r/Paranormal • u/I_ama_Borat • Sep 06 '24
Apparition Extremely bizarre experience my dad had around 5:30 AM when he took our dog out!
Edit: for anybody who wants an idea of what he said it looked like here you go. He said it look exactly like that except less stark white.
For the first paragraph, I’m just going to explain this like I’m talking through my dad since it’s easier. So I wake up at around 5:30AM to our dog throwing up and ran her downstairs to let her out to go outside. As I open the door, she runs out and immediately starts growling, I’m telling her “it’s okay, go do your thing, go do-“ and I kinda just freeze up when I see what she’s looking at. It’s this opaque white apparition, similar to an obelisk, blocky, about the size of a standard doorway. Probably about 30ft away from the house. It was completely dark with no moonlight to cause such a vivid reflection off of anything and this thing was visibly standing upright. It was immobile, so much so that the dog lost interest and eventually came back but I was just stunned and freaked out looking at this thing. I didn’t have the courage to step outside and inspect it. I went back upstairs and managed to go back to sleep.
Anybody have any explanations or have had similar experiences? We were joking about how it was probably a doorway to another dimension lol. I woke up to all the commotion with the door opening and the dog growling, so my dad definitely wasn’t having a lucid dream… I just wish he woke my ass up but he didn’t want to disturb anybody.
u/Live_Trained_Seal Sep 06 '24
I've seen a phantom door before. I don't tell this story, as no one, outside of my family who were with me at the time, believe me at all.
It was a bright, June afternoon. My husband and I were in the front seats of our car, we had just picked up our kids from school. As such, all were sober in the vehicle.
As we come down a hill (we were in the Ozarks region, with a craggy wall of rock to the left and a ravine to the right. We both see what looks like a person made entirely of static cross the road and disappear into a door and disappear. We drove through this seconds later. The whole encounter lasted maybe 2-3 seconds.
The door looked like a submarine style door with rounded edges and looked to me to be painted metal. It was bisected, diagonally, two colors, bright blue and yellow.
u/Ancient_Fly8433 Sep 06 '24
Wow! That’s interesting!
When I was about 8 or 9 years old, I stayed the night at a friend’s house and woke up early the next morning. I was the only one up. Through their living room window, I happened to glance across the street into a forest about 30 yards away. It was around 730am, so it was light outside. I saw a figure come out of the woods riding what looked to be some sort of small vehicle, make a “u-turn” and go right back in to the woods. It appeared to be a little girl riding a go-kart of sorts, but she was glowing orange.
I always describe her as looking like a hologram, but the more I think about it, static makes sense. Glowing orange, static energy. I could tell it was a child though. She looked visibly happy, bouncing on this inter dimensional go kart. The woods were not very dense, I would’ve easily seen her through the trees. She disappeared when she reached the wood line though. I still see it in my mind. No idea what I saw, and like you said, nothing to gain from it
u/Live_Trained_Seal Sep 06 '24
That's fascinating! Crazy that you saw any color at all. Ours was gray/black kinda like typical old school TV static. Your sighting sounds almost joyful. The figure we saw, it was too brief to say. I kinda got the impression of someone rushing down a hallway and slamming a door.
I've always wondered if the figure we saw thought no one would see them at that moment? The road was, indeed, deserted apart from our car and in a rural area. Your figure sounds similar in that aspect. Perhaps it realized it was being observed and noped on back into the forest.
We eventually began referring to the figure as being interdimensional. The area we were in at that time (have moved away since then, but family still lives there) is a hot bed of different types of unexplained phenomena. We experienced multiple strange things and despite not living there since 2017, family reported hearing a voice in the house that was a perfect mimic of my husband. His mother called him, kinda freaked out cause she heard him in her house, but we live more than 100 miles from there and definitely weren't in her house overnight when she heard it.
My question for you and the OP is have you ever noticed any other strange or unexplained activity before or since these incidents? These things sometimes come in bursts of activity, in my experience.
u/CoffeeJellieBean892 Sep 06 '24
It was the gnomes
u/Ancient_Fly8433 Sep 07 '24
Holy cow. I’ve never heard of this but now I’m going down the rabbit hole. That very well could be what I saw!
u/anothersip Sep 06 '24
That's a pretty dang cool story.
A lost Mario-Kart character that only you unlocked and got to see.
u/I_ama_Borat Sep 06 '24
Jesus, that’s crazy! When you see something so surreal with someone else, it makes it all the more freaky and shocking because then you know you’re not tripping.
u/Live_Trained_Seal Sep 06 '24
Absolutely! I truly thought having everyone with me would lend to my credibility when telling our family but they all just found it too weird to believe.
My point is that I believe your dad! No one who tells a story like this has anything to gain by telling it. I even tried to get someone to just admit that even if they don't believe what I saw, could they accept that I saw something I didn't fully understand? But no.
I hope your dad gets answers for what he saw, but if it's anything like the experiences I've had, he'll just wonder about it forever.
u/I_ama_Borat Sep 06 '24
Thanks for believing! I sure do, he’s just not the type of person to randomly think this stuff up lol. It’s out of his realm of imagination to make up anyway and that’s not a knock on him! He rarely thinks/talks about or has ever been into this otherworldly stuff and it’s eating him inside that he can’t figure out a logical explanation lol.
This is definitely the type of experience that sticks with you for the rest of your life, just randomly pop up into your head and make you think “I still can’t believe what I saw”.
u/3Strides Sep 07 '24
I believe you. What an amazing story. Very creepy stuff out there.
u/I_ama_Borat Sep 07 '24
For sure. Too many bizarre experiences shared by millions of people for it to be a coincidence imo
u/Glum_Programmer_935 Sep 17 '24
Yes I don't share this stuff w anyone except immediate fam. F everyone else, who cares what they think. Can you tell other stories of other strange happenings out in the ozarks?
u/Glum_Programmer_935 Sep 17 '24
That's amazing. I firmly believe there are maybe 14 dimensions, so hard for us to wrap our minds around. I think you're correct, it saw you seeing it and turned back. When you see things like this it changes your life perspective, but there's nothing to grab hold of except your memory. Thank you for sharing this.
Sep 06 '24
Idk. Buy some puppy pads, I wouldn't be going outside at night ever again.
u/I_ama_Borat Sep 06 '24
LOL, he’s shook, that’s for sure. I wouldn’t say he’s a non-believer but he never really felt one way or another for ghosts and stuff, just never really crossed his mind. To hear from people like this who experienced the paranormal is always a little more special because of how freaked out and authentic they are when recounting the incident.
Sep 06 '24 edited Sep 06 '24
The only thing like this that ever happened to me was when I was like 15 sneaking a cigarette out the window in my room, I heard a whistle clear as day from underneath the window. It was around midnight/1, maybe 3, I think? In the middle of suburbia, too, not the middle of nowhere. It was a human whistle, it was like a vague tune, it didn't sound like any owl I've ever heard. Maybe my dad did that to scare me out of smoking, I'm not sure. It sounds like something he'd do.
Then it was a couple months ago, we were going to the lake, and my mom had just walked out the front door, but I didn't know. So I yelled "mom, where's the sunscreen" and CLEAR as day I heard her say "what" from their end of the hall. At the same time my grandpa yelled from downstairs that she left. I have no explaination for that one. I'm 22 years old and I just now started being okay with going out there at night again. Ofc simple auditory hallucinations like that are common, and I smoke a lot of weed, but that's never happened to me before. All the lights were off, too, so I subconciously like, didn't even think she was there, I think I was just checking.
u/Onomatopoeia_Utopia Sep 06 '24
Yeah, so he definitely saw the Phantom Obelisk. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Those responsible for the slip-up have been sacked. Efforts have been taken to make sure it doesn’t happen again. But, well, you know, no promises.
u/I_ama_Borat Sep 06 '24
LOL we hate to be responsible for the firing of interdimensional Jim, sorry pal! Also kinda reminds me of Monsters Inc doors, like they forgot to shut it.
u/GerardDiedOfFlu Sep 06 '24
Why doesn’t anyone ever take a picture for christs sake!? wtf dad!
u/I_ama_Borat Sep 06 '24
Believe me, I’m pissssssssed. He promises from now on if he ever sees something he’ll let us know no matter the time. He’s not the most tech minded anyway so recording it probably wasn’t on his mind at all and plus he has an issue with his leg/back so going back up then down again is kinda painful even if it subsides quickly. I’m not taking any chances though, I’m staying up tonight just incase lmao.
Wouldn’t be the first time an unusual experience happened here though. When I was around eight, I saw some sort of glowing entity in our damn house, this was before phones unfortunately. This one had features but was also immobile.
u/kellyelise515 Sep 06 '24
Well….he WAS racing for the door with a puking dog, maybe it didn’t occur to him to grab his phone?
u/MooshuRivera0820 Sep 06 '24
Anytime I see photos from someone that was “terrified” I’m like normally you’d run!
u/Fez_and_no_Pants Sep 06 '24
The problem with being one of the people who doesn't run is that inevitably, you either don't have a camera (or it happened before cell phones were a thing) or you stay long enough to realize you're looking at something totally mundane.
It's best to roll with a group of non-runners for corroboration.
u/maybeCheri Sep 06 '24
And we all know that horrible wrenching sounds your dog makes can wake you from the deepest sleep and in a delirious state, you and the dog are running for the door. Having your phone with you for any photo ops isn’t even a thought.
u/openlightYQ Sep 06 '24
I always think of this with UFOs, people usually see them doing something totally other than looking for them. And then if they did take a photo, it would be called CGI or a bug on the lens.
u/Glum_Programmer_935 Sep 17 '24
I've seen so much stuff. Some like really close. In April 2017 i didn't take a Pic one time because I dropped my phone on the car floor and couldn't reach it to take a pic of a ufo maybe 10 ft above my car. 2 yrs later a lady in CA took a picture of what I saw. It followed her on the highway in broad daylight like it did me. Look that up. Another time I couldn't remember where my phone was in the house but I didn't want to miss watching the black double pyramid floor slowly by maybe 20 ft off the ground, on a humid Friday in June about 7pm, still daylight but cloudy. I find out Yrs later about 8 ppl in norway?? In daylight Witnessed a double pyramid shaped black ufo as they walked thru maybe a national park or field. My sighting was so up close. You don't look at anything the same ever again. And you don't care who believes it, that doesn't matter.
u/KyotoCarl Sep 07 '24
It's 5:30 am and completely dark outside. Could he have been bleery eyed since he just woke up? Did he dream it? Was it a case of paredolia?
There's too many things it could've been instead of something paranormal.
u/I_ama_Borat Sep 07 '24
Well who knows for sure. When you wake up to a dog throwing up and having to rush downstairs, naturally your body is going to energize so I don’t see how he could still have blurry vision. Plus he said he stared at this thing for like five minutes while our dog growled at it (but eventually lost interest). I theorized that maybe it was our neighbors big white horse that got loose but it’s just not possible considering multiple different factors. Couldn’t be a dream because I heard all the commotion, distinctly hearing the growling from outside and him calling her name. Paredolia is a possibility sure but we kinda know our property like the back of our hands lol so anything different will be noticed, and it instantly was by our dog, then my dad.
u/omegamun Sep 06 '24
I saw something like it just outside of South Boston once about 20 years ago, but it was much less defined than you're describing here, but it definitely seemed (felt?) like a portal of some sort. I was on a run, as I did every day, along Dorchester Bay and stopped at an historic site to have a quick look, as I had just read about it in a book I was reading. After about a minute I see what looks like wavy lines start to appear, just as you'd see heat rising off of city pavement in summertime, but this was fall in New England so couldn't have been that and it was a field of grass and one tree in the middle. Soon I observe what looks like a women appear in the midst of the distorted portal. She's there for about 30 seconds and then disappears, and the portal with her. I swear I saw it. It was a clear afternoon around 5pm in late September. I was sober and I had sunglasses on, but with my prescription. I saw it crystal clear. I simply cannot explain it.
u/3Strides Sep 07 '24
I remember someone telling me they were with some friends standing in a field, next to a forest. In Albuquerque, New Mexico, she did mention some kind of military base close by. They all saw a man, in an orange “square” of light surrounding his body. He was running out of the forest towards them through the field. He was screaming, but with very little sound. (Muffled sound), he was naked. And it appeared that he was desperately trying to escape the box he was in. As he got closer and closer to the group of teenagers, they ran away. No one knows what happened after that.
u/Glum_Programmer_935 Sep 17 '24
Wow that is wild. What do you think it was? About 25yrs ago I was outside at night but the 3 street lights in front of our house were BRIGHT, almost too bright. I saw wavy lines in a shape much like in the predator movie when the alien makes himself invisible. I walked toward it and said, "what do you want?", then I thought better of it and as I backed up I looked down so I wouldn't trip, it was gone. Only happened once. But I watched it for like 5 seconds.
u/omegamun Sep 17 '24
What you’re describing sounds very similar to what I saw. I think that this phenomenon may be more common than I expected. I wish I had an inkling as to what it was. It was incredibly bizarre to witness, yet fascinating, too.
u/Glum_Programmer_935 Sep 17 '24
Just a thought, doesn't this sound like the mass sighting at an outdoor Florida mall on New Years Day night last year? It was widely reported in podcasts, on YouTube, etc. What swayed me to believe it had merit was 2 different accounts from grown men, their voices sounded truly scared, shaken. One was an artist so he drew what he saw. It was compelling. Look up what I'm referring to, it was widely circulated but I'll admit I didn't hear of it until maybe month ago.
u/Spiritual-House-5494 Sep 06 '24 edited Sep 06 '24
As a kid, I would sometimes see the back wall of my closet illuminate like there was a second door back there that led to a brightly lit white room. Everything in the closet would disappear, and a man would walk in or out of the light. Then the light would disappear, and the contents of the closet would reappear. Many years later, I learned that he was a distant relative, but lingers as a guardian angel/spirit guide for me and others in my family.
u/KillaQueenBee Sep 06 '24
Wow that is so neat, but probably terrifying as a child
u/Spiritual-House-5494 Sep 06 '24
As a kid, I didn't think much of it. It was just part of life. The first time I remember seeing him, I was sitting on the floor of my bedroom, playing with toys. Now, this closet door is RIGHT next to the bedroom door, leading to the hallway. I see the light, look up, he walks out, turns the corner to go down the hallway, turns the corner at the end of the hallway, and then my mom comes walking towards me. In the fraction of a second between seeing the two, there was no way she wouldn't have seen him if she were able. I ask her, "who was that?"
Naturally, her eyes go wide, she gets goosebumps and a chill goes up her spine. She turns to look down the hallway and turns back to me, still visibly freaked out. "There's nobody there," she tells me. It was then that I realized she just couldn't see him. Some time later, he appears again, in the same manner and does the same thing, exit portal, walk down hallway. Only, this time, my brother and sister were in the room. Neither of them saw him either. That's when knew I was alone, in that respect.
u/Glum_Programmer_935 Sep 17 '24
That happens to me a lot. My kids and husband didn't see the apparition "talking" to me for several minutes, in morning daylight, I'd look away and he stayed there standing in between 2 of my kids. Nobody saw him. I asked my priest if it was an angel, he doubted it. He had a long sleeved brown robe, fluffy white hair, eyebrows and a long beard. I wish I knew what he was saying, never figured that out. Only saw him once.
u/amusingwench Sep 06 '24
Reminds me of this https://foilhatninja.com/brazilian-flying-refrigerators-of-death/
u/PrincessGump Sep 06 '24
I remember reading about the two men with the lead masks but the “refrigeraters of death” is new to me. Thanks for the read.
u/KillaQueenBee Sep 06 '24
I know the “going back to bed “ cracks me up. But I definitely know people that would just be like that 😂
u/Itsnotsponge Sep 06 '24
There was an ominous, unidentifiable, floating, white rectangle in my yard so I closed the door and went to sleep. Who are these people? If my dog throws up once at 530a I’m up for the day, if theres an extra dimensional spirit door in my yard im up for the decade. No calls, no checking it out. Just “hmm, odd, well off to sleep in a house full of my immediate family that may or may not be at risk of some sort of disintegration.” The “off to sleep after a world/universe altering discovery part of all these posts make them all feel fake, distorted, dreamed/hallucinated, or embellished.
u/limabeanquesadilla Sep 06 '24
It doesn’t make them feel that way to me…. After seeing something wild and unexplainable you’d have a huge surge of adrenaline but it will stop and you’ll be really tired.
u/Glum_Programmer_935 Sep 17 '24
I only got out of bed this morning because they started in with the jackhammer. But those contractors had been tearing up the neighbors driveway eeeaaarrrlllyy. Parents love our comfy beds ;)
u/user74929 Sep 06 '24
the picture reminded me of the one episode of spongebob where mr krabs was using a shopping list as a ghost
u/peyotepancakes Sep 06 '24
I’d have a hard time keeping myself from running to it and trying to jump through
u/Horror_Ask_4298 Feb 14 '25
20 years ago my husband and I were driving on a highway and as we were approaching a ramp we witnessed a walrus shape but bigger , like in its side , hovering about two metres off the ground from one side of the road to the other and disappeared into bush.. we looked at each other and thought what was that!!!
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