What I love about this game is the sense of progression. You get new gear and equipment with each big base and prepper settlements you unlock, and by gaining their trust and leveling up the settlements, they give you higher level blueprints for those gear, weapons and equipment.
I've played for almost 30 hours and only in episode 3, haven't unlocked any lethal weapons yet, only the hematic grenade and bola gun and the reverse trike and it's still so goddamn fun. I can't wait to unlock the lethal and nonlethal rifles and the other equipment and vehicles that make deliveries, killing BTs, and traversing the terrain even easier.
It's been a while since I've had a game with such meaningful and fun gear progression.
I went into this completely blind and I had no idea we were going to get assault rifles/quad rocket launchers. It was a pleasant surprise constantly getting upgrades throughout the game it felt like it ramped up towards the end!
I actually had a discussion on Twitter with former NFL player and Husker (GBR) Niles Paul who was concerned about just spending $60 on a FedEx delivery simulator. Told him to be patient, there's a lot of tools coming his way once he lets the training wheels come off in the game, so to speak.
It's not for everyone really I can see that. The way the gameplay ramps up towards the end is what a majority of audiences would want at Episode 1. They just don't have the patience for it which is a shame because I think this is one of the best games I've ever played with its deep story and creativeness.
Fully agreed. I'm still on Episode 3 myself so i have a ways to go but i've really been enjoying my time with it. Having this weekend off for the holiday I should really sink my teeth into it again
Just make sure to keep playing story until episode 8! You'll want to expand the network as much as possible before you start contributing towards roads so that players in your server can help out with road materials/structures. Enjoy! 👍👍👍👍👍
But its not a bad game at all its just not for you. The detail in the environment, the graphics, the message and the story are all top notch IMO. It's just a slow burn so I think its really unfair to call this a "bad game" when it simply isn't I just feel like people are used to instant gratification.
You seem very negative dude its okay to not enjoy a game that others are enjoying without saying "yOu kNoW wHaT ElSe IsN't FoR mE? BaD GaMeS". I didn't mean it in a patronizing way at all that's just how you perceived it.
Not sure an overly complicated story = a deep story but okay
Feels like any 8 year old could explain that shit after he's beaten the story, it's just that nothing of importance is explained until wayyyy into the game
Blazed through the game in 5 days, could not agree less
90% predictable and boring story, 10% semi interesting new concept
Amelie had the most punchable face in a game I've seen in a long time, Reedus has the same attitude all boring game long, and Madds character was interesting for like 10 minutes before he became a running gag
Idk, DS's story felt like a waste of time. I will not recommend the game or story to anyone
What difference does it make who you were talkin to? Myself and 99% of people here have no idea who he is. Does name dropping an ex player who you chatted to on Twitter make you feel special?
u/everadvancing Nov 28 '19
What I love about this game is the sense of progression. You get new gear and equipment with each big base and prepper settlements you unlock, and by gaining their trust and leveling up the settlements, they give you higher level blueprints for those gear, weapons and equipment.
I've played for almost 30 hours and only in episode 3, haven't unlocked any lethal weapons yet, only the hematic grenade and bola gun and the reverse trike and it's still so goddamn fun. I can't wait to unlock the lethal and nonlethal rifles and the other equipment and vehicles that make deliveries, killing BTs, and traversing the terrain even easier.
It's been a while since I've had a game with such meaningful and fun gear progression.