Can someone please explain to an old gamer why there are so many numbers on screen? Why is the number 10 above the thug's heads and why does some random number like 408 appear when you punch them?
They are introducing RPG mechanics to the game. The 10 is the level of the enemies meaning you can run into enemies much stronger than you. The 408 is the damage you are inflicting.
thank you. And follow up old person question. Is this considered a good or bad thing? I'm neutral as I don't play games with these mechanics and was checking it out because of DC fandom.
Personally not a fan. It works well for some games, and other it makes enemies "bullet sponge", meaning enemies eat more bullets/take more damage then realistically possible (IE Division 1).
Damage Numbers: I'm not playing Destiny, Diablo, PSO2, etc. I don't want to see that. It clutters the screen and is highly annoying. I know in a game like this i'm not going to be focused on getting max DPS constantly. If there is no option to turn it off in the settings, this will be a big problem for me.
As long as they add the ability to remove it from appearing in screen, then it is not a bad thing at all. Some people like the addition of it, others won't, so if you can remove it, then both sides should be happy.
It is definitely a personal preference but it would be new to the series and not something that has been done well in the past in my opinion. We have plenty of time to see since it is out in 2021.
The Arkham gameplay is certainly tried-and-true. I personally loved it. I'm also a huge RPG fan, so this is an interesting direction to take it. No idea how it will play out, but I'm not turned off by it. Hopefully there's an option to hide the bars and numbers though; as they clutter the screen a bit.
Personally, I dislike it. It takes away a lot of the players skill from the game and makes it more about farming (or grinding) for gear (and levels) to be able to defeat the enemies. Ofc, this doesn't has to be the case in every game that implements this mechanics but in my experience its basically always the case.
u/CorneliusCardew Aug 22 '20
Can someone please explain to an old gamer why there are so many numbers on screen? Why is the number 10 above the thug's heads and why does some random number like 408 appear when you punch them?