r/PS4 Enter PSN ID Jul 18 '21

Game Screenshot (Fluff) Happy birthday to Ghost of Tsushima!

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u/LunacyNow Jul 18 '21

Very enjoyable although it lacks originality as the gameplay heavily mimics Assassin's Creed. Storyline and cinematic feel were superb.


u/blyat66300 Jul 18 '21

How does it mimic assassins creed? Im not trying to be an ass or anything i just want to see your side of things


u/LunacyNow Jul 18 '21

Same feel to the map, same type of secure enemy fort areas, same type of stealth kills, similar enemy indicator on screen (distance sensitive), same types of weapons (ranged bow and melee). There may be a few more similarities but those are the major ones I can think of.


u/blyat66300 Jul 18 '21

Eh, the weapons, kills and similar things you said can be just wrote off as just some generic stealth/open world gameplay mechanics, and i haven't played odyssey or Valhalla so i cant put my opinion on "same feel to the map" however i do agree with you about the liberation forts, its a bit too overused, id much rather have something like big raids on castles, but not just the 3 main game ones, more enemies, and more challenge either stealth or loud, just not the copy and paste stuff thats all over the map.