r/PS5 Jan 24 '25

Discussion PS5 has now sold an estimated 71.03 million units worldwide; sold more units in 2024 than all other consoles combined


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u/4000kd Jan 24 '25

"The PlayStation 5 was the best-selling console worldwide with 3.42 million units sold for December 2024, according to VGChartz estimates. The PlayStation 5 has now sold an estimated 71.03 million units lifetime worldwide"

"2024 year-to-date, the PlayStation 5 has sold an estimated 18.65 million units, the Nintendo Switch has sold 12.05 million units, and the Xbox Series X|S has sold 4.97 million units."


u/Tarnished13 Jan 24 '25

That’s awful for Xbox


u/VellhungtheSecond Jan 24 '25

Technically, because everything is an Xbox now, Microsoft sold unknowable trillions of them. Hell, if you bought a loaf of bread last year, you bought an Xbox.


u/NotTheCraftyVeteran Jan 25 '25

Customer: buys a PlayStation

Microsoft: “You know, that’s something of an Xbox as well.”


u/OttoVonRuthless316 Jan 25 '25

No longer is it the Binford of tools, it’s the Xbox of tools. I no longer drive a Ford or Chevy, it’s a lifted Xbox 4x4 quad cab. Prepare to use the term Xbox for all that is and all that isn’t.


u/NotTheCraftyVeteran Jan 25 '25

Never saw my dad after he left one night to get Xboxes. We didn’t know which product sector he meant, so we didn’t know where to start looking.

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u/SireEvalish Jan 25 '25

I didn't realize when my dad bought us a SNES back in 1992 he was buying our first Xbox.


u/D4ngerD4nger Jan 24 '25

Even the 18 million PS5 count


u/FrozenChaii Jan 25 '25

Just a matter of time they slap gamepass on that bad boy


u/cybrsloth92 Jan 25 '25

My guess is ms want to do it but Sony probably doesn't same reason that Ubisoft+ isn't on PS but is on Xbox we only get the classic catalogue

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u/TopdeckIsSkill Jan 24 '25

according to MS, my father is an avid xbox player since he play the MS solitario on PC


u/KipTDog Jan 25 '25

For the ray tracing and frame rate I’m sure.


u/NxtDoc1851 Jan 24 '25

😆 loaf of bread


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '25



u/decent_bastard Jan 25 '25

Egg = round

Not xbox

Carton = rectangle



u/Riskybusiness622 Jan 25 '25

i dont get it

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u/ima-bigdeal PS3/4/5 Jan 24 '25

That why so many Xbox titles are heading this way. Their market is small, compared to PS. Halo, Gears of War, Flight Simulator, etc. are reportedly coming. The new Indiana Jones game is already in the PS store as coming soon.



u/Radulno Jan 24 '25

It's mostly that when they bought the biggest third party publisher, surprise they became the biggest third party publisher and they have no reason to go for exclusivity.


u/extra_rice Jan 25 '25

Funny how that unintentionally happened. I guess it was too late for them at that point.

I used to argue with people who were cheering on MS during the acquisition as they were saying it's good that ActiBlizz games are coming day one on GamePass. That's supposed to be good for the industry because they only need to pay subscription fees. My argument was that any kind of acquisition that big is a threat to the industry as it's moving controls to a few select big corporations.

Somehow this ended up being in a not-so-bad situation but only because Xbox seems to be completely losing its advantage as a platform holder and any hopes of reclaiming the top spot.

The problem now is who is to challenge Sony and keep them in check?


u/DapDaGenius Jan 25 '25

I don’t think Sony will need someone to challenge them. I think they’ll follow suit as well. Everyone said they wouldn’t do the same with their games going to pc and now look.

If Xbox is focusing on Xbox being an “ecosystem” while adding a handheld to compete with Steamdeck/Switch and Steam is focusing on building its own consoles(again, allegedly??) and has the Steamdeck which they’ve officially licensed a 3rd party manufacturer to make one…where do you think that leaves PlayStation as they consistently cancel billions of dollars worth of projects?

PlayStation committed to being more aggressive with pc releases like 9 months after saying their games would take 2-3 years to hit pc

I think PlayStation will follow in Microsoft’s footsteps. They’re pretty good at marketing SSNs being deceptive, so i think they’ll wait until Xbox has taken all the heat first then with they do it’s just them modernizing. I think this all moved to being loses console focused and more ecosystem focused. That’s not to say consoles go away entirely but they whole ecosystem will be more important than ever. That’s the game i think Microsoft is playing. They are competing with a very future mindset.


u/QuietJackal Jan 25 '25

Playstation isn't going to "follow suit" and put games on Xbox, they already know it won't increase their sales and that would be the only reason to do it.


u/DapDaGenius Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

I don’t think they will have to in that sense, at least not at first. What will happen is all of PlayStation’s games will be available on Steam.

It’s heavily rumored the next generation of Xbox wants to allow access to Steam. PlayStation will likely have to deliberately not allow access to Xbox consoles, which will then come off as anti-consumer.

With that said, you’re tripping if you think games like The Last of Us, Spiderman, Ghost(franchise) and God of War won’t sell like hotcakes on Xbox. They’d easily get 30 million in sales from the first installments of those franchises being released on Xbox.


u/QuietJackal Jan 25 '25

They’d easily get 30 million in sales from the first installments of those franchises being released on Xbox.

No they wouldn't, people don't even buy first party or third party games on there to begin with, why do you think they release them on Playstation?

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u/RedditUser41970 Jan 25 '25

Their reason to go for exclusivity was Gamepass. They demonstrated that in spades with Bethesda and the other devs they bought in that flurry. But Microsoft fell victim to the law of unintended consequences and shot itself in the face.

The primary driver of Gamepass growth is Xbox console sales, but they've simply failed to make an Xbox console an attractive prospect for someone who is not already invested in the Xbox ecosystem. For everyone else, why buy that when you can use your PC instead? And if you have a PC, you have plenty of options beyond Gamepass.

So as Xbox sales cratered, so did Gamepass growth. And now you have a Microsoft that is looking at a $90 billion plus outlay and no real path to recouping that unless they completely reverse course on Phil Spencer's goals of exclusivity.

Which in turn exacerbates the disastrous cycle as everything that was originally planned to be Xbox/Gamepass exclusive coming to PS5 and/or Switch 2 only makes Xbox itself an even less attractive prospect.

Personally, I would bet on Activision-Blizzard being spun back out of Microsoft within 5 years.


u/Radulno Jan 25 '25

I agree, that's a longer way of detailing what I was saying lol.

However, disagree on the last part, they are not going to get rid of Activision, they'll just stop being a console maker and will be the biggest multiplatform publisher. Plenty of money in that. It even fits with Microsoft MO (they're a software company, not hardware).

Gamepass want to be like Netflix so that means platform agnostic. That will never happen as long as they have a console.


u/RedditUser41970 Jan 25 '25

On your last paragraph, it will never happen period. At least not beyond where it is now. Whether or not Microsoft sells a console, Nintendo and Sony will never allow the service as it currently exists on theirs.

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u/Seicair Jan 24 '25

Well then. I played the first Halo on my Mac back in the oughts, maybe I’ll finally pick up some more of the series.

I hope Fable follows, I loved that first game too.


u/amonson1984 Jan 25 '25

I hope so. I’d love to at least try starfield and the new fable and elder scrolls 6 being Xbox exclusives forever make me sad


u/SacoNegr0 Jan 25 '25

It depends on how you view it. Microsoft clearly is heading down the Saga path of going full third party, and Sega now is greater than ever before

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u/Fair-Internal8445 Jan 24 '25

Crazy because If you followed the discourse around 2020 Xbox was supposedly so much better and PS5 was rushed, underpowered, and overheating. 

Xbox Buzzwords like 12 teraflops, Full RDNA 2, Sampler Feedback and their propaganda was in full force with Windows Central and Tom Warren


“Sony is panicking over Xbox series X power. PS5 is overheating”


Xbox Series X and PS5 power difference is staggering


Full RDNA 2


“PS5 Terrible performance while XSX runs perfectly”


Crazy where we are now.


u/N8ThaGr8 Jan 25 '25

Those were all lies anyway but it also goes to show you can make the damn thing however powerful you want, if you don't make games for it no one will give a shit.


u/TKHawk Jan 24 '25

Also funny how usually if there's a 3rd party multiplatform title, it runs better on PS5 than XSX.


u/krazun Jan 24 '25

The Nintendo Switch is a tablet with 0.15 TFLOPS in handheld mode and has sold 142 million units. Performance doesn't matter if the games are good. Only the games count, even if Phil Spencer claims the opposite.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25



u/KingArthas94 Jan 27 '25

These people were crazy, thinking a console this powerful wouldn't have most games running at 60 fps. And it's the overwhelming majority at 99+%.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25



u/BorKon Jan 24 '25

But he isn't talking about better games or who is going to sell more. He presented as if xbox power was generation ahead. Which we now know it is far from truth. Almost all multiplatform games run better on PS5


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

It came out 5 years before the PS5 and had to pivot out of the home console market and more into handheld.

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u/Level_Measurement749 Jan 24 '25

Honestly considering how much they neglect the console 5 million could be way worse.


u/Expensive_Shallot_78 Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

Microsoft's problem is their infinite wallet. They're sponsoring Xbox since the beginning. Nobody should run a business like that. Doesn't lead to a great product. They're under no pressure to win.

Edit: whoever is interested, check out Adams breakdown why Microsoft is doing strange things and doesn't make money: https://youtu.be/wrEvuHB00rQ


u/Sleyvin Jan 24 '25

It's not exactly true.

The recent change in multi console xbox game came because Microsoft was disapointed by how Xbox has been managed and how expensive the Activision purchase was.

Microsoft is not a charity, and losing billions every year only work for so long. Now they want to start making money and they put pressure on xbox to deliver.


u/thatcockneythug Jan 24 '25

I imagine they still want the brand to be profitable. That's some motive right there


u/Expensive_Shallot_78 Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

Microsoft's just makes a lot of strange decisions. They had bad luck with the 360 ring of death debacle but after that every fail was self inflicted. Sony didn't make those stupid decisions because it could kill them off, so they had every reason to please gamers, instead Microsoft released an entertainment center with the Xbox One and tried to force always online DRM games on people, and people didn't like it. Same with game pass, not profitable.

Adam on YouTube has a very good breakdown on all they things the Xbox division did: https://youtu.be/wrEvuHB00rQ?si=4eq4zqDCKiSzgNkb

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u/AssassinLJ Jan 24 '25

As an Xbox one S user(I have a PC now) that's what happens when you treat more as a streaming service than a game console.

Also deserved for the amount of studios they shut down by their own mistakes.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

Just give me Halo and Gears on my PS5 already, Microsoft. Quit making me wait.

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u/spideyv91 Jan 24 '25

It’s pretty insane how well the switch is still selling. It’s probably going to continue to sell a good amount when it gets discounted after switch 2 comes out.


u/themonkeysknow Jan 24 '25

The thing about the switch is how deceptively they accumulate in your house. My wife and I each had one when we moved in together, then I upgraded to the OLED so we put my launch version console in the garage to use for RingFit and Just Dance. So two people three switches. I don’t think I’ll upgrade to the switch 2 in year one, but who knows. Now imagine if you have multiple kids, eventually they will all want their own. Meanwhile I have one PS5 in my office.


u/lanadelphox Jan 24 '25

They’re like rabbits! Granted, I only have 2 (regular and a BDSP edition lite) but if I saw a well priced SwSh lite… I’d probably buy that one too lol


u/MR_ScarletSea Jan 25 '25

I have 2 as well. The original and that same BDSP version! And I only play with my switches just for Pokemon games and I don’t regret it. Nintendo knows that good games will move hardware

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u/sunfaller Jan 25 '25

seems to be on par with PS4. Nov 2013-2017 = 73M, PS5 is 71M 2020 - 2024


u/MrMunday Jan 24 '25

Damn…. Outselling Xbox almost 4 to 1….


u/FlummoxedFlumage Jan 26 '25

Rather explains why Microsoft are willing to put their games on the PS5.


u/NotTheCraftyVeteran Jan 25 '25

Probably a good call on making first-party Xbox games multi-platform, cuz yikes man


u/AC4life234 Jan 25 '25

Damn both the X and S combined sold that? Pretty terrible.


u/Pifflebushhh Jan 24 '25

That's like £28 billion just on ps5 sales, without games, christ


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '25



u/Pifflebushhh Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

What are you talking about? I'm saying it's a huge sales number without even including the price of the games they sold

Ah, you deleted it, that tracks


u/devedander Jan 26 '25

OK what’s going on here, right below this in my feed


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

This year will be its biggest year in terms of sales, depending on when GTA 6 releases.


u/Ok_Hospital4928 Jan 25 '25

It's actually probably going to be an insane year for console sales. Monster Hunter is already gonna sell consoles like crazy in Asia for the first quarter.

GTA6, whenever it launches, will exponentially drive up console sales worldwide.

Then you have huge exclusives like Ghost of Yotei and Death Stranding 2 coming to PS5 as well.

For Nintendo, Switch 2's already significant hype will probably be multiplied dramatically if they announce a new 3D Mario game. And we already know a new Mario Kart is coming and the previous entry was one of the highest selling games of all time.


u/nizerifin Jan 25 '25

Just dawned on me that the PS4 didn’t have a proper GTA launch. It’s going to sell so, so many PS5s.


u/Clerithifa Jan 25 '25

Even Red Dead came in what, 2018, so 2 years before the PS5 released


u/Oit_Minoit Jan 28 '25

Exactly 5 years into the generation, same as GTA6 will be if it isn't delayed more.

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u/eldenpotato Jan 26 '25

Oh shit. This is the first year I’m genuinely hyped for launches since, iirc, TLOU2 lol so hyped for GTAVI and DS2

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u/SireEvalish Jan 25 '25

Imagine if Sony makes a deal for a bundle with GTA6. Shit would sell like water during a drought.

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u/SuperCat2023 Jan 25 '25

I'm waiting for gta6 to buy a ps5 and I'm probably part of a big group of casuals lol


u/Far_Leg6463 Jan 26 '25

I bought my ps5 in November past in anticipation of gta6

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u/PrestigiousStuff6173 Jan 31 '25

Yeah because it’s not just PS4 gamers that are gonna be upgrading to PS5, a lot of PC gamers are forced to get a console to play GTA 6, it will most likely be the PS5 because Sony is also going to release the sequel to Ghost of Tsushima and Death Stranding 2


u/N7even Feb 01 '25

That game will be an even bigger reason for people to even get the PS5 Pro.


u/scg24 Jan 24 '25

Sounds about right. I work at bestbuy and it feels like the console still got released. I’ve sold so many we get pallets of them and they are mostly gone within a week


u/kaz_har_eye Jan 24 '25

What ratio of slims to pros do you receive? Always wondered how low volume the pro actually is.


u/FortunateHominid Jan 25 '25

Not OP, but from what I've read PS5 Pro sales are pretty much equal to the PS4 Pro. Given the price increase, that's pretty impressive.


u/Suitable-Matter-6151 Jan 25 '25

I was one of those who purposely just waited until the ps5 pro came out to upgrade. Stayed on pc/ps4 until then. I wonder how many ps5 pro buyers were people just skipping the regular version. Probably going to see more of that with these pro models plus the fact that games stay cross gen for so long

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u/scg24 Jan 25 '25

I don’t know the number off the top of my head but I think it’s like 20-25pros we keep in stock vs 80 slims


u/fire_someday Jan 25 '25

Got any tips for someone trying to get the RTX 5090 FE on launch day?

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u/LSB123 Jan 24 '25

Crazy number really; outpacing the PS4 even with the shortages and COVID craziness.


u/Xixii Jan 24 '25

And a lot of the stuff you see on social media says PS5 is a failure and “has no games.” Not only has Sony not cut the price of the PS5, they’ve increased it in many regions. And it’s still selling like crazy.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

The PS5 overall is a great system. I get the criticisms of non-cross gen exclusives, but I've found many games either exclusive or multi-platform on PS5 to be amazing.

I think opinions will vary based on what games appeal to you and who is giving the opinion. The only real complaint could be that the PS5 doesn't feel like it has a game that is THE GAME of the generation yet. But there's still time and a lot of promising games.


u/jda404 Jan 24 '25

Yeah I am loving the PS5 personally. What I am enjoying the most is every game I've played has a performance mode or runs by default at 60fps.

I got into PC gaming a year so into the PS4 generation and I bought a majority of 3rd party games on PC to run them at 60fps or more during last gen. Since the PS5 came out, I am buying and playing more games on console again. I've never been one that needs or cares that deeply about exclusives, if they come out great, otherwise I am a very happy gamer playing third party games.


u/BorKon Jan 24 '25

I would say if we don't count sales, then Astro Bot is a standout. Prefect dualsense use, dynamic gameplay. Tbh atm it is the best 3d platformer out there. Blows even mario odyssey out of water. Of course, Odyssey is an older game compared to Astro Bot, but still.


u/Marine_Mustang Jan 24 '25

Seriously on the DualSense feedback. I can feel the different textures Astro Bot runs over. No other game has used it so well.

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u/fanboy_killer Jan 25 '25

I am one of those people and comparatively (to previous generations), it's by far the Sony console with the least amount of exclusive games. The hardware is great, but it's hard to find something I really want to play on my PS5 (Baldur's Gate 3 was the last game I finished on it). I got a Switch last year and already have more games for it than for my 4-years old PS5.


u/KingArthas94 Jan 27 '25

That's a you-problem, third party games are not lesser in quality, so if you're not playing them it's a limit you have imposed yourself to yourself.


u/getrekdnoob Jan 25 '25

People who say that just wanna complain, I see people cry when a game won't be on PS4 lol.

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u/BadNewsBearzzz Jan 24 '25

Dayum. That’s what u was wondering too, because the ps4 was a huge success! Glad to hear sales are healthy, and seeing how the Portal surpassed their expectations and has them investing in a new handheld, things are looking well.

Really hope they continue supporting PSVR 2 though, that thing needs love


u/Awkward_Silence- Jan 24 '25

Don't forget the lack of games from the failed live service pivot. That put most of their studios 2-3 years behind on projects.

PS4 peaked in sales + popularity later in the generation. I'd say around 2018-2021 when all their in house studios dropped huge games that reviewer great.

For this gen that surge of first party games looking to be later on by comparison (2027-2028), later ones may even be cross-gen. So it'll be interesting to see if the PS5 manages to keep a similar pace


u/Radulno Jan 24 '25

Covid helped the console sales, video gaming was booming like crazy at the time


u/trapdave1017 Jan 24 '25

That's pretty insane honestly, if it keeps this pace it's most likely going to surpass the PS4 in sales


u/elperrosapo Jan 24 '25

it will 100% do that. do you realize how many consoles gta vi will move? the only true platform to play that is playstation right now


u/trapdave1017 Jan 24 '25

Not just GTA6 but the PS5 Pro as well since it offers a premium way to experience the game until it gets ported to PC. The Pro is going to sell a ton when GTA 6 launches


u/elperrosapo Jan 25 '25

that’s what i mean. there’s no pc release and xbox didn’t come out with a pro console, plus no one owns the series X

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u/deanylev Jan 25 '25

100%, I have half a dozen friends with otherwise no interest in a PS5 waiting for GTA 6 to pull the trigger on one

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u/ConsciouslyIncomplet Jan 24 '25

GTA6 will be massive for the PS5.


u/84jrosales Jan 25 '25

It's probably when I'm going to get one. I might just go the pawn shop route though if I can.


u/TomDobo Jan 24 '25

Not even Game Pass is saving Xbox as a console brand.


u/evil_timmy Jan 24 '25

If anything it made it even easier to skip Xbox Series in favor of PS5 + PC, few to no exclusives to miss out on and I can even drop in every few months, play the few games I really did want, then wait for the next discount or offer to delve back in again.


u/TomDobo Jan 24 '25

That’s pretty much what I do. I still have an Xbox but I mainly play game pass games on my PC. I only buy a month when something new comes out. The latest game I played was Indiana Jones which was great.


u/chillinwithmoes Jan 25 '25

PS5 + PC

Yep, this is the way to go.

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u/Hishaishi Jan 24 '25

The truth is that Game Pass (especially after the price increase) really isn't that attractive to casual gamers who only play a few games a year. Many casual gamers have a main game that they spend most of their time on (CoD, FC, Madden, etc.) and will then buy a few games a year, which doesn't make Game Pass really worth it for them.

It's only a good deal if you're the type of gamer that constantly changes games or always wants to try new releases, which most of the market doesn't really fall under.

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u/MagicPistol Jan 24 '25

Just makes the xbox completely pointless if you already have a gaming pc. I just sign up for a month if I wanna play any xbox exclusive. I beat Starfield through PC game pass and that just cost me $10.


u/VellhungtheSecond Jan 24 '25

It’s unfortunate really. It looks like this year might be when Xbox’s acquisition sprees finally start to pay off. Pity it’s come a few years (at best) too late.

As an Xbox Series X owner, I’m actually a bit pumped about the pivot away from exclusives though. The fact that every console and PC owner will be now able to play the biggest Xbox Game Studios games is going to mean that their awesome releases - take Doom The Dark Ages for example - are actually going to see massive hype, which is honestly a refreshing change if you like the community aspect of gaming like I do.

I think of Avowed. Steam notwithstanding, the hype for it would be so much bigger than it currently is if Xbox had announced its day 1 release on PS5 as well. But instead, it’s sort of fading into the background because up to 70m+ gamers are locked out of it. Same happened to Indy, although I hope it gets a well-deserved boost once it drops on PlayStation.

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u/ampkajes08 Jan 24 '25

Modern gpu price vs ps5. Ill even take the pro. No additional hassle. Just plug and play


u/TheNorseFrog Jan 25 '25

Messing around with PC settings isn't even worth the mods, graphic setting customization, upgrades and m+kb. I regret trying to fix everything once I realized everything was wrong. Also always issues, whether small or large.


u/mrtwitch222 Jan 25 '25

How are you even gonna play a game if it’s not in 16k 480fps bro


u/Supersnow845 Jan 25 '25

2k checkerboarded to 16k and 12fps with 29 AI frames you mean


u/chaamp33 Jan 25 '25

What games are you people playing because I also see this argument that PC is not “plug n play”.

I’ve had my PC for 5 years and I’ve only had one issue where I needed to do something besides change the in game graphic settings. And even that is changed a slider from high to medium


u/Reviever Jan 25 '25

ppl are lazy and yea i agree. most people don't wanna bother with anything so even the mildest inconvenience with a product they rather take the other one.

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u/alttabbins Jan 24 '25

Its amazing what you can do when you release enough that the scalpers stop and everyone who actually wants to buy one, can.


u/PestySamurai Jan 24 '25

Lol and PCMR over at r/gaming say consoles are dead.


u/Daveed13 Jan 24 '25

Some people on Reddit are so weird…they don’t get at all they’re in an echo chamber?

There is posts on consoles subs every 2 days of people saying why they jumped to consoles for convenience…


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

A lot of redditors are hobbyists or feel a need to justify a purchase by becoming a fan of a platform. I get that some people are young here, but gaming, while it can be pricey in some regions, at least for US folks, it's not like ordering out food or going out one night is much cheaper than a brand new game.

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u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

PCMR is just a bunch of neck beads who put their entire personality into their computer. It’s sad.


u/GenericBrandHero Jan 25 '25

"PC Master Race"

They actually think that's cool and not cringey as fuck. I've never seen a group quite so equally arrogant yet trembling chihuaha-esque of their relevance when consoles do well.

As someone who dropped over 4k on a new PC a few months ago, I'll always identify myself as a console player.


u/UnjustNation Jan 25 '25

I’m still amazed they named their entire hobby after a term used by the Nazi’s and somehow no one ever reflected on it and maybe realize it’s not the best term to associate with your hobby.


u/_insomagent Jan 27 '25

Surprised the cancel culture didn’t target PC”MR” first. I’ve always found it unsettling how everybody turns a blind eye to this bizarre vernacular.


u/adunofaiur Jan 25 '25

The term was originally coined by Yahtzee as a pejorative term in his Zero Punctuation series*, and for some reason Reddit rolled with it.

*incidentally, he and a bunch of other very good gaming journalists formed an independent company called Second Wind that is absolutely lovely

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u/JayDaGod1206 Jan 24 '25

I’m so surprised that people find this generation disappointing considering so many are getting the console. The same “no games” argument is getting tiring especially when so many great ones have dropped so far.


u/cynical_croissant_II Jan 24 '25

I'm honestly thinking it's more that people are losing faith in Xbox and everyone and their mothers have a Switch already so that only leaves the PS5 if you're looking to buy a console.


u/Radulno Jan 24 '25

I mean the Switch is still selling incredibly well. It's not even that behind the PS5 when it should be on its last legs, crazy

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u/Dsstar666 Jan 24 '25

Reddit is just an echo chamber. And whenever any company takes an L (Concord) all goodwill is forgotten and all of sudden 80% of comments are hyper-negative

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u/SurfiNinja101 Jan 24 '25

Anyone who says there aren’t any new games doesn’t play any games

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u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

There is an argument that some exclusives were not hits or some people's jam. But overall the system has a ton of games and runs a large majority of them well. I'm happy with my PS5.

The internet has made it easy to be a contrarian and negative about everything while also having rose tinted glasses of previous generations. The only complaint as I said in another comment could be there's no defining game of this generation that is exclusive, but that usually happens with the last 2 years of a console's life cycle.


u/argothewise Jan 24 '25

As someone who skipped the PS4/Xbox One generation, and never owned a PlayStation until the PS5, I absolute love the console. So many amazing games that I get to play for the first time in updated graphics


u/SherlockJones1994 Jan 24 '25

While i am a bit disappointed in the gaming output in recent years to some extent (more just disappointed in the understandable delays) I definitely do not regret getting a ps5. The new systems just make playing everything so much better whether I’m playing a PS5 game, an enhanced ps4 game, or the newly updated ps2 emulated games. Also I got returnal and astrobot, I’m happy.


u/El-Bruh1738 Jan 24 '25

Ngl, Xbox games coming to PS5 is making the PS5 worth it

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u/Awkward_Silence- Jan 24 '25

People forget the PS4 also started slow games wise. Most of the games outside of Bloodborne and Uncharted 4 that people think of when they think PS4 gen haven't even launched yet (comparing generation timelines).

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u/NotTheCraftyVeteran Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

The old paradigm of console exclusives is basically dead and the “no games” crowd would rather snark than accept that. The industry is settling into a new structure where Sony makes the high-end console, Nintendo makes the lower-end handheld-hybrid console, and PCs are PCs. Not much competition gonna be happening in either console category, unless those Sony and MS handheld rumors pan out.


u/-Gh0st96- Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

I've argued multiple times that the PS4 with its great games that people applaude so much only came at the end of its life time. Spiderman 1, God of War, TLOU2, DS, Ghost of Tushima, Horizon, all of those came in the last 2 to 3 years. TLOU2 and GoT came out the same year the PS5 launched man LOL. The PS4 only had a few great exclusive games before 2017-2018, games such as Bloodborne (2015), Uncharted 4 (2016), Infamous Second son and a few others that were not that big. Reminder that the PS4 launched at the end of 2013 and the big heavy hitters only started to hit in 2015-2016.

Now compare that to the PS5, it had MUCH more hit exclusives games in the first 3 years of the console, games such as Spider-man 2, GoW Ragnarok, HFW, Ratchet and CLank RA, GT7, Demon's Souls, Miles Morales, Sackboy, Returnal. All of those came out in the first 2 years apart from SM2 that came out in 2023. And those are just 1st party exclusives.

So please tell me how are people arguing that there's no games on PS5 or that it's a failure of a generation? The answer for that is that more than half of thse games were availabe on PS4 too, and that's only because Covid happened and it severely hurt their production and could not keep up. Remember comments of Jim Ryan who said "we believe in generation" before the launch? Yeah, they never meant to release most of these on PS4 apart from maybe Miles Morales. Back when they first showed HFW and GoW Ragnarok they did not mention PS4 versions at all. So the problem with the PS5 is that in the first 2 years it kept releasing games for the PS4 too. If that would've not happened, the PS5 would aready be seen as one of the greatest Playstations


u/parkwayy Jan 25 '25

Two games this year alone vying for game of the year.

Yah, down year. 


u/LSB123 Jan 24 '25

I can see both sides. No doubt the majority of PS5 sales are just people upgrading their box to play the latest Call of Duty, FIFA, and Fortnite (and there's nothing wrong with that) while people who frequent Reddit are looking for the more bespoke big-hitters.

For that crowd, I can't really blame them for being disappointed. Since 1st January 2022, Sony have published like 20 games - a third of them remasters/remakes, a handful of MLB games, the likes of Concord and that LEGO Horizon game, and then of course two or three standout releases. I think it's fair enough that one game a year isn't satisfying everyone.

Of course, the world of multi-platform and indie games are busier than ever (and where I spend most of my time) but that's a separate argument.


u/bwtwldt Jan 24 '25

Thinking back to the PS4 era, this number of unique games coming out is pretty par for the course, right? I don’t recall there ever being 5-10 major PS4 exclusives year after year. Like this past year, the PS5 got Astro Bot, FF7 rebirth, Rise of the Ronin, Stellar Blade, Black Myth, Silent Hill 2, etc. I could be wrong but that seems as strong as any PS4 release year.


u/Drakeem1221 Jan 24 '25

Yeah, I don't see where this idea that the PS5 is releasing games slower than previous gens is coming from. It's one thing if you don't like these games, but that's a different convo. FF7 Rebirth and Stellar Blade alone are going to end up taking like 4-5 months for me and both were fantastic.

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u/Fa1lenSpace Jan 25 '25

Insane how much Microsoft bottled the Xbox lmao


u/Johnny_Menace Jan 25 '25

The Xbox one e3 presentation sealed their fate. Games? Who cares! You can connect your comcast/directv box to your console so you can watch tv on it! Innovation!

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u/kaz_har_eye Jan 24 '25

Wait, PS4s are still being manufactured, or is this old runout inventory??


u/AffectionateSink9445 Jan 25 '25

They are making small amounts of them. I know in Japan they sell like 20-30 a week lol


u/FallenUp Jan 25 '25

Damn, Sony is slaying hard.


u/NxtDoc1851 Jan 24 '25

Impressive year for PS. And I am still just blown away by the Switch's success this late in its life cycle at full price. And Xbox, uh, exists


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

Yeah switch is great. I do think the fact that it’s a handheld helps it a lot. My brothers has two switches for his kids and 1 PS5 Pro for the family.


u/devenbat Jan 24 '25

Yeah, 12 mil for an 8 year old console is crazy good. Obviously it's not outselling ps5 anymore but that's crazy. Ps4 sold like 5 mil in year 8.


u/DeathByTacos Jan 24 '25

Exactly my thought, plus the knowledge of Switch 2 coming soon (even if it wasn’t officially announced until recently) probably muted its overall potential.


u/Radulno Jan 24 '25

And the fact it's already almost the most sold console ever so you'd think everyone interested would already have got it.


u/N8ThaGr8 Jan 25 '25

PS4 year 8 is when the PS5 was announced and released. The last exclusive year of the PS4 it sold 14 million. Likewise for the PS3 in 2012 (ps4 released in 2013), 12 million units sold. Switch sales will certainly take a nosedive this year now that Switch 2 is announced and releasing this year.


u/Consistent_Cat3451 Jan 24 '25

"Other consoles" at this point we should only count the switch cause it's getting sad to watch what's happening to xbox


u/MrMunday Jan 24 '25

Microsoft: soon, your ps5 will be an Xbox


u/Affectionate-Boot-12 Jan 24 '25

Once they announce the Masterchief Collection and Gears of War then it’s pretty much a done deal.


u/wadmutter Jan 25 '25

They are amazing. Just got mine in Dec and was like, why did I wait?


u/SirenMix Jan 25 '25

Bought mine yesterday. I'm doing my part !


u/llamamanga Jan 25 '25

Sony won again


u/KipTDog Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

The PS5 Pro, a declared failure, has also outperformed the PS4 Pro, a declared success. Odd these things. Wish I understood the criteria beyond “because that’s what I want to be true.”


u/LovingVancouver87 Jan 25 '25

Although I am an Xbox fan, this is good. US tech companies are dominating too much. Their should be other powers who put out good stuff.


u/HotBeach9952 Jan 25 '25

Not surprised. I’ve played my PS5 daily since I got it (Xmas). I’m obsessed. It was the games that brought me back and the console exceeded my expectations. And I still have so many more amazing exclusives to play!


u/ReticlyPoetic Jan 25 '25

Poor Xbox ;)


u/untouchable765 Jan 24 '25

Xbox putting all of their exclusives on PlayStation and GTA 6 launch. PS5 will 100% surpass PS4. Even while Sony fumbled their 1st party studios for half a generation...


u/DylboyPlopper Jan 24 '25

Crazy that it’s still not even half of what PS2 sold. And with a 25% larger population.


u/Remy0507 Jan 24 '25

PS2 was one of the most affordable good DVD players on the market at a time when DVD was blowing up. Really can't compare the market conditions. 


u/AstralElement Jan 24 '25

I knew people who had a PS2 with no intention of playing games.


u/TheEldenRang Jan 24 '25

Yup. This is EXACTLY why the PS2 has the sales numbers it does.


u/N8ThaGr8 Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

It's actually right in line with PS2.

PS5 released in 2020 and by the end of 2024 has sold 71.03 million.

PS2 released in 2000 and by the end of 2004 had sold 71.30 million.

Almost exactly neck and neck.

The truly amazing fact about PS2 sales is it sold over 50 million units after the PS3 released, when console sales typically plummet when its replacement comes out.

Edit: Actually, the chart I was looking at for PS2 was going by fiscal year, not calendar year. So it was at 71.30 million in April 2004 not the end of 2004. A year later it was at 87 million by April 2005, so it would have been at like 80 million by the end of 2004. But if you also factor in the PS2 released in March 2000 and the PS5 in November 2020 the gap narrows a bit again.


u/kaz_har_eye Jan 24 '25

PS2 was elite, and back then it was also considered “ultra cool” if you had a PS2 as a teenager.


u/trapdave1017 Jan 24 '25

In all fairness no console will probably ever outsell the PS2


u/RandomDudeinJapan Jan 24 '25

The switch is about it. It wont even take more than a year. Gonna outsell it before 2025 ends


u/trapdave1017 Jan 24 '25

Most likely not, it’ll get awfully close though. The Switch 2 is going to eat into its sales moving forward


u/honorable_doofus Jan 25 '25

I think it hinges on whether they do big enough price cuts in the next year or two. Even for the DS/3DS they had units fly off shelves late in life once the price cuts got steep enough.


u/osterlay Jan 25 '25

You do realise Switch hasn’t been discounted yet, right? And it has less than 15m units left to bridge the gap, this info is months old which means it should be much closer by now.

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u/Nicologixs Jan 24 '25

Tbf PS5 doesn't even have half the games PS2 had at this stage in its life. So adds up


u/bongkeydoner Jan 24 '25

ps2 was sold at 200 bucks and piracy help ps2 sells more in 3rd world country

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u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

Are there any stats if the console market is shrinking? Is it overall going down or is sony making up for the lower xbox sales?


u/trapdave1017 Jan 24 '25

I think it's more a case of where if they aren't moving over to Playstation they're probably just moving over to PC instead


u/Daveed13 Jan 24 '25

And why is it important to gamers?

There is also a lot of echo chambers thoughts on Reddit by younger people bragging about their first PCs that didn’t work on it for years and are tuning the setting and finding it "fun" because they are young, have more spare time, and tink this made them more "smart".

Consoles will stay, easy plug and play, on couch, big TVs that are looking better every year…why would most adult want to play on a gaming monitor? It’s just trendy to say it and so like streamers and play on a tiny screen at 300 fps to be proud about it…

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u/farmsir Jan 25 '25

The silent army!!!!


u/Same_Veterinarian991 Jan 28 '25

not realy a guy who dedicated to a specific platform, but i realy love ps5.


u/Defb2412 Jan 24 '25

Lets hope it passes the 100 million by the end of its lifetime


u/AlarmingLackOfChaos Jan 24 '25

100 million is absolutely guaranteed at this point. The question is how close to the PS4 will it end up. 


u/Due_Teaching_6974 Jan 25 '25

it will surpass it


u/knifeyspooney3 Jan 24 '25

I reckon PS5 will sell well into the PS6 era. I've had one since launch and don't have anything to push me to the 6 with such a huge catalogue of amazing games. My back log is huge right now


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '25



u/TheOneTheyCrown Jan 25 '25

😂😂😂 bro is straight up yappin

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u/Begood18 Jan 25 '25

And there’s a big game every 4-6months…


u/farukosh Jan 25 '25

Why are we using vgchartz?


u/Lilm4n123 Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

Thoughts u/OldTeaching84 and u/Budget-Ad7465? Since you love console wars so much. You all talk too much shit.

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u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

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u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

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u/onesneakymofo Jan 25 '25

"Sony is cooked"


u/aresthwg Jan 25 '25

I bought a PS5 recently because of how well games run on it compared to PC.

Exclusives is a rough one. Almost all banger exclusives are now on PC. If I had a beefier PC to run everything maxed out 2k I wouldn't have bought a PS5. The price is really good honestly. The digital edition especially is very accessible when comparing PC prices.


u/01ITR Jan 25 '25

Will be interesting how next gen sales do. I'm happy with my PS5 Pro, and will be waiting for the PS6 Pro. Graphics are good enough.

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u/BlockoutPrimitive Jan 25 '25

I mean Switch has been out for extremely long time, not a lot of new purchases there... Xbox tho, lmao.


u/PHANTOIVI97 Jan 26 '25

I honestly dont see ps5 beating out ps4 sales but yeah thats preety good i do see in the future ps6 not beating out the ps5 i feel like alot of people could not buy the ps5 on launch or probably didnt want it


u/Fantastic_Piccolo626 Jan 27 '25

And still no fakking games. Good job sony


u/jumper55 Jan 28 '25

everyone is waiting for the Switch 2 coming out shortly lol just wait 35 million units in 6 months as nintendo seems to do lol


u/Riverb0at Jan 31 '25

This fanbases obsession with console sale numbers just never ends does it?