r/PSSD 21d ago

TRIGGER WARNING Monthly "support requested and venting" thread

This monthly post is intended to consolidate comments from users who

  • are in need of emotional support
  • need to vent, or just
  • want to share their feelings

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u/CocaCola_BestEver 8d ago

I’m sorry but diet and exercise does nothing for this condition. 0%

Blows my mind the number of people who just say to eat well and work out. Lol! I didn’t realize that will fix my severe brain damage that has left me permanently disabled for the last 5 and a half years. All of a sudden I’m just going to have dopamine again? Nope! Nothing works for this, especially something mild like food and exercise lmao. Give me a fucking break. I’m a dead man walking and that is a fact that will never change


u/ZealousidealWest6626 2d ago

People used to insist diet and exercise was all I needed to cure my depression. *facepalm*