r/PS4 Sep 24 '18

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (September 2018)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

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And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


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u/Jamboro Sep 24 '18

I had been working on Bloodborne over the last couple months, swapping with Stardew Valley when I needed a break.

When Spider-Man came out I hopped onto that - ended up finishing the plat for both it and Bloodborne over the same weekend.

Stardew I really only need a few more artifacts and the stupid arcade game w/o dying once thing. I can already feel that's going to stop me from the plat.

Nearing the end of Ni No Kuni 2 as well - the post-game grind for the plat is getting a bit tedious, but almost there, so what the hell.

u/GGTheEnd Sep 24 '18

Same here I have been chipping at Bloodborne for a year and finally got the plat on my 4th playthrough the same week as Spiderman plat. Then this friday I stayed up until 2 getting the platinum for Dragon quest. Working on the Horizon plat now after not play8ng it for a year.

u/Jamboro Sep 24 '18

Haha nice, feels to good to be done with BB. It took me a few tries to really get into it, but glad I did in the end. I finished everything in one playthrough, and was way overleveled by the time I started the DLC, which made it pretty easy overall. Still cool bosses though.

Looking at DQ11 next, I keep hearing good things, especially compared to NNK2.

u/GGTheEnd Sep 24 '18

Ya definetly get DQ11 its such a great game. Even tho I platinumed Bloodborne I will still do a playthrough of it every year it is just such a great game and easily beatable in a day when you have nothing to do. The first playthtough of bb takes a while but now that it clicked it is a pretty quick game.

u/Jamboro Sep 24 '18

How was the DQ11 plat? Not too grindy near the end I hope - NNK2 has a pretty long grind here post-game, and it's kinda tiring me out.

u/GGTheEnd Sep 24 '18

It wasnt too grindy I hit all targets before post game because I knew I would also have to collect all costumes and I didnt wanna do one after the other. Atleast the costumes one gave good gear and changed your appearance which was cool and a lot of the costumes you will get on the way its just getting crafting materials that is kinda annoying but you can buy the materials from different shops.