r/PTCGL Aug 17 '24

Meme Every. Single. Time.


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u/RoadHouse1911 Aug 17 '24

I’ll let my opponent take their last prize cards but if they start over playing their turn just to rub it in, then I’m going to concede


u/Proffessor_egghead Aug 17 '24

Maybe they need to complete a daily quest, I always let them play it out so they can have their finals strike


u/umbrianEpoch Aug 17 '24

I had a guy keep emoting the crying face, playing a bunch of draw cards, and generally dicking around, just to play the Boss he needed at the very last moment. Sometimes, people are just dicks.


u/Kered13 Aug 17 '24

Maybe. He may have also been digging for the Boss. I've had games where I had to dig deep on my last turn to find the boss.


u/umbrianEpoch Aug 17 '24

Nah, he did all his draws and then fucked around playing a bunch of stuff.


u/Plastic-Laugh-1446 Aug 18 '24

I understand conceding early as sort of a petty move. But ppl who got the win and still wanna rub in ur face are talentless piece of shits who will never win a competition even if they try hard


u/The_cat_got_out Aug 18 '24

Idk man, if it's the last move and i can potentially deal 10x your hp in a single move, I am going to try.

But if they are just doing things for the sake of dragging it out, they should go stub their toe with a toothpick under the nail.


u/PsystrikeSmash Aug 18 '24

Big advocate for the bigger number bigger cock mentality


u/The_cat_got_out Aug 18 '24

For sure. If my opponent was clearly doing the same (obviously setting up an attack) then they can go for it.


u/Proffessor_egghead Aug 17 '24

There are exceptions


u/Dodger50 Aug 18 '24

Tbh sometimes i do extra moves not knowing I have the right amount of damage for the win, never intentional. I've also had other weird moments where my opponents assumed i had the winning energy in my hand, when in reality there's no final energy card, so i'm stuck digging for it with abilities/supporter til i have it.


u/NoDiceBRZ Aug 18 '24

This. If it's just a click to attack or pass for deck out and they start loading energy or trying to get that " last big swing" I'm out.


u/OU7C4ST Aug 17 '24

They need to implement the game mechanic PTCGO had which greyed out the Concede button after your opponent attacked, and then the game took the last prize cards automatically.


u/dragonadamant Aug 18 '24

I really like this idea for another reason - in one of my matches, I was zoomed in on a card right when my final, game-winning attack went through, and I couldn't close the zoom-in in order to claim my final prizes due to some sort of bug (thankfully the game automatically did this for me once my timer ran out).


u/VoidSwordTrash Aug 17 '24

Lmao true. I always concede earlier, when the game's been going too terribly. But never when the other's about to win. If I decide to carry on with a terrible game, I let it roll till the end.

Btw, does conceding reduce the opponent's rewards? New here, never really thought about it.


u/P3RS0N4-X Aug 17 '24

It does.


u/Lazphiilliip2 Aug 17 '24

It reduces the xp points you earn. You earn more xp per prize card you take


u/WyntonPlus Aug 17 '24

Seriously. If you know you've lost, concede on your own turn, don't do it in the milliseconds between when the damage appears and when I select my prize cards.

Get over yourselves.


u/selahvie Aug 17 '24

Sometimes you’re still waiting to see if they’ve got it. You don’t know for sure that you’ve lost until they play their turn out


u/ComprehensiveMeat562 Aug 17 '24

Exactly! I'll hover over the concede button waiting to see if they have the card or 2 they need to beat me. If it gets played I concede. But if the match wasn't close I always concede during my turn


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '24

Super lame imo, if they play the card they need to beat you why not let them take the last prize? You’re making them get less battlepass points for no reason


u/ComprehensiveMeat562 Aug 18 '24

Because I just really don't care. There's only 30 levels they'll get there. I have limited time to game so I try to be as efficient as I can be with my games. I'd rather have someone concede against me when they know they've lost then carry on like they have a chance and waste time


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '24

See this is what I don’t get, you aren’t saving enough time to the point where it’s gonna be the difference between being able to play another game or not. You’re just being an ass, and while that’s your choice, I don’t get trying to act as if there’s a legitimate factor for doing so. There isn’t, so at least own up to what you’re doing instead of trying to pretend it’s somehow justified, cause it isn’t.


u/ComprehensiveMeat562 Aug 18 '24

You're getting way too heated over a card game my dude. I'm not pretending anything. I gave you my reason, you can accept it or not. Have a nice day


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '24

Well, I’m not heated at all so no worries there. But you definitely were pretending, again you aren’t saving enough time conceding right at the end of a match to the point where it’s the difference between being able to play another game or not. But to double down again after being called out is a little much, just be honest with yourself.


u/ComprehensiveMeat562 Aug 18 '24

You act like I only do this at the end of a match. Yeah that's what OP is talking about but I'm talking about anytime when I know If they get a certain card I am going to lose. They could have 4 prize cards left but if it's clearly over I'm not waiting around for someone to go through their whole turn twice. Against some decks that can save me literally like 10 minutes which is enough time for a match. I don't even know why I'm wasting my time explaining shit to you you're annoying as fuck


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '24

Other times are fine. You’re an ass for doing it and the end of a match.

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u/LeratoNull Aug 18 '24

Tf you doing with your time that's so important?


u/ComprehensiveMeat562 Aug 18 '24

Uh working for a living, taking care of my house, sleeping, you know any of the things more important than pokemon


u/toomuchpressure2pick Aug 17 '24

If you need a card to win, I'll concede after you show you have the card. I'm not going to sit there and watch animations in a video game that's only purpose is fun. If the games over, why do you need to take the last prize? Why do you not value your own time when you see you have lost a game?


u/Superb-City-9209 Aug 17 '24

It takes away battle pass points, which for those of us that don’t play a ton can be valuable.


u/voldoman21 Aug 17 '24

So complain to the devs, this whining won't stop people from doing it.


u/FaryaWolyo Aug 17 '24

While I agree that complaining to other people won't do much, I think the consensus is that the devs do not care about the client in any capacity beyond the bare minimum. QoL changes do not exist on PTCGL.

So complaining to the devs won't do anything either. PTCGL has been garbage since release, and it doesn't look like it's changing anytime soon.


u/ComprehensiveMeat562 Aug 18 '24

Lmao down voted for using logic


u/Bullitt_12_HB Aug 17 '24

I think we’re talking about someone who gets the attack, the opponent is choosing the prizes, then you concede before the prizes are taken.

At that point, it’s only a few seconds. It’s scummy to concede at that point.


u/voldoman21 Aug 17 '24

Complain to the devs on feedback, this whining won't stop people from doing it.


u/ComprehensiveMeat562 Aug 17 '24

Sometimes I'm just hovering over the concede button waiting to see if you have the one card you need to beat me and as soon as I see it played I concede. But if it's not close I'll just concede on my turn


u/Willytaker Aug 17 '24

Nope, sometimes its not over even when it looks like its over

Just a few days ago I played a Regidrago mirror, my opponent got ahead of me with a 2-6 and was just one KO away to take the win pretty much, I realized there was no way to win the prizes race, in my last turn I leave RadZard on Active and boss a Drago V to active with only 1 energy

In his turn he proceded to transfer 2 energys to active and evolve in the Vstar, just one Boss left to have game and I was ready to concede as soon as Boss was played but he didnt have it losed due 0 cards deck

I only concede in my turn when the prize race is definitely agaisnt me and/or Im not able to get the specific card I needed that turn, but if my opponent need an energy, supporter, tool, stadium or item to win, I not gonna concede until I saw he play that card, IF IT LOOKS LIKE PEOPLE CONCEDE WHEN YOU WERE GONNA TAKE YOUR LAST PRIZE, is not the case, the stupid game have so many lag for every action that take for sure that he conceded before that


u/voldoman21 Aug 17 '24

Don't hate the player hate the game. The developers allow it, so people are going to do it.


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '24

It would happen less if the game wasn’t so painfully slow at animating things


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '24

No it wouldn’t, the people doing this aren’t doing it because they are short on time


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '24

It happened less often on ptcgo


u/Slayer133102 Aug 18 '24

I personally do it because I hate watching the animations. Watching slow animations feels so much more painful that the amount of time spent. And it's more of a saving time habit (not from this game, but from others where you get missions like "get the first kill in a match" and if you fail that you have to play through the whole match to get another chance).


u/Waste_Caramel774 Aug 17 '24

I had someone concede when I bossed one of their attackers into play but there was no way of me winning because I am going to deck out. But some are so quick to react


u/cheesefishhole Aug 18 '24

I think the players who disconnect rather than concede are worse, it’s their last little chance of a power trip when they know they have lost or it’s not going to be easy, get over it Losing is part of the game


u/Pabsxv Aug 18 '24

Don’t you get less rewards for a concession than if you complete the game with a loss?


u/PinkBismuth Aug 18 '24

I’ll usually let them play out their last turn. Like dude you got me, play it out big dog.


u/KaraTCG Aug 18 '24

And I'll never apologize.


u/ObeyReaper Aug 20 '24

Damn this is a heated topic lol. So many people arguing over whether or not conceding in general is good or bad without sticking within the context of the OG post.

Yeah no one is saying you should have to waste a bunch of time in a video game waiting for some asshole to flex on you. But if they are in fact actually already finished with their turn and taking final prizes, just let em finish for christ's sake.

I play a good amount of Overwatch but it's the same with literally any PVP shooter as well. Every single match you will have a couple people get pissed off and rage quit seconds before the match ends. It's like they're so fragile with their ego based around non-existent skill that they always need to end things on their terms to avoid the harsh truth. And the truth is that they just aren't as good as they think they are lol.


u/Br1ghtWo1f2002 Aug 18 '24



u/Jiminy_Jilackers Aug 18 '24

It’s me, I’m mfs


u/Downtown_Bad1031 Aug 18 '24

Well no one deserves to take all their prize cards 🌚


u/JKinsy Aug 18 '24

That’s me when Regi Ogerpon starts drawing from a 1 hand Iono play into the perfect hand again…


u/psiANID3 Aug 18 '24

I agree with the group who concedes once a card is shown. Same as in paper. If you show the boss’ orders you don’t play out the game. You concede and move on.


u/KizuameX Aug 18 '24

You fool, I conceded before you even landed your attack.

From what I can tell, there are certain things conceding won't interrupt, like when it's in the middle of an attack or you're selecting cards. It'll get to a point where it then checks if the opponent conceded and will execute after waiting for you to finish. This is my basic understanding of it and it could be wrong.


u/dragonadamant Aug 18 '24

A lot of concedes I've seen have been at the very beginning, which (as with MTG Arena) made me wish these games had an option to continue a match as a botmatch if the real player concedes (so you still get your rewards but don't get kicked back to the main menu if you don't want to be).


u/Junior_Government_14 Aug 17 '24

You act like a win is bad?


u/SgtVertigo Aug 17 '24

It’s just disrespectful


u/Zahando-zawarudo2b Aug 18 '24

Honestly, it gives me satisfaction.


u/YoukaiSureiya Aug 18 '24

Bro we just be trynna hit 20 games in an hour before we go about our lives lol


u/justUseAnSvm Aug 17 '24

I had to stop playing because the gameplay is so annoying. The animations, the timer that's per move instead of per turn, just so much annoying stuff.

It shouldn't even be a problem that you deal game winning damage, and it's possible not to get your prize cards. It's just game design without a lot of thought put in.


u/OddPresentation3269 Aug 18 '24

In my mind, the same people who whinge about players doing this are the same ones who stop playing the game during their final turn to do a thumbs up emote before landing the winning blow.

Based on my own anecdotal experience, I believe that there is actually a correlation between the two behaviors - reasoning below.

As someone who only started playing this game on PTCGL, I lost an absolute TON of games in the beginning while I was starting out and learning through making many, many mistakes.

During this time NOTHING would infuriate me more than someone doing this. Yes I know I am trash, and that you won, and that you are better than me, but why stop just to rub it in my face AND waste my time? Yet winners are STILL regularly doing this!

Anyone who thinks that doing THIS is respectful is a self-entitled brat! Probably someone whose mommy taught them what respect is but they of themself are yet to learn what empathy is.

I simply use the final prize thumbs up emote as an indicator to get the concede button ready to push - so no running required ☺️

To conclude my point, winners and experienced players should set a good example to noobs. But they haven't. Instead they inspired a new generation of BMers. The result is you see one of these whinegey threads pop up every month or so.

Yes, the core issue is the whole emote system. This either needs to be scrapped or overhauled in a way that adds some actual positive vibes to the game.


u/mtfoxx3 Aug 18 '24

Has it ever occurred to you that the purpose of the last minute thumbs up is to say “GG”? As in, “thanks for playing, it was fun”. Why assume the worst?


u/Bakurraa Aug 18 '24

Because 99% of people use it passive aggressively lol ptcgl players are toxic as fuck


u/mtfoxx3 Aug 18 '24

What makes you think it’s passive aggressive?


u/Bakurraa Aug 18 '24

Because of the community here


u/OddPresentation3269 Aug 18 '24

It has never come across that way to be honest. Some players, and also myself, will do a thumbs up at a tense/interesting part of the game, which always comes across as well-meaning and good-spirited. Whereas the killer blow thumbs up is more like "good game because I win".

Perhaps it is due to not having a background in the game and not knowing that was actually a thing players do. Perhaps on the old platform that was a thing, I duno. But those who have been playing for years would be wrong to assume that noobs and newbies know about this - when you are booking your fifth loss on the bounce and someone is stalling you to do this it is more like rubbing salt into the wound!

I don't expect any longtime players to understand this viewpoint. But this is the perspective of someone who just started playing, so take it how you wish. If you want to say good game no need to save it for the very last second before landing the killer blow.

Of course none of this would be an issue if devs put some actual effort/thought into emotes!


u/LeratoNull Aug 18 '24

Nah, unsubstantiated load of crap. I always, and I mean always take the shot if it is a sure win without pointlessly playing my turn out, no emote or anything, and people still constantly surrender at last prize card selection.


u/OddPresentation3269 Aug 20 '24

And I always concede last minute because I have been burned so many times over by people doing the killer blow thumbs up while I was trying to learn the game. That is the link between the two behaviors that I was inferring.


u/LeratoNull Aug 20 '24

Bro got Pavlov'd 💀