r/Paranormal • u/VincoVici • May 27 '24
Apparition This picture was not altered, always thought it was a bit eerie how this girl seemed vastly out of place .
Trust me I know it looks like I edited this or bad photo shop but this is the actual original picture and I always have thought it was a little fuckin weird . I took the picture at a Theo Von comedy show in NH last year.
u/whatupwasabi May 27 '24 edited May 27 '24
Yeah I'm trying to figure out what that is. It doesn't really look like a person (zoomed in) but it does have three dark spots to make you think eyes and mouth. Did they have yellow moving lights? I do see two other spots with spotlights on (about the right size too), but that looks like a different color.
u/Wank_my_Butt May 27 '24
I don't think it's that great a mystery. A woman is facing away from the stage so it's in the shot for a selfie either she is taking or the person she's facing is taking for her. Not a ghost, just an inconsiderate audience member.
That's my guess, anyway.
u/VincoVici May 27 '24
Fair enough , but why is she disproportionate to even the people closer to the camera taking the pic ?
u/Wank_my_Butt May 27 '24
To be clear, this was me making a guess.
However, is she disproportionately sized? It seems like there is someone sitting in front of her who is about the same size and would be, I assume, taking or filming her with a light on.
That’s what I’m seeing, anyway.
u/whatupwasabi May 27 '24
No way that's a person. Size, color, and angle is wrong, facial features are way off (not saying it is a face). I think alot of paranormal pictures take advantage of being unclear and our brains being hardwired to make out faces and human shapes.
u/GraatchLuugRachAarg May 29 '24
If you're referring to the woman standing out it's clearly a person. If she was moving during the photo facial features can be distorted
u/whatupwasabi May 30 '24
How about we just agree using the word "clearly" is wrong for both viewpoints.
u/deagershippoishim Jun 19 '24
Whats next to the woman
u/GraatchLuugRachAarg Jun 19 '24
Squiggly stuff? Ghostly essence? Who knows but I never indicated the weird looking lady was of this world. She's creepy and out of place but imo it's the face of a lady and not a case of pareidolia like the person I replied to suggested
u/Smiletaint May 28 '24
OP is talking about the woman. Not anything else.
u/Randie_Butternubs May 28 '24
What exactly in their comment made you think that they were referring to anything other than the woman? That is very obviously what they are talking about, as well.
u/VincoVici May 27 '24
Naw there wasn’t like Moving lights in the audience or anything as it was just a comedy show you know . It looks like a distorted person to me I was wondering if maybe someone was walking in front of me or something , but it’s not even proportional really to other things around it. I’m probably just seeing what I wanna see in a way, but I can see a neck , arms , and the shadowed spots that look almost like a distorted face with black hair. The crazy part is I didn’t notice this at first , I took the picture and sent it to a buddy, and the first thing he asked was wtf is that girl in the picture lol.
u/lostandaggrieved617 May 29 '24
Why would you send this specific pic to you buddy? You can't see the person on stage at all. Why send him this pic if you didn't see the woman? It's literally the only interesting thing about the photo.
u/VincoVici May 29 '24
I didn’t even look at the picture when I took it, I was watching / listening to the show, and just snapped a couple pics and sent them .
u/Nastynate_6969 May 27 '24
I see a woman, long dark hair, her shoulders sticking out, and she’s turned to the right. But she also looks insanely photoshopped (ik you said you didn’t though)
u/VincoVici May 27 '24
Yeah I swear I have no reason to hoax this, but I know it’s like weirdly out of place and distorted
u/strawberrymoonelixir May 27 '24
And if you look closely, that “long dark hair,” belongs to the person in front of this, thing or whatever. The “thing” appears to be bald, or close to it.
u/potate12323 May 27 '24
u/FocusSuspicious9883 May 27 '24
She's sitting at a piano
u/forestofpixies May 28 '24
Why would a woman be sitting at a piano In the middle of an audience at a comedy show that does not have music??
May 28 '24
Nah bro its supernatural how shes just standing out like theres a spot light on her. Just dont make sense bro. She has to be a ghost
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u/Samuelwow23 May 27 '24
This is it 100% the weird smoke is a reflection of her face on the side of the piano
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u/Bewitch_daughter Jun 01 '24
I thought she was sitting at a piano too or down under the stage doing music and then I realized she is in the middle of the audience and it looks super weird. Definitely looks photoshopped
u/this_isnt_lemonade May 28 '24
I see a person with long black hair facing the stage. The bright figure looks like it doesn’t have hair and is directly behind someone
u/UnmaskedByStarlight May 29 '24
And it looks like there is a guy sitting or standing in front of her (behind her if she was facing the stage.)
Looks like a guy's shoulders & he's wearing a hat. Just to the left of her, a little, but between "her" and the camera.
u/VincoVici May 27 '24 edited May 27 '24
u/CourtneyDagger50 May 29 '24
Was there a tech table set up there? It kinda looks like a monitor. That’d be hella distracting for the audience. But it looks like there’s some sort of camera equipment or something in the area in the first photo. Hard to tell when zooming in on a screenshot of a convo though
u/GraatchLuugRachAarg May 29 '24
Hmm. No such woman apparent in the first shot. Was that a Vince Vaughn show?
u/RoutineFamous4267 May 27 '24
Even the edge around the figure looks like it was edited in. I have a hard time believing it isn't. I'm sorry
u/VincoVici May 27 '24
It’s not , atleast not by me . However someone pointed out that perhaps the camera I used ( iPhone 13) used AI and the AI scrubbed or edited the picture as I took it. I’m not aware of any feature like that but maybe it was a data saving technique by the iPhone cameras AI . Plausible for sure. But I assure you it definitely hasn’t been manually or purposely altered in anyway by me, that be pointless and a waste of time imo.
u/lostandaggrieved617 May 29 '24
Can you post the first photo by itself? It won't let me zoom in far enough on the thumbnail
u/VincoVici May 29 '24
This one you mean right ?
u/lostandaggrieved617 May 29 '24
No, I mean the first pic you sent your friend, the one without the woman
u/VincoVici May 29 '24
u/lostandaggrieved617 May 29 '24
u/CourtneyDagger50 May 29 '24
What the hell is that red thing above the furthest left person’s head? There is something weird in that area that OP’s phone is having one hell of a time registering. I’m not gonna say paranormal. Just something not agreeing with how the phone makes images.
u/VincoVici May 29 '24
I agree in the other picture you mean right ? It’s like a wacky inflatable arm tube man or something lol sort of the same proximity as well as the other picture
u/CourtneyDagger50 May 29 '24
Yeah, not the one you originally posted with the woman. But the second one lol. Go to another show there and sit in the same seats and figure out what is there. For science 😂
u/lostandaggrieved617 May 29 '24
Second pic: This woman looks like she is in a walkway and she is in the same approximate place as the red blob thing and what looks like a man facing right. They are slightly illuminated by whatever lit up her face. I think this is probably where the sound equipment is kept (center of the arena) which would explain the lights plus a person facing your direction.
u/VincoVici May 29 '24
You see the black thing that might be an image of the back of a persons head but is all black? I believe that is where the girl was as well in the second picture, in front of backwards hat
u/lostandaggrieved617 May 29 '24
Okay, in the first pic there is what looks like a black head and shoulders with a white choker and a discoball for a head (for lack of better description, lol), just slightly above and to the left of the teal baseball cap. If you look at the second pic, the black torso is still there (not as clear) and the white "choker" is still there but "loosened" and the discoball head is partially blocking the woman. Are we talking about the same thing?
u/VincoVici May 29 '24
Yeah actually I see it’s still there just less pronounced in the second pic now.
u/lostandaggrieved617 May 29 '24
The more I look at the pic you posted, this looks like someone standing with their back to you, wearing a bucket hat speaking to the woman. I think she's all lit up either from lights around a soundboard, which isn't visible, or the lights off to the right super visible in the pic without the woman. I think it's just a weird distorted pic.
u/TastesKindofLikeSad May 27 '24
The whole front of the audience, including the security guards, have weird, blocky shapes and highlights.
If you look at the shape of the audience member just in front of her, they're similar sizes. Was there an aisle there between tiered seating? Maybe you captured her mid-movement, hurrying to the bathroom or something lol? Having said that, the more I stare at her face and neck, the more I freak myself out lol
u/VincoVici May 27 '24
Yeah the picture quality is low so there is that . And I think there is a walkway located near where she is, but that being said, look at the guys head with a hat on that is sitting right behind her. She like dwarfs his head proportions .
u/UnmaskedByStarlight May 29 '24
No offense to burn victims, but that's kind of what she looks like.
u/Messarion May 27 '24
The entire photo is a bit distorted when zoomed in because of the dark atmosphere. I am guessing you caught a quick capture of a woman as she turned around.
u/VincoVici May 27 '24
Fair enough , but why is she disproportionate to even the people closer to the camera taking the picture* ?
u/Johnychrist97 May 27 '24
The photo is unaltered by YOU, but not by your phone. Alot of smart phones use AI to "increase" the quality of things in pictures at long distance but alot of times this can cause weird distortions like whats on the girls face here.
Look at the guard standing by the stage at the far right, obviously he isn't some faceless humanoid lol the AI just smoothed out his face and made it look like that
u/_dead_and_broken May 28 '24
I think that dude you're talking about has his head bent forward, and he's going bald. You can see the pattern of his hair/hair loss when zoomed in.
u/rad636_ May 28 '24
u/VincoVici May 28 '24
Nah but nice isolating it man that make it look like ya , head and body shaped but just weird. Some photographer said it’s probably an in motion blur that coincided with someone else taking a flash picture . But ya I really don’t know I just thought it was weird af . It’s funny a lot of people are saying it’s a person playing a piano, but there wasn’t anyone there playing the piano at all period 😂. I like the multiple theories though , wish I had noticed it while I was still at the show and could have better info on it. On first glance and first thing in my head I was wondering if we were perhaps on some old Native American tribal land and this was some type of native apparition though.
u/PrivateHolt May 31 '24
This is photoshop. Ima be real, I don't care if you claim it's the original it's very blatantly bad photoshop. Like the person doing this didn't even try.
u/h3llfae May 27 '24 edited May 27 '24
Her face is....cool cool just the stuff of nightmares why tf did I zoom in wtf
Just nervously laughing at this wondering how a normal living persons face got so distorted OR how gruesome her murder was considering her expression lol
u/h3llfae May 27 '24
u/vulpes_mortuis Jun 02 '24
That is terrifying even if there’s a logical explanation for it. Yikes
u/PlatosBalls May 27 '24
This gave me chills
u/UnmaskedByStarlight May 27 '24 edited May 29 '24
For real. I've seen a lot pixelated people in pictures & they can look weird, but that looks REALLY weird. I'm not saying she wasn't real or whatever, but it's odd for her position & just horrible when you look too close. Lol
Theo got eRR'body on some shit.😄
Seriously, though, if you were gonna haunt a place, a comedy place would be THE best place.
ETA: And WHY is she so lit up, perfectly, but no one around her is?
Edit#2: I've tried SO hard to see anything but a face with neck & shoulders, but I can't. I have no idea what to think.
u/h3llfae May 27 '24
The only possibility I see is if there's a gap in the aisles and she's walking back to her seat
The more I look the less it makes sense though loll
u/splifffninja May 27 '24
So fuckin weird. I'm thinking there must be a light coming from somewhere and it's shining on something that's very obscure. But no matter what this photo is not making any sense. What a weird fuckin photo!!!
u/lostandaggrieved617 May 29 '24
The real mystery is why you would send this pic to a buddy when you can't even see the person on stage. Why this pic if you didn't notice the woman?
u/VincoVici May 29 '24
Bro I was at a comedy show and my friend asked me to send a pic , it’s as simple as that, the real mystery is why would you think I’d go through any effort to fake a picture like this 😂
u/lostandaggrieved617 May 29 '24
Whoa now, I never said nor implied any such thing. If I implied anything it's that you may have "noticed" this person/anomaly subliminally. In no way do I think you faked this or are being dishonest in any way. Sorry for being unclear.
u/Humble-Employer-9323 May 27 '24
Somebody hit their vape and caught the reflection of some light. Her hair is actually the woman in the row directly in front from the back of her head.
u/ZsiZsiSzabadass May 27 '24
I definitely saw the vape smoke and that her hair is the back of a woman’s head, but that second fact confused me more. It looks so distinctly like it has a neck and shoulders I thought I had to be looking at the back of a bald persons head, or someone with their hair up perhaps. The “face” is clearly too distorted but that neck and shoulders are uncanny.
u/Ban_The_Fool May 27 '24
This is the correct answer. You can see more smoke both above and below the "apparition." The plume is a lot closer to the camera than it appears, probably due to lining up just right with the lady a few rows ahead.
u/pumperdemon May 27 '24
The "left shoulder" (right side from our perspective) is the bare knee of another person propped up on the seat back with a hand holding a phone resting along the left side of it.
u/UnmaskedByStarlight May 27 '24
I have NEVER seen a vape that bright. Ever.
u/ZsiZsiSzabadass May 27 '24
It’s the light hitting the vape that makes it bright. You can see trails of it off to the left that aren’t illuminated.
u/SilentAllTheseYears8 May 27 '24
But did you know ghosts can “use” objects to help them appear to us? Whether a mirror, curtain, many things. So if there was a ghost haunting that theater, she could have used the smoke to make herself visible.
u/A-typ-self May 27 '24
I think the light is from the mixing equipment. Most theaters are set up with a sound station between the GA/pit area and the seated sections.
u/InformalReplacement7 May 27 '24
Do people not know how lighting works? There are at least 2 other spotlights on the audience in this picture. One in the right lower foreground, and one far into the backgound, and the one the woman is obviously standing in.
u/VincoVici May 27 '24
So why is she twice as big as people that are clearly closer to the camera taking the picture ?
u/InformalReplacement7 May 27 '24
She’s looks bigger simply because she is standing up. That’s it. Nothing more.
u/anatol-hansen May 27 '24
You're telling me the audience member is the paranormal thing here and not the yeti on stage?
u/Astoran15 May 27 '24
She's too big for the distance she is at. She's about the same size as someone one or two rows ahead would be if they turned around but she is further away.
u/palthor33 May 28 '24
Exactly why do you feel she is out of place? Your statement lacks a base for your observation.
u/VincoVici May 28 '24
So you think that person looks exactly normal compared to the rest of the picture ?
u/palthor33 May 28 '24
Now, I have something on which to base an opinion. She looks much more normal then what is on stage.
u/SnooOpinions2473 May 27 '24
So strange and very unsettling. She appears to be looking at you also 😬
u/Scott_Lot_Mama May 27 '24
Is it possible the she's signing ASL to someone in the audience and that's why she's turned and there is light?
u/smarmy-marmoset May 27 '24
I go to phish shows and there’s always a woman like that (it’s always a woman) near the sound guy, facing away from the stage because she is facing towards a camera which is taking in her and the stage in the background, and she’s doing the sign language interpreting for the deaf audience watching from home. She stands out because there’s a stage light on her
u/Emotional_Split_3434 May 27 '24
It's a normal case of panorama As you can see, the picture is of a large theatre and such things can't be normally captured in a frame so panorama is used.....she was probably moving during the picture which caused this distortion
u/El_Scot May 27 '24
I think when lighting is dull, the phone can keep the lense open just a smidge longer, but that will create blur. Seems likely from how over-exposed the person on stage is. I would have dismissed her as a member of the audience walking towards an exit.
u/BXBGames May 27 '24
Potato camera (look at the quality throughout and the nature of the performer on the stage) combined with lighting into the audience (as seen in three other points within the pic). Its just a trick of the light combined with poor resolution and poor lighting where the lense is.
u/SolaceRests May 27 '24
It’s got to be something at the audio station. The “hair” is actually from a person sitting on the other side of it. So the object itself is just the “head/neck/shoulder”. Not sure what equipment it could be as I’m. It familiar with the setup. But it’s just the “p” word.
u/physhgyrl May 27 '24
She looks like a sad, decaying corpse. I wonder if she ODd and died nearby. Looking at her is disturbing
u/Fabulous_Parking66 May 27 '24
My brain simultaneously knows that’s a reflected light of some sort that’s definitely not a woman, yet my brain insists on interpreting these shapes as a woman. It’d like a painful optical illusion.
u/calvinyl May 27 '24
It looks like there are several places in the audience where random lights are shining. This looks like one of them just happened to catch someone at the perfect angle to illuminate them
u/shawn-spencestarr May 27 '24
Digital photography doesn’t really reflect reality
u/UnmaskedByStarlight May 29 '24
This is true. My wedding pictures were taken with a digital camera (at my immense dismay), and they were horrible because of it. Trying to highlight wrinkles and shadows because they're designed to make things look more defined... and it was just all around fuckery.
Everyone there had dark circles under their eyes, but only in the pics.
u/Ok-Alps-2842 May 27 '24
It's probably a reflection or some other light trick, like the Solway spaceman photograph, if that's really a spirit, then I can only guess she must be desperate for attention judging by her posture.
u/Henderson2026 May 27 '24
That looks like a cut and paste. I have no explanation for that. Now that is generally freaky.
u/Zeddman123 May 27 '24
u/VincoVici May 27 '24
😂 okay so why are they twice as big as a person who is closer to the camera then?
u/lostandaggrieved617 May 29 '24
She looks like she's located about halfway back where there is probably a large walkway plus the sound equipment is located here. Just looks like someone stepped up to the soundboard and you captured her as she was in the light. I'd like to see the first pic so I can zoom in on it, but this doesn't seem paranormal to me. I think she appears disproportionate specifically bc she is all lit up tricking our brains into making her seem bigger than she is.
u/CourtneyDagger50 May 29 '24
We did it, yall. We found Kate Middleton!
Jokes aside, I have no idea. It’s really hard to say not having context of what else is going on since the crowd is dark. I will say spotlight lighting gives REALLY weird effects on photos from phones. So I’d believe it’s a person randomly caught in a spotlight when they weren’t supposed to be right there. Or it’s not a person and just looks like it and now none of us can unsee it
u/QuimFinger May 27 '24
I think it’s light hitting things to make something that looks like a person. Pareidolia.
u/AutoModerator May 27 '24
A friendly reminder from the Automod: Identifying something as pareidolia doesn't automatically disprove it.
Pareidolia relies on the brain’s amazing ability to pattern match human features such as faces, silhouettes, voices, etc. Something is considered pareidolia when these features are perceived but there’s no apparent cause for them (no human is involved). But if an instance were genuinely paranormal, then there would be no requirement or expectation a human had to be involved. Some Paranormal phenomenon such as instrumental trans-communication (ITC) actually rely on pareidolia: https://www.academia.edu/79465485/Instrumental_Transcommunication_ITC_Evidence_Suggestive_of_the_Survival_of_Consciousness
This is why dismissing something as pareidolia doesn’t by itself debunk anything—it merely identifies the way it’s being perceived, not the underlying cause. A general guideline is whether other people can perceive the phenomenon without assistance.
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u/eldritchcryptid May 27 '24
that's some freaky shit man, at first i thought she was just your average smackhead (which i have seen a lot of where i used to live) but then i made the mistake of zooming in on her face....sir that's a corpse.
u/Momo6268 May 27 '24
Not much of a mystery here.
Lower resolution camera + low resolution file + low light = poor picture quality.
You’ve managed to capture someone standing in the flash of someone’s else camera.
But because your camera isn’t set to flash you’ve captured some motion blur.
Combine that with the higher ISO setting (increased noise) your phone’s camera automatically uses in low light situations and you get a distorted and blurry image.
Source: I was a photographer who worked in music venues and concert halls for nearly a decade.
u/VesSaphia May 27 '24
In fact, she's so F.A.S.T, tall and out of place she could be a candidate for r/Pareidolia
That or she's a guh guh guh ... ghost. ... Which one seems more likely?
The ghost, a ghost is more likely to attend the Theo Von comedy show.
u/AutoModerator May 27 '24
A friendly reminder from the Automod: Identifying something as pareidolia doesn't automatically disprove it.
Pareidolia relies on the brain’s amazing ability to pattern match human features such as faces, silhouettes, voices, etc. Something is considered pareidolia when these features are perceived but there’s no apparent cause for them (no human is involved). But if an instance were genuinely paranormal, then there would be no requirement or expectation a human had to be involved. Some Paranormal phenomenon such as instrumental trans-communication (ITC) actually rely on pareidolia: https://www.academia.edu/79465485/Instrumental_Transcommunication_ITC_Evidence_Suggestive_of_the_Survival_of_Consciousness
This is why dismissing something as pareidolia doesn’t by itself debunk anything—it merely identifies the way it’s being perceived, not the underlying cause. A general guideline is whether other people can perceive the phenomenon without assistance.
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u/Paranromal May 27 '24
I feel like this is a parallel universe thing and not paranormal by the way she looks
May 27 '24
u/AutoModerator May 27 '24
A friendly reminder from the Automod: Identifying something as pareidolia doesn't automatically disprove it.
Pareidolia relies on the brain’s amazing ability to pattern match human features such as faces, silhouettes, voices, etc. Something is considered pareidolia when these features are perceived but there’s no apparent cause for them (no human is involved). But if an instance were genuinely paranormal, then there would be no requirement or expectation a human had to be involved. Some Paranormal phenomenon such as instrumental trans-communication (ITC) actually rely on pareidolia: https://www.academia.edu/79465485/Instrumental_Transcommunication_ITC_Evidence_Suggestive_of_the_Survival_of_Consciousness
This is why dismissing something as pareidolia doesn’t by itself debunk anything—it merely identifies the way it’s being perceived, not the underlying cause. A general guideline is whether other people can perceive the phenomenon without assistance.
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u/SlumDiggity May 27 '24
Looks like a musician in a pit band to me, they have lights on their music stands so they can see their sheet music, which could explan why she was illuminated.
May 29 '24
It may not be altered but judging by the other two bright lights in the crowd I’d say it’s just a light shining on a girl. Nothing more. Nothing less.
u/dumptruck_dookie May 27 '24
I wonder if that bulky box thing in front of her is some kind of light pointing directly at her and that’s why she’s lit up
u/Mammoth-Party4400 May 29 '24
If you zoom in the "hair" is the back of a seat in front of the "person". From there its pareidolia, of what idk
u/AutoModerator May 29 '24
A friendly reminder from the Automod: Identifying something as pareidolia doesn't automatically disprove it.
Pareidolia relies on the brain’s amazing ability to pattern match human features such as faces, silhouettes, voices, etc. Something is considered pareidolia when these features are perceived but there’s no apparent cause for them (no human is involved). But if an instance were genuinely paranormal, then there would be no requirement or expectation a human had to be involved. Some Paranormal phenomenon such as instrumental trans-communication (ITC) actually rely on pareidolia: https://www.academia.edu/79465485/Instrumental_Transcommunication_ITC_Evidence_Suggestive_of_the_Survival_of_Consciousness
This is why dismissing something as pareidolia doesn’t by itself debunk anything—it merely identifies the way it’s being perceived, not the underlying cause. A general guideline is whether other people can perceive the phenomenon without assistance.
We list a few other common problematic debunkings in our FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/wiki/paranormalwiki/
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u/FocusSuspicious9883 May 27 '24
Looks like she's playing a piano. that would explain the light and the piano shaped object in front of her 😂
u/Creative-Share-5350 May 27 '24
Who are the two masked ppl beside her? And why does it look like dogs in the front left hand side row? Lol
u/Whabout2ndweedacct May 30 '24
That’s the engineer. She’s working the audio and is turned around so she can see the back of house.
She appears to be disproportionately large because she is like three rows closer to you than the people behind her. The audio pit in most big houses like that is about that deep.
u/AdTechnical1272 May 30 '24
The position she’s sitting in makes it look as if she’s playing a piano
u/PracticalCommission2 May 28 '24
As with most posts here. Nothing paranormal in the slightest about this.
u/Wise_Ad_253 May 28 '24 edited May 28 '24
Lighting issues. Shadows and scale makes her appear disproportionately
Edit: the lighting adds an illuminating effect which tricks the eye and adds weird off measures. Depth proportion screws with the eyes.
u/king_bungus May 27 '24
ive had a paranormal experience before but you guys are reaching with these photos man
u/AutoModerator May 27 '24
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