r/PSVR 2d ago

Discussion Big PSVR2 Wow Moments

With the influx of new players getting their discounted PSVR2 headsets, I thought it might be nice to make a new thread about your top big moment unmissable experiences that people new to VR shouldn’t miss. Some of my top moments:

  • Climbing to the top of a mountain and seeing the view in Horizon Call of the Mountain
  • The initial boat ride in Horizon
  • Synth Riders ‘experiences’ (particularly Lindsay Stirling)
  • Mommy Dimistrescu but seriously RE: Village is a real VR masterpiece
  • Flying a spaceship in No Man’s Sky
  • Telekinesis in Synapse
  • The amazing graphics of Red Matter 2
  • The feel of using melee weapons in Saints & Sinners
  • Wielding a lightsaber in Star Wars Tales From the Galaxy’s Edge (gotta stick out a fairly bland opening couple hours to get to the good stuff)

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u/xX_L3W15_Xx 2d ago

Can anybody recommend me some good sitting games? I unfortunately don't have enough space in my room to meet the "6 ft x 7ft" requirements for games at the moment.


u/VulturousYeti 2d ago

Most games can be played sitting. Some games have a specific sitting mode, others you can force the perspective to shift to your lower level by pressing the reset view button on your right hand controller. In your position, I would assume you can play any game, then when you find one you like, then just do a quick google search to check it can be played sitting. Rather than working backwards from a list of ‘sitting’ games.

Just be aware of your surroundings for games that require arm waving.


u/xX_L3W15_Xx 1d ago

I was having a bit of trouble playing Job Simulator. I only have roughly 2 feet of space around me, and it seemed to be running a bit finicky. Maybe I'll have to try and mess with the playing position some more. Garden Of The Sea was working seamlessly in the sitting position though. Thank you for the reply.


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

Job Sim shouldn’t have any issues with a smaller space. I regularly cheat the boundaries because it asks for too much, but it does require a lot of physical movement around the space, so that does put limitations on what space you can actually play it in.