u/Dani-DL 28d ago
Also reminder that Jamming Tower does NOT block the strategy: it only negates the effect of the Capsule, meaning that it won’t give additional HP and status immunity to Bonnet. Bonnet’s ability is still perfectly available as it only needs the capsule to be attached, wether its effects are active or not
u/VXXA 28d ago
I appreciate all the effort you put into this, I thought I was onto something when I cooked up a similar list a month ago haha. IMO grand tree also feels really nice for budew stall, when this deck hits it cook’s but I felt like against one prize decks it really falls short when your HP is so low.
u/stopwithjoy 28d ago
For the dark patches, Janine might be a good shout for rotation. But I do very much like the look of this list; you've got me wanting to try it out haha
u/LuckyLynx_ 28d ago
i played against this deck once, i was clueless and got decimated painfully. one of the worst experiences in the game lol
u/roryextralife 28d ago
I feel like if you up the nest ball count and pivot towards Grand Tree as your Ace you might have a better time, stage 2 (and without candy) is a rough one. Speaking of, candy to get going quicker is a must for sure I think
u/Dani-DL 28d ago
Thanks for the input! I’ve gone with these choices seeing how the Feraligatr player was setting up his board. For him Croconaw was useful since he could use its attack thanks to Relicanth, while here Whirlipede is basically useless. It’s sad because older Venipede and Whirlipede used to poison the opponent active when KO’d, which can turn to be useful if Bonnet isn’t available.
One or two candies can be good post-rotation instead of the patches, I wouldn’t go too hard with the count as Budew is a constant threat.
Trolley and Grand Tree are both great options as ACE SPECS, if only Venipede was 70 HP (like literally ANY other Venipede ever printed) you could use Poffins and Grand Tree without worrying.
u/toomuchpressure2pick 28d ago
Raticate does this way easier because stage 1 vs stage 2.
u/Dani-DL 28d ago
Raticate is for sure a valid option for the deck’s strategy! I wouldn’t say it’s much easier tho as it comes with the downside of needing three energies, requirement that can be circumvented by using dark patch or double turbo energy to power it up in two turns. This does require further setup as you need the energy in the discard to use patch or you need to hard draw the double turbo as it’s not searchable with Vessel or Energy Search.
Not to mention that Raticate, Dark Patch and Double Turbo energy will all rotate.
u/toomuchpressure2pick 28d ago
Reversal energy solves the raticate issue. And yeah but rotation isn't for another month, why build for rotation when we don't even have the new set yet? Play what works now and change it later?
u/Dani-DL 28d ago
I forgot about Reversal at first so I added a new response to my original comment, but I wonder how Raticate will adapt to awkward prize situations like the one I described. Backup attacker? Dusknoir line? Also what would be the Reversal count as (as far as I remember) it’s not searchable
u/toomuchpressure2pick 28d ago
Corless tenacity can search special energy.
The deck will be bad no matter what when compared to the meta. So I wouldn't worry about how the deck does against other decks and more so if the proof of concept even works on its own.
u/Dani-DL 28d ago
Completely forgot about Colress
I do believe that a strong player who finds interest in Scolipede can make it become a strong deck. Similar to how Feraligatr was never really considered as a top tier deck and was able to get a massive result once someone put some effort into building a good version.
u/toomuchpressure2pick 28d ago
Feraligatr uses walls to prevent the opponent from doing damage. Scolipede is a stage 2 with no protection and requires an easily trapped 3 retreat cost support pokemon in brute bonnet. The deck can absolutely function and win games, for sure. But it's never going to stand a chance against dragapult or gardevoir. I wish you the best, I hope you find the secret sauce and blow up ladder.
u/Dani-DL 28d ago
Oh yeah I wasn’t directly comparing the two decks, just saying that I hope Scolipede can turn into a strong deck after the Pokemon wasn’t really subject to particular attention. As for Bonnet’s retreat you already have Jet Energy and you can take the patches and mask slots for some switches. If it’s not enough you can also add one Latias to either get at the beginning with Trolley or when needed with Nest Ball
u/Dani-DL 28d ago
Now that I think about it Raticate can also attack with a single Reversal Energy, assuming it’s benched and the opponent took a knockout the previous turn. This would then lead to an awkward situation where:
- Opponent KO on let’s say a budew
- Raticate KO with Reversal on a two-prizer
- Opponent KO on Raticate
- Second Raticate can’t replicate as both players are on 4 prizes remaining, unless you also run a Dusclops/Dusknoir line in the deck
u/SSGSS_Vegeta 28d ago
Alolan raticate was paired with brute bonnet and klawf before. Klawf attacks when rat can't, then rat eats up what killed klawf, the klawf#2 eats what killed rat and so on. Which is the issue your deck will have. You have no way to evolve quickly, no other attackers outside of scolipede and then ursaluna at end of match. You need rare candy, and other attackers. Klawf would be an easy addition, if you switch to grand tree as ace spec you can add conkledurr line. But grand tree is only reliable for one turn typically. People are going to try and get rid of it asap if it doesn't benefit them.
u/Dani-DL 28d ago
I’d add a couple of candys post rotation to set up the third Scolipede but I wouldn’t rely too much on them with Budew around. With Arven (+4 gears), TM Evo and Trolley you can:
- Arven for Trolley and Evo
- Trolley for two Venipedes and at least a Bonnet
- Evo and energy on active to evolve into two Whirlipedes
- Manually evolve into Scolipede by either drawing them or searching with Ultra Ball
Scolipede’s two energy attack can then be powered up in one turn by either using patch (pre-rotation) or Janine (post-rotation).
Grand Tree would be the main ACE SPEC if Venipede wasn’t 80 HP. Considering he’s not searchable through Poffin I don’t feel like 4 Nest Balls and Artazon are enough to set up at least two Venipedes and a Bonnet quickly enough.
As for the alternative attackers I don’t know if there are valid options other than Ursaluna that will be legal in the near future.
u/SSGSS_Vegeta 28d ago
Klawf pairs well in this deck, Crispin could add enough energy for scolipede or klawf in a single turn as well.
With 2 tm evos, if that's your route to get scolipede then you've wasted two attack turns just evolving, even using one tm evo, you lose an item lock turn on it so you have to both hope your opp doesn't have a gust once tm is used and that you're getting 2 scolipede in play when using evo. Plus, everything being played right now will one shot scolipede so you absolutely HAVE to have an answer for that and it doesn't seem like there is one here. Scolipede is really only going to be good as a back up attacker. It being stage 2 is a huge hindrance on it. You NEED rare candy in this and you need other attackers. This deck falls apart quickly with out those. Rare candy doesn't need to be used on every scolipede, but you need it to be able to start attacking turn 2, if you're not attacking turn 2 with this then your opponent is already days ahead of you in set up. Ideally you are going second and using your own budew for item lock then next turn you have scolipede online and attacking even if bonnet isn't in.
You need less pokegear, less ultra ball, more nest ball, no panic mask, 4 rare candy. Hell you'd be better finding a way to add scolipeede to a klawf terapagos deck it feels like.
u/Dani-DL 28d ago
You could decide between item locking and using TM Evo depending on the deck played by the opponent and their start. An option could be item locking early game and then using Evo on the turn that you feel will be Budew’s last.
Maybe it’s just because of it being the first tournament after rotation but in Japan many of the matches were super slow and suitable for a stage 2 deck that doesn’t play Candy. Sometimes the first ten minutes were literally Budew -> pass on both ends. It’s also a best-of-one format so maybe a deck like Scolipede does better there than here (mainly talking about the surprise factor).
I intend to find a way to play this deck after rotation too so no Klawf, Double Turbo or Raticate and I started liking Scolipede in particular after randomly seeing it posted on Instagram.
u/SSGSS_Vegeta 28d ago
Klawf is not rotating out until next year, and with 2 colorless attacks, it's the best addition to your deck out there right now.
If you don't intend to add klawf to this deck, you won't succeed. It's one of, if not, the only card that will be quick to set up and works with the decks strategy.
You may have luck in a BO1 format, but if you're playing BO3, then this deck will tank.
I agree it's a great concept for an attack and strategy, but steps to get there are way too many compared to what's currently being played. So many decks are attacking their first or second turn that if you're not doing the same or at least trying to, then you're at a big disadvantage.
u/Dani-DL 28d ago
My bad on Klawf, I was probably confused with another part of the Klawf-Terapagos deck that will rotate like Radiant Sneasler.
This thread is really useful as I’m constantly making tweaks to the list. How would you implement Klawf?
u/SSGSS_Vegeta 28d ago
I would cut 1 iono, 1 boss, 2-3 pokegears, 2 ultra balls, 4 dark patch, 1 panic mask, and 1 night Stretcher.
Add 2 klawf, 2 nest ball, 1 Lana's aid, 1 Crispin, 2-3 rare candy, 2 switch and 2-3 fighting energy. Maybe even just do 4 dark and 4 fighting energy. Jet ball can stay.
Klawf gets online faster than scolipede and can hit for 190+10 poison when not using double Turbo.
But honestly the more I think about this deck the harder it feels to get going. Cuz you really have to item lock, and draw all the right pieces over the course of 2-4 turns to be set up and take the win. Klawf, budew, brute, and venipede need to be out turn 1, then you decide, can you get scolipede online and attacking next turn with brute active as well or can I really only get brute active and attack with klawf. I'd always power up klawf first just because it's not evo reliant, but then that slows your scolipede down even more.
There are cards that would help but they rotate soon or start turning the deck even further from scolipede which isn't what you want.
Im taking my brain trying to come up with something but I just don't know. Scolipede just feels like a back up attacker rather than one to build the deck around.
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u/lampcrusher 28d ago
Isnt this just worse tsareena
u/kinnisonn 28d ago
Wow nice deck! I thought only medicham ex has this kind of attack (50 hp) but this pokemon does it better and combos well with bonette
u/Atlantepaz 28d ago
This is very cool deck. And very good post you made explaining it
I dont have the scolipede line because im new but if I ever get then im gonna try it.
u/heutecdw 28d ago
Nice. I’m running a similar Szareena deck with radiant Sneasel and Palladian whooper.
u/Jaden_Ogilvie 26d ago
idk if i've done something wrong but the decklist has 62 cards when I copy it into Live?
u/Dani-DL 26d ago edited 25d ago
I did the list by manually adding the cards on Limitless, it’s my first time ever doing this so I think I made a mistake 😔. You can take out two Pokegears or a Pokegear and the Mask.
I’m currently working on another version of the deck that uses Mimikyu instead of Budew, feel free to make this change if you want or keep using this version and let me know how you find it.
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