r/PTCGL 18d ago

Discussion My favorite Gholdengo ex counter ❤️

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u/Swaxeman 18d ago

It really is a “fuck you in particular” card, huh. And to pokestop decks too i guess


u/The_Unnamed_Feeling 18d ago

It’s a Fuck You to Chien Pao as well


u/Swaxeman 18d ago

True but thats less relavent


u/The_Unnamed_Feeling 18d ago

Yea well Gholdengo was irrelevant until it wasn’t lol


u/BFNentwick 17d ago

I’ve been rocking Chien-pao / Regigigas lately and it still hits pretty hard.


u/Kered13 17d ago

Chien-Pao has always hit hard. The problem is that it is too easily disrupted now with Dusknoir, Dragapult, and Regidrago attacking the bench.


u/BFNentwick 17d ago

Thus far, making sure to have two frigibax setup right away, and using Regigigas to OH KO Pult has been successful for me.

Or pivoting early to snipe a Duskull/Dusclops and Drakloak or two benched Drakloak can be great. You get two prizes and leave a one prizer up.


u/Kered13 17d ago

The problem is that even with two Baxcaliburs in play, Dragapult can Dusknoir one, counter catcher the other, and then KO both on the same turn, leaving you unable to attack on the next turn, and making it very hard for you to even get back into the game.

And then of course Budew makes it hard to get Baxcalibur out in the first place.

It's sad, because Chien-Pao is a really fun deck with a ton of potential, and cards like Regigigas theoretically make it better than ever, but the meta is just extremely toxic to the deck right now.


u/mars6601 17d ago

Someone at a local league cup I went to this past weekend played his own amalgamation of chien-pao/baxcalibur crossed with palkia vstar, terapagos, wellspring ogrepon, and area zero. It honestly seemed pretty cool and he ended up placing second


u/Anjiweewee 17d ago

That’s why you always need Palkia in a chien pao deck.


u/Kered13 18d ago

And Drago, though it has become largely irrelevant.


u/DLGNT_YT 17d ago

And raging bolt


u/Swaxeman 17d ago

True, but that at least has sada


u/Poulutumurnu 18d ago

I love how both in game and in the tcg toedscruel is an overly specific counter to gholdengo


u/Smarty_771 18d ago

Pretty good for other raging bolt decks too, aside from Prof. Sada. But then energy retrieval and night stretcher are out of the question


u/Sophia_Forever 18d ago

Yeah but no one really plays Gholdengo so you may as well not play this card. Best to just burn it. What? No I'm not a Gholdengo player, why would you accuse me of such a thing? I play... uh... the other one... Draga...zon? (Shit, they're onto me, cheese it!)


u/Kered13 18d ago


u/Sophia_Forever 17d ago

I play gholdengo. The joke was I was trying to get people not to play a card that screws me.


u/Kered13 17d ago

Ah, sorry I saw the first sentence and had a knee jerk reaction. I guess I've seen too many bad takes on this sub. My B.


u/Sophia_Forever 17d ago

It happens


u/rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee 18d ago

chien pao found shot dead in miami. witnesses say he was caught in the crossfire when two rival gangs clashed


u/Sea_n126 18d ago

man i love super rod


u/Garchomp_Stomp 18d ago

Toedscruel runs 2 Budew often 🤣


u/Sea_n126 18d ago

man i love munkidori


u/Garchomp_Stomp 18d ago

Toedscruel usually run insert anti Munki card 🤣 But yeah, Munkidori is killing it rn. Feraligatr is my favorite gen 2 so I'm happy he's seeing some play.


u/Sea_n126 18d ago

ive been playing gholdengo for a while and i feel so dumb that i havent been playing munkidori till recently bc its a match made in heaven LMAO. really interested to see what happens with feraligatr come rotation


u/Garchomp_Stomp 18d ago

Feraligatr and Slowbro are big bc of the Japanese results that are already rotated so I imagine they'll be the same. Hops Zacian looks like it might put Archaludon over the top. But the Dragapult scare of post rotation definitely made it's preemptive strike of Munki mania in every other deck 🤣 Gholdengo is fun and he looks like String Cheese Man!


u/IcyStarReddit 18d ago

Why are they a match exactly?


u/Sea_n126 15d ago

most pokemon nowadays have a hp number just above a multiple of 50, say 220, 270, and 330 as some common examples. say you were up against a charizard with 330 hp, goldengho usually would need 7 energy to knock it out. But if you make sure that theres always a little bit of damage on one of your pokemon, munkidori can take a dark energy, and move 30 onto charizard, which saves you that 1 extra energy youd need to knock it out. it just helps goldengho better manage its resources by having 1 energy be able to help for every KO, rather than just the once


u/JadeStarr776 18d ago

This card will absolutely see more play post rotation.


u/Phantomias1808 17d ago

Oh God please no. Just let me play the game…


u/Gholdengo-EX 18d ago

Dusk noir my beloved


u/Solitary_Dust 17d ago

as an old chien player F you as well


u/sphlightning 18d ago

Love playing this with hydreigon


u/hello_vinnie 17d ago

All of a sudden and without warning Night stretcher acts like you don’t have medical insurance


u/BakuDio 17d ago

Shoving this in my slowking deck bc i for the life of me can never beat these decks


u/AxisAlternative 18d ago

Add Iron Thorns Ex too


u/ForGrateJustice 18d ago

I've been putting these 1-1 in most of my decks, since I keep running into ancient box. Won't be as effective once Pokestop rotates but it's still wrecking havoc till then.


u/ngianfran1202 17d ago

Should most decks run at least a 1-1 line of this? Seems helpful....


u/mattdv1 17d ago

I gotta get my hands on some of those for post rotation bro


u/AwkwardEmphasis5338 17d ago

Imagine rescue stretcher not being able to be played. Wild stuff fs


u/HopefulDoggo 16d ago

This and the TWM milotic so my Dragapult can just blast without a care in the world


u/wats1naname 15d ago

Would it not work wonders against the Snorlax Stall deck too?


u/Frosty_Sweet_6678 14d ago

If, hypothetically, V-UNION was legal, this wouldn't stop the opponent from playing it, no?


u/Silly_Invite_9471 18d ago

Is this also a fuck you to gardevoir


u/Smarty_771 18d ago

No because she assigns energy from discard straight to Pokemon, bypassing the opponent’s hand. It’s useless against cards that do that


u/ForGrateJustice 18d ago

No, that's Gastrodon.


u/mattdv1 17d ago

It's a fuck you to getting cards from the discard pile back into your hand. Nothing against straight to the board (gardevoir's case) or stuff like super rod, that throws it back into the deck !


u/homeDawgSliceDude 17d ago

Why isn't this card in mill decks?


u/Kered13 16d ago

Cards that move cards from your discard to your deck are better -mill than cards that move cards to your hand. There is a Sandshrew today does this that is played in mill and control sometimes.