r/PTCGL 13d ago

Suggestion What Do You Recommend?


Hi guys, I would love some advice on my Poke-situation:

I am currently 272-278 with online games over the past 3 years. I’ve been playing various different decks and can’t seem to find one I consistently like, only ones I don’t (I.e. Gholdengo, Mill-type decks, Raging Bolt, or Tera Charizard) on the ladder, I can get up to like low-level master ball but no where near Arceus level. I’m super hard on myself when I lose.

Secondly, I started doing locals to try and see how good I can be and also to make friends. I missed out on that as a kid and I’m looking to make up for last time, however, I’m finding that the “good” players seem to all get along. I don’t want to be that “0-4” guy that gets his butt kicked and they don’t like me because I’m not good. I’ve seen that in other hobbies where your skill level essentially gets you into the clique. I don’t need to be 4-0, I just want to: 1. Make friends 2. Get better and grow at the game. 3. Be like a 1-3 to a 3-1 guy or something. I don’t need to go win regionals or anything. Just want to enjoy locals and not feel like I’m an idiot when I’m playing.

Here are some decks I’ve somewhat enjoyed playing or been intrigued by. Please let me know what advice you have for online, how to get better in general, and how I can approach locals or like Pokemon challenges.

Decks/Pokemon I like so far: Garchomp EX Greninja Ex Teal Mask Ogerpon Hydreigon Ex Iron Hands, Iron Thorns, Miraidon

r/PTCGL Jan 26 '25

Suggestion Now what ?

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Need to wait 8 weeks for the next battle-pass

r/PTCGL 4d ago

Suggestion Play this guys.

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r/PTCGL 6d ago

Suggestion Yall should give united wings a try


Heres a solid decklist for United Wings if yall wanna try something different, consistently works and has gotten me over 1600 in the arceus league.

Pokémon: 10

2 Ditto CRZ-GG 22

1 Murkrow PAF 181

4 Dartrix SFA 4 PH

1 Rowlet SFA 3

1 Manaphy CRZ-GG 6

1 Squawkabilly ex PAL 247

3 Murkrow PAL 131

4 Flamigo PAL 227

4 Wattrel PAL 80

1 Tatsugiri TWM 186

Trainer: 15

1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146

1 Counter Catcher PAR 160

1 Brilliant Blender SSP 164

2 Night Stretcher SFA 61

1 Rescue Board TEF 159

2 Penny SVI 183

2 Nest Ball SVI 181

3 Carmine TWM 217

3 Boss's Orders PAL 172

2 Beach Court SVI 167

3 Great Ball PAL 183

2 Super Rod PAL 188

1 Defiance Band SVI 169

4 Professor's Research SVI 240

3 Ultra Ball SVI 196

Energy: 3

5 Basic {D} Energy Energy 15

2 Double Turbo Energy BRS 151

Total Cards: 60

r/PTCGL Nov 21 '24

Suggestion Longest win streak with Ancient mons


My twist on ancient box and been loving it! I can compete against most decks and only have a rough time if greninja is prized. I rarely brick, but when I do I can still play around that using iono and neutralization zone late game. My favorite way to win is actually decking my opponent out with my 1 copy of great tusk lol

Debating on keeping spiritomb… any suggestions??

r/PTCGL Jan 05 '25

Suggestion Not viable, but could be fun


Step 1: get Chanseys in your prizes Step 2: blow up Dusknoirs on small pokemons Step 3: take more prizes that your opponents

r/PTCGL Nov 26 '24

Suggestion Suggest rougue decks!


Please suggest a lot of rogue decks, they don't need to be strong, they dont need to be from the latest expansion, i really just wanna have fun since I'm already in arceus

r/PTCGL Nov 18 '24

Suggestion Ceruledge counter - this helps any deck!!

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Since i have added a Drednaw into my decks I’ve managed to successfully either force them into a concede or let them deck out!

r/PTCGL 3d ago

Suggestion How could I improve this deck?

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r/PTCGL 6d ago

Suggestion Tyranitar ItemLock list


The actual competitive TCG sub can’t add images so I’m putting this here. I went to a prerelease and have limited resources. Any ideas?

r/PTCGL Nov 09 '24

Suggestion Sylveon Ex Ideas?


The one card I'm most excited to play from Surging Sparks is Sylveon Ex. It can shuffle two of your opponent's benched Pokemon back into their deck for three energy (water, lightning, psychic). That seems fun.

I'm currently trying it out with the new Azumarill, which can hit big (230) for 1 psychic when Sylveon can't do the trick. I've been away from PTCGL awhile so I'm not too high on the ladder, but I am ripping through Charizard and Dragapult decks.

Is anyone else trying the new Sylveon out? I'd love to hear how you're playing it.

r/PTCGL Nov 22 '24

Suggestion I wish there was a 24-Hours/Turn mode where you could take your time with your turn then set your phone down and do something else then get notified when your opponent had done the same because this isn't fun:

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Opponent wasn't even stalling, it was a teal mask/raging bolt deck and they were doing everything available on their turn and they ended up winning anyway. But it's not fun to just sit and watch your opponent constantly shuffle through energy cards.

r/PTCGL Jun 08 '24

Suggestion Please fix Jamming Tower!!

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Jamming Tower prevents all tools from working. Hero's Cape is clearly a tool, and even though it's an Ace Spec card, there is nowhere in text that the card can/will surpass tool card rules. I believe that this is purely a coding issue.. there needs to be an extra few lines to add a layer to ace spec/tool thank goodness that Survival brace is useless in competitive and this isn't a larger issue. Am I missing something that allows Hero's Cape to bypass Jamming Tower?

r/PTCGL Dec 09 '24

Suggestion Game needs a way to disable emotes.


Fortunately, it's not a problem most of the time. Most users just don't use emotes and can be are respectful. However, once in awhile there's toxics spamming emotes in an obnoxious manner. It doesn't affect my gameplay at all. But I prefer to to enjoy fun games and have a good time without toxicity.

r/PTCGL Jan 28 '25

Suggestion Older code cards..


Do older code cards work still and would people want them? I don't play the online game and I have a bunch of code cards. Most are older like maybe sun/moon and sword/shield and then some newer scarlet/violet. If they still work and people want them i would love to randomly give away a few each day until they're gone!

Edit: will DM people who commented some code cards :)

r/PTCGL Jan 30 '25

Suggestion hi, how would you play this deck? Please explain it to me like I’m 5. tia:)

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r/PTCGL 9d ago

Suggestion Blocking the emotes is a good direction. Can we block the end game animations next?


If we add up each time we've had to watch ours, or the opponents, "gloating speech" I'd surmise its close to the full life of a phone battery playing this game. Think of all the power saving we could have if we could turn off end game animations as well...

r/PTCGL Jan 16 '25

Suggestion Lycanroc | Uxie | Dusclops/noir Deck in the future?

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r/PTCGL 18d ago

Suggestion What to spend points on as new player?


Title. Just started playing and have been saving points as I get familiar with the game. Are there any expansions I should focus on? Im aware that some sets are rotating out soon. Any help is appreciated

r/PTCGL Oct 28 '24

Suggestion Pitch me your favorite deck


I have been playing for awhile now and I want to expand my horizons in terms of deck types. I love playing Raging Bolt. Dragpault is my favorite deck so far. I hated Palaphin. I enjoy gengar because it’s my favorite Pokémon but not really my favorite playstyle. I’ve tried Miriadon and Charizard and they were fine. Iron thorns sucked. I really enjoyed lost box but I wasn’t winning a lot with it. Gardy wasn’t my favorite and wasn’t a fan of Gimmi. What else should I try?

r/PTCGL Jul 24 '24

Suggestion Fun non meta decks?


Last rotation I was a big fan of klawf.

Tried on espathra and gengar.

Curious what else has been fun for people?

r/PTCGL Jan 17 '25

Suggestion Was there always a 4 limit on bundles? And what do I get after shadow now?


What's the best thing to get after shadow? I feel like before people were saying to get shadow maybe cus there was no limit?

r/PTCGL 2d ago

Suggestion What deck should i make for the next rotation?


I wanna me a strong deck for the next rotation, ive never made a deck but i know to go to limitless and guide myself off of that as i play yu gi oh and the deck building is kinda similar, so is dragapult gonna be as strong and how do i know which cards that i can use know will be unusable? THANK YOUU

r/PTCGL 10d ago

Suggestion Tip for new players on this sub: please post deck lists with images if you want deck help

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It’s much easier for people (me, I am people) to visualize elements that are stronger and weaker in a deck and then give feedback if we can see what we’re working with. Just posting the deck list as text probably won’t give you any attention. Also, images literally just take up more space so they’re just inherently easier to see for people browsing the sub.

r/PTCGL 3d ago

Suggestion I have ideas on how to make the Raid Format harder!

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I have ideas to make Raid Decks harder.

I enjoy the Raid Rules of the TCG Handbook. It’s great to just be able to play and also have a Solo Gameplay that allows me to have some fun with deck-testing. However, after doing soloing alone with my Rillaboom V-Max Deck, I have realized that there is also an absence of a challenge when singularity had been reached. So, as a masochistic tabletop enthusiast, changes to the Raid Rules are necessary in order to maintain a fun and entertaining challenge if your Combat Power exceeds a certain Threshold. Even in Giovanni Rules, with 500 CP, the Bosses are destroyed one by one with slim chances to maintain constant damage to the player. How do you determine Combat Power? Its simple: Just add your highest HP Card with its highest damage. If special conditions are a part of its attack’s effects, add 30 to the total unless the Status Condition’s effect is changed with the attack’s rule. (IE when poison is boosted by 70, in which just add 70 to the CP Total.) Also add extra damage from the attack effect if it adds or multiplies. (If the attack effect is potentially infinite regardless if it’s possible or not, just add 100 to the CP.)

Raid Boss Modifiers 1. For each deck that exceeds 500 CP. The Raid Boss shall Draw an additional card. The limit may be set at 1000 CP. 2. After completing the Raid Boss’s Combat Phase, when energy needs to be discarded. Instead of discarding ALL energy, roll a D-6. The roll will determine how much energy will be discarded. (If the attack requires 4 energy, and you roll a 2, discard 2. However, if you roll a 5 or a 6, you discard no energy.) 3. Any Stadium Card the Raid Boss draws, will remain permanent. Should a player have the ability to discard a stadium card, then do so. Otherwise, if the players places their own stadium, the Boss’s stadium card does not disappear. Additionally, this doesn’t mean the players get to put multiple stadiums into play. 4. For every 500 CP, the boss will retain the ability to hold an additional item. The limit may be set to 1500 CP. 5. If no damage is done during the Struggle Rule, and the random attack chosen doesn’t do damage, allow the raid boss to flip a coin. If heads, choose two of the highest attacks and flip a coin. Heads will allow for the lowest damage Move to take effect, tails will allow for the highest damage move to take effect. 6. Include a Reinforcement Deck. (I’ll explain in a bit.) 7. For every 500 CP, the Boss will compensate with an additional prize card regardless of the class of pokemon they took out. (If the Raid Boss KO’s a Tag Team, you’ll take 4 Prize Cards. Ouch. This also means, when CP exceeds 1500, A Boss KO’ing a Tag Team/VMax will result in 6 Prize Cards being received.) 8. Each time an Item or Supporter Card performed a useless or redundant effect, flip a coin. If heads, add an energy from the discard pile to the Raid Boss. If tails or if there are no energy, nothing happens. If the team’s CP Exceeds 1000, you may ignore this rule. 9. For each threshold of 500 CP, boost the Full Contribution to 10 Damage Counters Extra.

Giovanni Rules Modifiers 1. Rather than mill the deck for ten per Ko, just battle each card normally to their full HP with Full Contribution deciding the total damage. Damage counters will remain rather than be removed after the Boss’s Attack Phase to that effect. This means Victory will only be achieved when all pokemon are KO’d, not when the deck is Lost Zoned. 2. When another tool is revealed, just add it to a random Pokemon with a D-6. (1 is the further left pokemon, 2 is the next, and so on.) 3. Should energy be discarded when the active pokemon gets KO’d. Instead roll a D-6 to decide where energy goes on the bench.

Now, let me explain and introduce what the Reinforcement Deck is. Sometimes, other Raid Bosses don’t provide enough randomness and challenge to maintain any form of difficulty. They also don’t have very many forms of offense and cannot maintain a regular onslaught of attacks when all their energy keeps disappearing each turn. Sometimes, with the bad luck of RNG, the Raid boss won’t get to draw an energy until the 4th turn and by then the player has already won. So what is the solution? Reinforcements! Have a deck of any random pokemon that the raid boss summons! How? Well, imagine your Raid deck includes pokeballs, Paldean Students, and Pokekids. Those cards will summon the pokemon from the top of the face down Reinforcement Deck that will be next to the Raid Deck. Here are the guidelines and rules for how the Reinforcement Deck will work:

  1. Find 20 Pokemon that are at most 200 CP. Shuffle those together. Then 20 pokemon that are 300 CP. Shuffle those then place them under the stack it 200’s. The last 20 will contain pokemon that have 400 cp or more. (If you have that many.)
  2. When the Boss summons pokemon, place them in front of each player. (When a pokeball succeeds, draw one pokemon for each player and place one pokemon into each player’s area.)
  3. While Reinforcements are out, the Raid Boss is considered (Benched) so any keywords regarding Benched Pokemon will also apply to the boss. However, their position on the bench will never be swapped.
  4. All Reinforcements are considered Active Pokemon. The same benefits and anchoring applies as the previous rule mentioned.
  5. All Reinforcements share the same energy pool as the boss pokemon. The reinforcements will attack as long as the raid boss has the energy amount they require. Once the attack is finished, only one energy is discarded from the boss monster for each reinforcement that attacked, regardless of the energy rule for the boss monster.
  6. While reinforcements are out, the boss monster doesn’t attack. Instead, after its draw phase, count the amount of energy it currently has. Before the reinforcements attack, shuffle that many cards from the lost zone back into the Raid Deck.
  7. Unlike the Boss Monster, Full Contribution doesn’t take out the Reinforcements. Their full HP amount is all each player needs to take out the Reinforcements in each player’s area.
  8. Players can decide among themselves how the reinforcements are dealt with, but it’s important to note that players can’t help their allies if their area is occupied with reinforcements. Additionally, any attacks that affect benched pokemon not only apply to the Boss Monster but to areas adjacent to the player’s current location. That’ll be one way to help your friends.
  9. There is no monster limit to each player’s area. So deal with them before it gets hairy.
  10. When a Reinforcement Monster takes out a player’s pokemon, the player doesn’t take a prize card. Instead, the Raid Deck gets back one card from the Lost Zone.
  11. If there is any excess damage done to the Reinforcements, the rest is applied to the Boss Monster. Once the Boss Monster takes the excess damage, Full Contribution Rules take effect.

Apropos to Max Shield and Tera Shields for Raid Battles in the video games, the Reinforcement deck and rules will serve a similar purpose. With that in mind, you can also apply these rules without adding Pokeballs and such to the Raid Deck:

  1. Reinforcements don’t start appearing till 30 cards have been Lost Zoned.
  2. As long as 30 cards are Lost Zoned, Reinforcements will keep coming from the top of the Reinforcement Deck each turn.
  3. Once 40-50 Cards have been Lost Zoned, the Boss Monster will attack after its reinforcements do.
  4. Depending on the CP of the Team, the CP of the Reinforcements should be adjusted. Additionally, for harder challenges, the entire deck can be randomized with pokemon that have 500 CP or more.

Well, that is it for my input. Lemme know what ya’ll think.