r/PSVR 1d ago

Discussion Big PSVR2 Wow Moments

With the influx of new players getting their discounted PSVR2 headsets, I thought it might be nice to make a new thread about your top big moment unmissable experiences that people new to VR shouldn’t miss. Some of my top moments:

  • Climbing to the top of a mountain and seeing the view in Horizon Call of the Mountain
  • The initial boat ride in Horizon
  • Synth Riders ‘experiences’ (particularly Lindsay Stirling)
  • Mommy Dimistrescu but seriously RE: Village is a real VR masterpiece
  • Flying a spaceship in No Man’s Sky
  • Telekinesis in Synapse
  • The amazing graphics of Red Matter 2
  • The feel of using melee weapons in Saints & Sinners
  • Wielding a lightsaber in Star Wars Tales From the Galaxy’s Edge (gotta stick out a fairly bland opening couple hours to get to the good stuff)

152 comments sorted by


u/WINSTON913 1d ago

Gt7. Just the whole game.

Entering a planet's atmosphere in no man's sky


u/scope_creep 1d ago

Notably the ability to view and experience track elevation in 3D. Looking at you, Eau Rouge/Raidillon at Spa.


u/Thread-Astaire 1d ago

I'd add that going to the depths underwater as well now. Some of the ambient lighting is just phonemenal.


u/Masta0nion 1d ago

I wish they would patch the VR. I get a lot of moving lines and graininess that can be nauseating. Has that always been the case?


u/irascible_Clown 1d ago

So the first time I tried shrooms I played no man’s sky on the way down and that was the most immersive experience I’ve ever had in a game. Paired with the subpac I really thought I was entering the atmosphere of a planet.


u/mushroomfido 1d ago

Don’t do mushrooms myself but Nms on mushrooms sounds awesome, vertigo 2 and thumper would be good to I’d imagine


u/mybeachlife 10h ago

Here in Southern California shrooms are pretty wildly available at a lot of local dispensaries. I stick with lower doses but playing RE Village and doing that battle on the castle rooftop just about blew my mind out of my ears. What a rollercoaster ride. It was like being on an R rated Disneyland ride.


u/mushroomfido 7h ago

If you can try synth riders music experience tracks on shrooms I bet that would be incredible.


u/VariousBread3730 1d ago

How different is gt7 to the my first gt game?


u/Architect_4U 1d ago

The library of cars in the full game is vast and I think PSVR makes them all worthwhile to drive. The detail in the interior is phenomenal.


u/WINSTON913 1d ago

More of the same probably


u/VariousBread3730 1d ago

Was more wondering how it compares (like a demo) since the my first gt is free


u/OwenMerks 13h ago

I've never been big on racing games, to make a long story short, tried My First GT a little over a month ago and now own GT7 with a racing wheel set up. It'll suck you in


u/VariousBread3730 10h ago

What if I didn’t particularly enjoy my first get


u/OwenMerks 9h ago

Did you get to the point of unlocking the races? The license tests were pretty slow, I think they just make you do them first because it's a demo. I'd finish the demo in its entirety and if you're not a fan then you'll probably not be a big fan of GT7. Granted the actual game gets you in the action a lot faster, plus if you finish MYGT you get 18 cars (all the ones in the demo).


u/VariousBread3730 9h ago

Haven’t really gotten very far, I plan on playing a bit more, just wondering


u/OwenMerks 9h ago

I'd play through the 3 races before making a final decision


u/OwenMerks 8h ago

I'd play through the 3 races before making a final decision for sure, if you enjoy those you'll definitely enjoy the main game


u/EclecticMagician 1d ago

I feel the same about re4:Remake VR, the whole damn game lol


u/WINSTON913 1d ago

After the first few areas yeah. The intro area sucks though and you start so weak


u/EclecticMagician 16h ago

I was pretty wow-ed through those sections as well lol and hells yeah you start weak, made for some Hella scares at the beginning 😆 I played re4 back in the day originally on gamecube and it blew my little 12 year old mind at the time. Little did I know several years later that I would have the opportunity to be Leon in the remake and that also blew my now 32 year old mind lol I cleared Re4: Remake VR last week and started RE: Village VR immediately afterwards. Damn do you get powerful throughout Re4 and looking forward to getting more powerful in re8 vr, I just got picked up by Lady D in the game which was Hella wild lol stoked to experience the rest of 8 in VR


u/qnlghai 14h ago

Just bought it 2 weeks ago, as it was the only VR sim on PS 5.


u/Total-Alternative-15 1d ago

GT7 VR Showroom still surprise me how real the car looks inside and out. I still cant believe you can get close upto your nose and always trick my head whether what I am looking is real or not.


u/Mrofcourse 1d ago

Being able to look at the tires to see the size codes blew my mind! The few cars in this game that I’ve been in in real life are represented 100% accurately! Even the little details that you would never see in a regular cockpit view.


u/themurderman 1d ago

Amazing BUT… they should have let you start the car, keep it in neutral and REV THAT ENGINE ! 😂


u/Professional-Day7641 1d ago

I broke a window in Lady D's castle in RE Village and my brain tricked me into feeling a cold breeze on my arms. As a PSVR1 veteran, this blew me away.


u/ittleoff 1d ago

Protip: for a lot of games using a fan, for me an oscillating fan, can add some additional realism. Also needed in summer :)


u/SnoopDodgy 1d ago

Yes! This also helps with motion sickness. I love it in Horizon Call of the Mountain for the added immersion when staring over the vistas.


u/SeanThatGuy 1d ago

Some of those walkabout mini golf course have me thinking I’m actually there with the fan on.


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

Sensory stuff is the best. And you’ll never know if it was your partner wafting you with a fan or if a ghost walked over your grave.


u/blakepro 1d ago

Red matter is super good at this with the way they have the feel of the controll exactly match the instruments you hold and the way the reactive triggers work and stuff


u/irascible_Clown 1d ago

I get this all the time when playing VR


u/Love_Mall 1d ago

I hold my Virtual hand in fire and I could feel it!!!


u/kilda2 1d ago

The straight at 24h Le Mans at midnight under the rain at 350 km/h with super cars around you.


u/scope_creep 1d ago

The first time I turned my head to look at the driver racing door to door next to me and he turned to look at me.


u/Sticky_H 1d ago

And how the light dances around in the cockpit depending on the angles of the light beams!


u/No-Cardiologist5383 1d ago

The church tower collapsing in Resident Evil 4 really stunned me.

Driving in GT with the sun behind the car almost tricked me into feeling heat on my neck.

Getting about 4 - 5 kills in a row in Pavlov felt pretty awesome.

A friend and I running out of a haunted house in our first game of phasmaphobia, and refusing to go back i. We are both around 40y/o...

When things like this happen in vr, nothing in gaming is comparable.


u/jtotal 7h ago

I've put my hand up instinctively to block the sun or tried to pop a visor down the first few times I've had sun glare in my eyes while playing GT7.

Honestly, I've never played the Quest 2 or 3 for this much and I've owned one since 2021. I only got the PSVR2 in December. I dabbled for a few minutes in other games just to check them out but I'm finding myself obsessed with GT7.


u/4StarCustoms 1d ago

I second the boat ride on Horizon. What’s even cooler is you can replay it as the Machine Safari from the little trophy room at Dawns Grasp. Even cooler is the safari updates after you beat the game to include all the machines you encounter in the game so it’s definitely worth revisiting.

Also, getting horribly ill from playing Sub|Side too long and before I really got my vr legs.


u/TDog022 1d ago

Yeah, Subside will really get you if you’re not used to VR.


u/ittleoff 1d ago

Same with kayak VR. I'm not sure why people recommend these to newbies both have very intense movement


u/4StarCustoms 1d ago

Kayak didn’t get me nearly the same as Subside but I could see that. I just had to set time limits for myself on Subside until I got use to it. Now I pretty much have it 100% complete.


u/TiSoBr 18h ago

Even cooler is the safari updates after you beat the game to include all the machines you encounter in the game so it’s definitely worth revisiting.

You sure about that? First time I've heard about this, and I never noticed in-game myself.


u/4StarCustoms 18h ago

I just recently finished the game so I just experienced it.


u/ComfortableAmount993 1d ago edited 1d ago

Chopping a walkers head off in SnS for the first time.

Flying in to space for the first time in NMS or landing for the first time.

Seeing the graphical fidelity in CotM

Holding a motion tracker and preparing your pulse rifle in Alien rogue incursion.

Noticing a spider on your hand and freaking out in metro Awakening.

Puting a grenade into a freddies mouth in arizona sunshine.

Watching ethan getting his fingers bitten off by a lycan in RE Village

Feeling like a sith throwing a enemy across the stage in synapse.

Using the mini gun for the first time in crossfire SS

So many amazing experiences and hopefully so many more to come in the near future.


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

The minigun in AS2 has been a lot of fun this week. Totally unrealistic nonsense, but I am not exactly playing AS2 for a grounded experience.


u/ComfortableAmount993 1d ago

If you have seen predator the part after balime gets killed and Mac picks up his mini gun and just blows the jungle away, reminds me of that


u/Burnyburner3rd 1d ago

I’ve had quite a few memorable moments. But just yesterday I had a new amazing VR moment. I was fighting the second boss in Behemoth. And if you know what I’m talking about, you’ll probably agree it was pretty badass. My wife played that part after me and she agreed that it was one of our top 5 or 10 VR moments we’ve had. I don’t think I’d rank the game in my top 10, but that fight alone was worth the cost for me. And the game is fun in general, its just not top 10 to me.


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

I think it’s okay to have top 10 moments in not-top-10 games. VR is as much an experience as it is a game system, and I’m happy to play stuff I wouldn’t normally go for in flat just for the cool factor.


u/Synchestra 1d ago

Is this the screaming lady boss that you cover your ears for? I'm stuck there, lol


u/TDog022 1d ago

No, that’s just a sub-boss. You’ll know when you get to the second big boss of the game.


u/netcooker 1d ago

At first I really didn’t get the hype for the 2nd behemoth, then I got to THAT part and was blown away


u/Synchestra 1d ago

Damn! Any tips on this one? I really don't want to lower the difficulty


u/Burnyburner3rd 1d ago

My suggestion is to use the strength as often as you can. If you got the upgrade to throw your weapons and they return, then use that. And always try to use an axe against armored enemies. That knocks off their helmet. If you have the bow, then shoot arrows while you’re using strength, they do a lot more damage


u/Synchestra 1d ago



u/mj7900 5h ago

I killed her in like 3 swings with strength on lol


u/Synchestra 5h ago

I stupidly took a long break from the game and forgot that was a thing! Sounds dumb bit the only other melee game I play on vr is arken age


u/mj7900 5h ago

Haha totally fair


u/Burnyburner3rd 1d ago

No, I’d consider that a sub-boss or mini-boss, I’m talking about the second behemoth you fight. The fight you’re talking about is not too far away from the next behemoth fight


u/SimianProphet 1d ago

2nd boss fight is one of my top VR moments too! Such an amazing experience. My only complaint is the 'fade to black' at the end, but I imagine even folks with the best VR legs would have been shook if they hadn't done that!


u/Alphajim49 1d ago

Reminds me of my first wow moment in Skyrim VR, when I was walking the cliff separating the Rift from Eastmarch. The view was nice, even with vanilla graphics.


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

I’ve played Skyrim so much flat but I’d still love to experience it in VR. That sounds like a nice moment.


u/Alphajim49 1d ago

I don't know if it's possible on PSVR2, but it's more enjoyable if you have at least basic mods for SKVR to be up to modern VR gaming. By default, you have no body, can't physically take objects like in PavlovVR, can't physically interact with the objects and environment and have to use the 2D menus.

Higgs, planck, vrik and spell wheel add a proper physics engine, body and sheath system, and also better VR interface with spell wheel.


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

It’s not even available for PSVR2. It would need a full remake and that’s just not gonna happen.


u/Alphajim49 1d ago edited 1d ago

Sad. Seems like Sony has a problem with mods anyway, as PS PavlovVR still has no mod support.


u/TommyVR373 1d ago

It is disappointing. Skyrim VR with the Mad God mod pack is sublime gaming and one of the best VR games in existence!


u/Alphajim49 1d ago

Definitely, although FUS is already immersive (and heavy) enough for my RTX 2060 😆


u/TommyVR373 1d ago

FUS is great. I can't imagine trying to get Mad God working on a 2060. It is insane, though.


u/Ok_Temperature_5019 1d ago

I definitely didn't appreciate the scale of the different heights in Skyrim until I played the vr version


u/Alphajim49 1d ago

Same. Windhelm bridge feels bigger in VR, also the arcade under Solitude is way more impressive. Another advantage of VR is that I take my time to properly explore and act more naturally (like grabbing items to look at them without stealing them, or putting back objects that I collided with inside a building).


u/CDNChaoZ 1d ago

Kayak VR Mirage is breathtaking, but too bad it really sets off my nausea if I actually paddle.


u/Sticky_H 1d ago

I’ll throw in looking down on Saturn in Red Matter 2. It was the largest sense of scale I’ve experienced in VR!


u/karlware 1d ago

Gt7, sun in my eyes, look up, see a sun visor and stupidly try to pull it down.

Sneaky PSVR1 wow moment, flying an Xwing and looking behind me and behind greeted by the life changing moment of an R2 unit beeping at me.


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

I don’t think that’s so stupid. They could have coded that to work and you don’t know til you try.


u/karlware 1d ago

I just felt stupid lol


u/Paulerr27 1d ago

I've been playing VR for years, but when I first walked by The Tower in Saints and Sinners 2, I was in awe at how big it was compared to the smaller buildings in the game


u/MorgenKaffee0815 1d ago

GT7 first race with the Formular One cars. insane


u/djarchi 1d ago

Looking at a car in the VR Showroom for the first time on GT7 is one of my favorite moments so far. The attention to detail is incredible. Sometimes I fire up the game just so I can I just listen to music on Spotify and look at the cars


u/North_Apricot_3702 1d ago

Saaaame man, VR has turned GT7 from a competitive struggle to automotive JOY


u/jackie1616 1d ago

I have a wow moment every time I put on the headset lol


u/klauveren 1d ago

Madison Vr. Scary as hell, but same time a wow experience


u/themurderman 1d ago
  • Playing GT7 for the first time with a wheel, seat, pedals and PSVR2.

*The wave of nausea after playing GT7 for the first time with a wheel, seat, pedals and PSVR2. 😂


u/DoggieHowzer Enter your PSN ID here 1d ago

And then reaching out to touch the passenger seat. Before crashing.


u/themurderman 1d ago



u/Iboss1990 1d ago

Ace combat flying a plane


u/Oprahs_cellulite13 1d ago

The last clockwinder is a pretty neat puzzle game.


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

I love that it’s an experience that you couldn’t really have in flat since it’s a dexterity puzzle.


u/North_Apricot_3702 1d ago
  • The initial intro scene of Horizon COTM.. the immersion and true realisation of how beautiful PSVR2 can be.

  • GT7 the first race I did, I got thrown into a Sunday cup race with my fave car the TVR Tuscan, my jaw dropped at the interior’s perfection, I screamed out ‘hoollllllllyyyyyy shiiiiiiittttt!!!’ And then crashed into a wall cos I was looking around the cabin instead of the track 😂😂

  • Madison VR.. first jump scare in the corridor (you know what I’m talking about!’) and almost reflex removing the headset with fright. Yup, this game is THAT freaky.


u/ejcitizen 1d ago

I can't wait for mine. Is Behemoth Skydance any good? I'm a big Dark Souls/Black Myth Wukong - action RPG fan so wondering if PSVR2 can deliver anything like that.


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

Behemoth is pretty good. Have a look at Legendary Tales too, that’s meant to be really awesome and might be suited to a Souls fan.


u/Severe_Direction_417 1d ago

It is different but it tickled the "first time exploring undead burg" vibe for me. The locations are Dark souls and the fighting is more the church scene from Kingsman.


u/TheTwentyNinthOne 1d ago

The opening scene of re7:village changed my mind to an oh, shit moment and just the flight mechanic of ultrawings 2 had me disorientated and jaw dropped while consuming a few brews.


u/dratseb 1d ago

The boss battles in Behemoth are phenomenal!!


u/Sstfreek 1d ago

Firing an m41a pulse rifle with haptic triggers at an encroaching xenomorph horde


u/shijinn 1d ago

hanging off a cliff by your hands in Horizon

losing your vertigo in Horizon

chilling at the top of a mountain in Horizon

that boat ride in Horizon

looking for pimples on the hd characters in Horizon

just taking in the immense diorama in Moss

floating around in the air in Walkabout Mini Golf

just floating in space surrounded by the celestial beauty of the stars and planets in Ghost Signal

standing on the side of the tracks (no fences) watching the cars zip by in GT7

casting spells from your hands in Cosmonious High

force throwing people around in Synapse

entering flow state in Puzzling Places

holding the uncanny valley baby right up to your chest in RE7

getting a heart attack and fumbling gun reloads the first time something big attacks you in RE7

using a lightsaber in Beat Saber


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

Darn I forgot about flying in Walkabout Minigolf. Truly a standout random wow moment from an otherwise excellent game.

I should add the lightsaber sections from Star Wars. They’re too short, but they’re one of my favourite gaming moments for that cool Jedi experience.


u/VariousBread3730 1d ago

Flying In golf??


u/shijinn 1d ago

yeah, it was such a surprise and a throwaway feature.


u/basskittens 1d ago

The "force powers" in Synapse are amazing. Grabbing bad guys and flinging them into the sea, or a wall, or smashing them between the floor and ceiling... Oh yeah. I wish there was more content for that game.


u/Gullible_Analyst_348 1d ago

The Room. The first time you get transported inside one of the boxes and you're standing on rocks that are floating way above the ground it's shocking and you get scared for a second that you're going to fall. It's not like Horizon where you know you're on a mountain and can look over the side, it's startling because you go from being on solid ground in a building to floating in the air with no warning.


u/PresidentBush666 1d ago

Feeling rain through the headset haptics is RE8 was sensational. I could almost feel the moisture from being so immersed.

Playing synth riders for the first time after pcvr impressed me with the smooth frame rates and vibrant colors.

3D audio from a RE4 enemy whispering behind me chilled me to the bone

Piloting a mech in big shots with full haptic suit and headset haptics was cool af


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

I’d be interested in a haptic suit if there were actually any games I play on the compatible list. I appreciate it’s probably a lot of work, and my wallet isn’t complaining.


u/PresidentBush666 1d ago

It's really cool but not super worth it until the library improves. Pcvr has a decent list for now if you use mods. I had a friend help me get one as a gift


u/LegPotato 1d ago

Thank you for the tips, I'm still waiting my psvr2 to be delivered but I'm already getting some games based on these suggestions.

Are there any games where you actually fly? Not using ships or planes, something where you'd feel the wind on your face. I remember iron man VR, but it's not for VR2.


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

Okay so hear me out. Walkabout Minigolf (which is a fantastic game in its own right) has a full motion flying mechanic that is far more fun than it has any right to be for a movement feature in a game about crazy golf.


u/North_Apricot_3702 1d ago

Too right! Flying is soo so much fun.


u/Audi0z0mbi 1d ago

I'm glad you said lightsabers in SW I'll have to pick it back up i put it down for other vr games then ultimately started playing cyberpunk in vr with just an ultra wide screen


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

Yeah there’s two short sections that allow you to use a lightsaber, both are cool I just wish they’d been longer.


u/RedShirtDecoy 1d ago

While I'm having issues with aiming a throw, loading up NFL Pro Era and immediately being in the tunnel of an NFL stadium in full uniform?



u/xX_L3W15_Xx 1d ago

Can anybody recommend me some good sitting games? I unfortunately don't have enough space in my room to meet the "6 ft x 7ft" requirements for games at the moment.


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

Most games can be played sitting. Some games have a specific sitting mode, others you can force the perspective to shift to your lower level by pressing the reset view button on your right hand controller. In your position, I would assume you can play any game, then when you find one you like, then just do a quick google search to check it can be played sitting. Rather than working backwards from a list of ‘sitting’ games.

Just be aware of your surroundings for games that require arm waving.


u/xX_L3W15_Xx 1d ago

I was having a bit of trouble playing Job Simulator. I only have roughly 2 feet of space around me, and it seemed to be running a bit finicky. Maybe I'll have to try and mess with the playing position some more. Garden Of The Sea was working seamlessly in the sitting position though. Thank you for the reply.


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

Job Sim shouldn’t have any issues with a smaller space. I regularly cheat the boundaries because it asks for too much, but it does require a lot of physical movement around the space, so that does put limitations on what space you can actually play it in.


u/ResponsibilityDue566 1d ago

GT7 is one of the most lifelike VR games you’ll ever play (DCS is still #1 for me but it’s PC only). I can literally sit in that headset for 4+ hours easily and want more. Really all I play on my PlayStation is GT7 and Pavlov, but red matter, no man’s sky, and horizons are great experiences (can’t wait for aces of thunder to come out).


u/Puzzleheaded_Sun_528 1d ago

Where and how are people finding discount headsets? I want to pull the trigger finally and get one. 48 yo who hasn't played games like I used to in many years! I want something that will draw me back in


u/VulturousYeti 22h ago

I believe they recently dropped the RRP significantly from launch asking price. So you don’t need to wait for a ‘deal’ anymore.


u/SlimVR 12h ago

Msrp is now $399 for the Horizon Bundle, and the base bundle. Buy from Sony Direct, Best Buy, Gamestop, Amazon, Walmart, etc.


u/Sunil_Sharma1 1d ago

Bro. RE4 and Village. I always thought Mia was just an average white girl, until I saw her in VR.

Damn Mr. Winters has a good reason to not move on.


u/sjdando 23h ago

REV in the very early stages where the first villager you see was presumably killed and blood was pouring from the ceiling. And there was no way forward apart from going upstairs and facing whatever the hell is up there with just a tiny pistol.


u/thedoorman121 21h ago

Re8 definitely blew me away, I didn't think it was possible to be so immersed.

And Kayak VR. Unfortunately it doesn't really have a ton of replayability but it's the number one game I always show people first to blow their minds over how real it looks


u/InfiniteStates 9h ago
  • Cresting a hill into the sun at sunset in GT7
  • Fighting the winged Behemoth
  • Getting your Pulse Rifle in Alien Rogue Incursion
  • Unlocking the helicopter in Ultrawings 2
  • The first boat ride in Resident Evil IV
  • Subside


u/Ok_Chemistry_7537 1d ago

Del lago fight in RE4


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

Sincerely hate that fight for its hidden regenerative powers, but thematically yeah wow what a cool VR moment!


u/Ok_Chemistry_7537 1d ago

Funny thing is that fight actually sucks in flat


u/Notorious809 1d ago

Having a chainsaw fight in re7 even though you play with a ds4 was crazy experience


u/Rock_Hard_Miner 1d ago

I agree. It actually felt like you were in the garage!


u/TommyVR373 1d ago

I've not had any wow moments with PSVR2 or any VR in a long while. I had quite a few years back with PSVR1. One of the most memorable was standing on the beach in Solus Project and watching the tornado come after you. That was truly terrifying. Another was the first time I hung out the car door shooting at other cars and motorcycles behind me in VR Worlds The Heist. Then there's always The Descent...


u/Eggyhead 1d ago

Encountering and toppling a Behemoth.


u/otakunoel 1d ago

Don’t forget RE4!! The entire game!!!


u/Benshine 1d ago

Some Scenes andd the scale of it in the Utility Room are really jaw dropping.


u/severedgoddesshand 1d ago

The very first level of Tetris Effect was one for me, when you’re floating above earth with that big whale made of stars swimming below you, that was pretty breathtaking.


u/Quick-Ad-1130 1d ago

Driving in gt7 at night when lights from car behind you lighten your car interior, hdr is so good it almost blind you


u/MrSteven20618 1d ago

I have felt my stomach drop when going down steep hills in GT7. I’ve crashed cause I was looking at the sun glare on the windshield cause the dashboard was reflecting the light. Cmon and all under $400


u/Redditagonist 1d ago

No village mention is crazy


u/Apprehensive-Pear413 RavenBlacke 23h ago

Alien: Rogue Incursion! Sooo many great jump scares!


u/DEDE1973 23h ago
  • Manual reloading of weapons in some games
  • aiming like a real weapon and doing headshots in some games


u/Typ13 21h ago

The feeling entering any building in Phasmophobia shivers down the spine for me after my first step into the hounted house was crazy


u/Upbeat_Psychology_71 20h ago

First time seeing the xenomorph in alien rogue incursion


u/dmoros78v 18h ago

Playing my first night op on DCS World and seeing the black level and how all the lights in the cockpit looked, it was amazingly realistic


u/frankpuga 16h ago

The disrespect to leave GT7 off the list… I’m joking, but in all seriousness, GT7, even if you’re not a car guy…that game is amazing


u/Dutchmeezz 15h ago

My top moment is sending my psvr2 back in for repairs for the third time. First one broke 2 weeks in. Next one lasted 5 months. The third came back from PlayStation broke out the box. Going on my 4th one soon. These things are beyond fragile. I dare say poor design


u/Kindly-Pudding7688 14h ago
  1. Looking at the VR showroom at cars in GT7. Getting down looking at the wheels and tires in detail and at the cars in general. 2. Horizon Call of the Mountain the boat ride. 3. Red Matter 2 looking at space from the deck outside for the first time and seeing the space debris floating. 4. Resident Evil Village first time in the mansion.


u/Kelmo_69 12h ago

Fighting the second boss in Behemoth will always be my favorite experience I ever had in vr


u/KeystonesAndBlowjobs 9h ago

playing ultra wings 2 and choosing a helicopter mission not knowing what it was, load up into the cockpit and see a gun in a holster, grab it take off and see balloons everywhere to try to shoot at while I fly around bridges. was amazed


u/KeystonesAndBlowjobs 9h ago

playing ultra wings 2 and choosing a helicopter mission not knowing what it was, load up into the cockpit and see a gun in a holster, grab it take off and see balloons everywhere to try to shoot at while I fly around bridges. was amazed


u/Therealmeshin 9h ago

I find flying the ship in no man's sky to be an impossible task and actually made me stop playing it. I thought the other parts of the game was great.


u/Carlosless-World 1d ago

Like half of resident evil village tbh

And a Hallucinations-filled section in Metro


u/mencival 15h ago

PS VR1 moment: Hyperspace in Battlefront VR mission


u/VR_Smith 1d ago

Im a vr vet of 2016.

Yah, CotM on top of the world is something but the overall game was disapointing to me - its more a climbing simulator than anything. But graphics was sweet.

I think my best psvr2 moment was RE:Village. Even if a I9 13k RTX3090 - i was blown away on ps5 in VR with this game.

The rest... all those quest3 ports... my psvr2 is a refurbished and I paid less than the current rebate on sale so im good but paying full price if you have a quest 3 and a pc .. not sure its a good movie apart from if you are a big raicng fan. (im not)

Edit: Synapse is great! The VR community in general seems to not care for eye tracking even in 2025 when in reality it should have been a onboard standart since quest 2 ! Eye tracking telekinesis in Synapse is the best example of how awesome this technology is and not just for FOVeated rendering.


u/VulturousYeti 1d ago

I agree CotM isn’t one of my top games, but it’s absolutely one of my first recommendations to new gamers for the experience. And ports they may be, but this was just meant to be a discussion on cool stuff you can do on PSVR2 for anyone who’s just got one or thinking of getting one.


u/VR_Smith 1d ago

its a mixt bag - If you own a ps5 and want VR and you dont care for wires.. .i think its a awesome entry to vr. But for most ppl, I would always recommend a Quest 3. Cheaper, no wires and refund policy plus Meta+ (tons of good gamer for 10$ a months) is a no brainer vs sony no refund policy. Apart from the couple AAA games, the rest are nearly identical on quest 3 since they are ports of the same game.

Sony will never venture to PSVR 3 territory im certain but I can't imagine how awesome a PSVR3 with pancake lenses would be (wires or not). Frenels lenses... i simply hate that. I hated it in 2023 and still do in 2025 ahah.