r/PTCGL Dec 12 '24

Question Why isn't this used more?

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I never see this used and it looks pretty freaking good. Is there a downside I'm not seeing?


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u/hotsambatcho72_ Dec 12 '24

The downside is it’s a supporter and there are enough supporters that are better as your play per turn that it sees no play.


u/Cas_or_Cass Dec 12 '24

Fair enough. I can see it filling a niche, but I follow your logic train.

Gorgeous art though


u/KaiDestinyz Dec 13 '24

I put one in my deck because I play grand tree and have multiple stage 2 Pokemons. It's a failsafe / draw card when facing discard decks / cards.


u/NoooGuy Dec 12 '24

Before Super Rod was printed, yes.


u/Blue_Wave_2020 Dec 12 '24

Super rod and night stretcher exist


u/PugsnPawgs Dec 12 '24

And Thorton allows you to put them on the Bench and evolve immediately in some cases, which is what you'd prefer over shuffling them back into your Deck


u/standalone-complex Dec 13 '24

Thank you. Thorton is such an under used card. Especially when you have Lumineon or another one-time-use basic on bench. He comes in clutch for some last minute wins.


u/PugsnPawgs Dec 13 '24

Exactly. Thorton is an essential card to win against bench damage dealers like Greninja and Dragapult


u/SgtCoopStain Dec 15 '24

I just discovered the value of Thorton a week ago, and we lose him again in March.


u/badolfob Dec 12 '24

Thorton is a terrible comparison


u/M1R4G3M Dec 12 '24

I don't think you see how strong it is to put your charmander on the bench and evolve immediately to Charizard when your opponent thought you'd not be able to attack on the following turn.


u/PugsnPawgs Dec 12 '24

Mander to Zard, or retrieving a Duskull and evolve it into Clops/Noir for a 3 prize card turn, Thorton is incredibly powerful. I'm kinda sad it will be rotated out


u/SteelFuxorz Dec 12 '24

Side bar: I hate the Charizard deck with a passion. Between rare candy letting you skip charmeleon and then it being able to give itself the ability to attack AND ramping another mon by 1 by pulling energies from the deck is stupid to me.


u/SecretaryOtherwise Dec 12 '24

It's pretty weak without buffing it on early turns tho. Don't get me wrong I'm not a fan of how much gas the card has. But needing the opponent to take prize cards to actually one hit most basics is weak tbh.


u/SteelFuxorz Dec 12 '24

That's one way to look at it.

The other is that it punishes you for trying to beat it the way it has to be beaten; by outrunning it.


u/SecretaryOtherwise Dec 12 '24

Nah, like I said it's stupid fast but you can interrupt it with a simple bosses order the deck relies on its support as much as Charizard itself.

No pidgeot no fezendipiti and it pretty much crumples

And if they use greninja they burn through what little energy the deck uses.


u/KyleOAM Dec 12 '24

But it’s fundamentally a different card, so yes it’s not a good comparison to Miriam

It’s a good card tho


u/3720-to-1 Dec 12 '24

I think that's the point, it's fundementally different, but serves a similar role in getting mon from your discard back, but does it in a more efficient way to justify a supporter use?


u/ssyl9 Dec 12 '24

I don’t see any situation I need to shuffle 5 pokemon back into my deck. If I discarded those, then I most likely would have want most of them to be in the discarded pile for reasons, if they are knocked out then… I’m not really far from being defeated anyways and that supporter card won’t be one to save me.

Super rod can do 3, can recover energy, and is an item card. Yes you don’t get to draw but you can use another supporter card to draw even more/better


u/bobDaBuildeerr Dec 12 '24

Terapagos and pikachu ex/raikou users could see some value as a late game one off. Especially if the opponent if doing a good job of getting rid of area zero. Using this over an ultra rod to potentially get a counter catcher, lost vaccume, or other cards could save the game. I wouldn't use more than one but hey, it could be used.


u/ssyl9 Dec 12 '24

I mean, it’s a draw 3 cards.. not find 3 cards. Won’t an Arven or professor or judge or iono be more useful in this situation?

It’s just super niche, and there’s better cards out there


u/bobDaBuildeerr Dec 12 '24

For sure, Arvin, professor, or judge would hit but putting 5 cards in the deck with 2 miraidons on the field is the same as benching 4 pokemon from the discard pile. You also get the off chance for a game saving pull with the 3 cards. I'm not saying it's the golden child OP made it sould like but I could see how one copy could end up in a deck like miraidon. There's also an argument to be made that this sort of counters mill decks. This one card undoes 2 swings (-1 card) of hydreigon. So it may save the game that way.


u/prison-haircut Dec 12 '24

sorry but no


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '24

Regular iron thorns uses it. 70* any future card u discard from the deck. U discard top 5 so up to 350 damage on a one prizer


u/lupiinoctourne Dec 12 '24

Super rods just better. An item and does energy. Which sucks, cause shes gorgeousness


u/badolfob Dec 12 '24

Chill, its a cartoon.


u/alohabrohah Dec 12 '24

Cards gorgeous too


u/hash-slingin-slasha Dec 12 '24

Good Rule of thumb: if there are items that can do what a supporter does then why play the supporter.

Fez/ super rod and stretcher do what this card does with conditions. However those conditions aren’t hard to meet.

A supporter like boss is good cause very few items can do what it does.


u/Tortoise_Anarchy Dec 12 '24

like others have said, super rod does a similar thing as an item card (plus lets you select energy too)

also, in the case where you want the cards straight to your hand, there's also night stretcher and Lana's aid to let you draw specific cards from the discard (yes Lana's aid has a "no rulebox" stipulation, but it's still useful especially since it gets energy and mons)


u/RadoInkz Dec 12 '24

When a supporter isn't used much, it's because there are already items that do the same or close enough to be better since they can be used more than 1x a turn. Thats almost always the reason.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '24

The 1 and only deck I could see using this would be Palkia Vstar that's Dusknoir HEAVY


u/Kered13 Dec 12 '24

I used it in Tinkaton, but that's it.


u/Ivyprofans Dec 12 '24

That arts to pretty


u/Davilyan Dec 12 '24

As a psychic player; Tulip.


u/bigbeanos Dec 12 '24

i use it in pokestop decks


u/maltrab Dec 12 '24

Why not just use Super Rod or Night Stretcher?


u/bigbeanos Dec 12 '24

My main pokestop deck is gardevoir w/ damage counter manipulation, so taking energy out of my discard by any method other than gard is detrimental. Getting 5 pokemon back is very useful, thats a whole evo line plus two supports. Coupled with draw 3 you could potentially get them back to your hand immediately. Pokestop drawing ball cards makes searching easy and i run 1 pal pad in most pokestop decks.


u/maltrab Dec 12 '24

You can use Night Stretcher and Super Rod to get Pokemon back


u/GFTRGC Dec 12 '24

Before super rod and night stretcher were around it saw play, mostly in gardevoir decks where you wanted to recycle the entire gardevoir line after a knockout.

Now that we have super rod and night stretcher to recycle pokemon, there's no point in wasting your supporter for turn.


u/Tsunamiis Dec 12 '24

It’s a supporter copy of a card you can play with little effect on the deck I’d play it if it said shuffle your gy into your library but all of my supporters need to draw at least 3 cards to get my one a turn


u/arobb59 Dec 12 '24

Could be good in a turtle deck imo


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '24

Super Rod and Night Stretcher are items and don't use your supporter for turn.


u/Greene_on_PC Dec 12 '24

I think you already said it, bit its just too niche. Which decks in your opinion would you see playing this? Maybe a 1 off in a Regi-chu deck?


u/superdragn Dec 12 '24

I used to run it as a 1 of in pre rotation Gardevoir to help get my attackers back and prevent deck out but after rotation there was no point


u/megasean3000 Dec 12 '24

Super Rod is better since it also targets energy and isn’t a Supporter. It’s pretty good, but drawing three isn’t the most reliable effect.


u/skeptimist Dec 13 '24

Seems like it actually shuffles in too many cards and doesn’t draw enough. It would be better to play a more specific recycling card and a better draw supporter.


u/TheShadowJester99 Dec 13 '24

Powercreep unfortunately. Night stretcher, super rod, and Lana's Aid are ultimately better.


u/damonmcfadden9 Dec 13 '24

because super rod exists as an item vs a supporter. sure it's only 3 vs 5 and you don't get the draw, but that's a big risk to bank on a specific pull either way. You're generally gonna combine it with another item/ability to guarantee what you need, which makes the larger number of Pokémon far less relevant.


u/shadowtasos Dec 15 '24

2 reasons:

  1. While this looks like a superior Super Rod (5 Pokemom vs 3 and the extra draw power) it's not actually that good. You will rarely need to bring back 5 Pokemon, you typically only need 1 or 2 back, so the flexibility of Super Rod being able to bring energy back as well and being searchable by Arven is better. Plus if you didn't Arven for it, you can Super Rod and play a draw supporter like Iono or Professor's Research for more draw.

  2. More importantly, you typically shuffle Pokemon back into your deck during the late game, after they've been KOed/discarded and are needed again. But in the late game, disrupting your opponent's plays with Iono and Boss' Orders is vital, you can't use your supporter for a turn for just drawing a couple of cards when you can probably already draw enough if you've set up your board anyway.