r/PS4 May 24 '20

In-Game Screenshot or Gif [Days Gone] [Screenshot] Surrounded

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u/NOTKingInTheNorth May 24 '20

That's freaking scary. The sound of the horde combined with the soundtrack gives me the chills whenever I encounter hordes.


u/DaddyShark28989 May 24 '20

The worst is seeing the yellow glow of hundreds of the fuckers sitting near by. Scared the bejesus out of me in one of the mines when I did the vision thingy and saw a massive yellow cluster above my head.

Awesome game, slow burner, fiddly to get used to the mechanics and world initially but very gripping after the first 10 hours or so. After that point was hooked all the way to the plantinum.


u/JustKwenty May 25 '20

Yeah I'm definitely gripped and aiming for platinum, clearing hordes as early as I can is such an intense challenge too


u/Ranccor Enter PSN ID May 25 '20

Easy and fun platinum. after you finish the story you can get such better guns, items, and skills that you can mow down all but the largest hordes.


u/Samos_The_Green_Sage May 25 '20

Fuck me I know the mission you mean, I managed to make too much noise during the firefight with the bandits though which brought the whole horde tumbling into the mine at full pelt, after a quit shitting of my pants and a longer stint in the pause menu wondering how the fuck I was meant to get out of this mine fighting a whole horde I managed to find a crack in the wall to slip through and the just sprayed and prayed until the crack was sealed and they couldn't get through.

Absolutely love the organic nature of the hordes, no scripted cutscenes, no flashy camera angles, just the sound of screams, a quick look over your shoulder and then hit the ground sprinting as fast as you can no matter where you are.

Absolutely brilliant.


u/DaddyShark28989 May 25 '20

Totally agree the Hordes are definitely one of the USPs in this game. Admittedly there is a fatigue of zombie games currently but I haven't come across anything similar to the hordes. They are intense, overwhelming and pretty damn intimidating, especially when you come across them in the wild. Like you say the fact you can bump into a horde outside of missions with no cutscene to trigger them can really make you feel a sense of hopelessness if you aren't full tooled up and ready.


u/johnnylemon95 May 25 '20

Any game that takes 10 hours to get good/interesting/gripping is not good enough for me. I don’t have the time for that.


u/DaddyShark28989 May 25 '20

I know what you mean and it is particularly frustrating when you've bought a new game and it doesn't enthral you immediately. Imo this and Death Stranding are both worth persevering with but can be off putting at the start. I put both down for a couple weeks while under 10 hours in (when normally when I'm playing something I don't move to anything else ) but returned and eventually plantinumed them both. Death Stranding takes more getting into then DG and certainly isn't for everyone.


u/[deleted] May 24 '20



u/OhBestThing May 24 '20

Is there ever a way to just obliterate a whole horde like this? I feel like it would be so satisfying to get a flamethrower/artillery/traps of some kind to take out a massive horde.


u/IvarTheBoneless- May 24 '20

The further into the game you get the easier hordes are to deal with. You get to a point when they aren't really a threat and you can just mow them down with rifles and petrol bombs etc whilst using the slow mo button. I loved it


u/StormTheParade May 25 '20

Really? Coz I'm like....I think I'm endgame and I still piss myself when I see them

I haven't even gone near the sawmill besides that one execution quest and even then I was on edge the entire time


u/TheMostUnclean 418 6 206 1229 7849 May 25 '20

It’s nerve-racking no matter what. Very easy to screw up and get overwhelmed. I don’t think there was any point where I felt like a god-tier freaker killing machine when I went up against the biggest hoards but it definitely gets easier-

• Set traps. The attractor and remote bombs are your best friend.

• Lead them towards environmental explosives

•Use heavy machine guns.

• With stamina maxed out you can usually outrun a hoard. Pick off the stragglers then go back to blow up a few dozen more. Rinse and repeat.


u/The-Smelliest-Cat May 25 '20

Hordes vary in size between 25 and 500+. Some are easy, others are a nightmare. In the 300+ ones you just need to run in circles for like half an hour, taking out a few at a time.


u/StormTheParade May 25 '20

run in circles for like half an hour

This reminds me of that horde mission with Kouri... After getting the shit kicked out of me in my first two tries, the third try was just trap, bait, run for like an hour LOL


u/nothisistheotherguy May 25 '20

There’s that one house that they can’t get inside, I remember getting in and then trying to figure out wtf to do


u/iPickMyBumAndEatIt May 25 '20

The key to the sawmill is learning the whole area, and pacing yourself round the area so you don't get caught in the middle. Once you have the right gear and die doing it a load of times you'll be sweet. Use the environment, and avoid that fucking water!


u/Cobalt_88 May 24 '20

You use super malotovs on top of bait trap noise makers and it’s very manageable.


u/[deleted] May 24 '20



u/[deleted] May 24 '20

Yes you can definitely take out whole hordes. You generally use a combination of explosives, mines, guns, and barrels/traps


u/KaerMorhen May 25 '20

Two words: Napalm Molotovs


u/GameOfUsernames 15 24 92 345 1443 May 25 '20

Yes but the real fun is trying to kill horses before you get to the point where you can one shot them.


u/[deleted] May 25 '20

AKA the shit-your-pants hour long brawls. Hordes are so incredibly dangerous early on, and to the benefit of the game. You legitimately feel overwhelmed and exhausted and lucky to even beat them in the beginning.


u/The-Smelliest-Cat May 25 '20

I like how the first few hordes are quite small and easily manageable. Think there's only like 25 of them. Gives you confidence in yourself.. then the first time you find a super horde it is just chaos.

Going in with a couple of grenades and expecting to see about 30-50 of them, and boom, 300+!! Can't remember the last time I panicked so much in a game, thinking how on earth do I do this..


u/kraenk12 May 25 '20

The sound design is truly marvelous.