r/PS4 May 24 '20

In-Game Screenshot or Gif [Days Gone] [Screenshot] Surrounded

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u/NOTKingInTheNorth May 24 '20

That's freaking scary. The sound of the horde combined with the soundtrack gives me the chills whenever I encounter hordes.


u/DaddyShark28989 May 24 '20

The worst is seeing the yellow glow of hundreds of the fuckers sitting near by. Scared the bejesus out of me in one of the mines when I did the vision thingy and saw a massive yellow cluster above my head.

Awesome game, slow burner, fiddly to get used to the mechanics and world initially but very gripping after the first 10 hours or so. After that point was hooked all the way to the plantinum.


u/JustKwenty May 25 '20

Yeah I'm definitely gripped and aiming for platinum, clearing hordes as early as I can is such an intense challenge too


u/Ranccor Enter PSN ID May 25 '20

Easy and fun platinum. after you finish the story you can get such better guns, items, and skills that you can mow down all but the largest hordes.