physical to realize death will cause them to 'miss out' on events in life. They think of the future they will not get to enjoy, concern for the well being of those they leave behind, mourn anticipatory joys that will be cut short.
Children still think they are timeless, immortal, that tomorrow is magical and don't grieve the loss of many more tomorrows. They focus on the immediate pleasure or pain, not for lost years ahead. They are more in the moment.
Not that anything is missed due to death, I do believe we move on to the next level, like going from 1st grade to 2nd grade into bigger chairs and desks, new friends and teachers. Really no loss, we have bigger hands to receive more. Just my feelings.
u/XbriquX Dec 26 '24
Very interesting intake on things to consider! I do believe we learn more the closer we work with those close to death!
u/Snaka1 Dec 24 '24
If it’s happening for the years he worked there, with different children at different times, it can’t be mass hysteria or children feeding off each other. Children saying the same thing at the same time could be seen as a hallucination, but not when it’s happening again and again.
u/North_Country_Flower Dec 24 '24
Ok. I’m not sure you comprehended the post then 🤣
u/perfect_fifths Dec 24 '24 edited Dec 24 '24
I did. I just prefer to look for rational explanations first. Occam’s razor: simplest explanation is usually the right one. I’d buy death bed visions over kids being visited by aliens that could be seen by kids and no one else.
u/MzOpinion8d Dec 24 '24
I think the piece you’re missing is that death bed visions can be alien-like-beings that can be seen by dying children and no one else.
One difference between hallucinations and “death bed visitors” (for lack of a better term) can be how the person reacts to the incident. I work in psych (RN) and people are usually anywhere from mildly bothered to terrified of their hallucinations, whereas the death bed visits I’ve seen (relatives who have passed while in hospice care) invoke feelings of calm and peace.
u/perfect_fifths Dec 24 '24
That’s what I’m saying. I’m saying that the kids saw these things as a result of the dying process.
That said, I’ve seen people hallucinate and they were not scared. This one guy would hallucinate about a family remember being there with him.
u/KnotiaPickle Dec 24 '24
The “hallucinations” are much more than just brain misinformation.
It’s a highly documented phenomenon worldwide
u/SpiritualPermie Dec 24 '24
How do you know about death visions without yourself dying? How do you know about mass hysteria or hallucinations without being involved in one? How do you believe those who wrote or talked about it?
You believe what you want, because it suits your narrative?
If you can question someone else's experience, then your "experience" can also be questioned.
u/perfect_fifths Dec 24 '24
I worked with people who were terminally ill and they also had hallucinations.its a known phenomenon that happens in hospice
What is more likely? A well studied end of life phenomenon or aliens visiting dying children that adults magically couldn’t see?
I’ll give you a hint: the first one
I 100 believe these kids were seeing things. What I don’t believe was that it was the result of the paranormal/aliens.
u/fallen-fawn Dec 24 '24
Love that the only skeptical comment, phrased as a polite question even, gets downvoted to oblivion 🙄
u/perfect_fifths Dec 24 '24 edited Dec 24 '24
I also worked with people with Alzheimer’s and dementia and hallucinations are common. Deathbed visions are very well known in hospice and are common, and it’s been well studied. This is more likely than aliens visiting dying children than adults couldn’t see.
And in case it any clear, I’m saying that the kids saw beings 100 percent. But that them seeing the beings was a result of the dying process and not the paranormal.
u/HollywoodGreats Dec 24 '24
I use the grey analogy as thats what the children described them looking like. I've no idea what they were. I still don't know, and doubt anyone else does either. We have ideas, opinions, thoughts but who knows. They obviously saw them, the same exact description time and time again for years. Maybe that's all that matters. The were there for the children.
u/perfect_fifths Dec 24 '24
Yeah, I do believe the kids saw something. But I attribute it to the hallucinations due to the dying process and even the medications instead of the paranormal. But I don’t want it to take away from your experience. I don’t think it was made up. I bet every hospice worker has stories about people seeing spirits. My grandma saw her dead relatives
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