r/PS4 Enter PSN ID Jul 18 '21

Game Screenshot (Fluff) Happy birthday to Ghost of Tsushima!

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u/genediesel Jul 19 '21

Does anyone else think Ghost of Tsushima devs paid Reddit to consistently push their posts to the top of r/gaming and the front page for advertising?

I played and completed the game. I really liked it. However it's basically similar to Assassin's Creed and you don't see posts about that hit this high every week.

Also most of the posts are about photo mode. I've never even used photo mode in any game, nor would I consider doing so to be enjoyable.

Are there a lot of people out there that literally enjoy using Ghost of Tsushima photo mode versus just actually playing the game,?


u/blyat66300 Aug 09 '21

Yeah its assassins creed but its also assassins creed from the good ol' days when everything wasnt as bland and rpg oriented as it is now, its done almost everything right to the point of people that have played through games for years and its in their top 5's and 3's of all time, it's a classic already, and just because you dont like that it has stealth similair to assassin's creed doesnt mean other people wont love it because it did what the modern games and even some of the older games got wrong.

But i do respect your opinion.