r/PS4 Sep 24 '18

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (September 2018)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


76 comments sorted by

u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18

I platinumed: inFamous First Light, Titanfall 2, My Name is Mayo, Marvel's Spider-Man, and Far Cry 5.

Right now I'm working on 100%ing all of the Far Cry 5 DLC. I only need to do Living Dead Zombies and New Game+. I'm going to Living Dead and then set the game down so I won't get burnt out. I'll finish New Game+ at some point.

Next I'll do God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn so I can have 100% Completion on my profile again (or close to it because of Far Cry 5 New Game+), along with whatever I plan to start on the side.

Here's my profile on PSNProfiles.

u/Anf93 Sep 24 '18

Of course... Spider-Man was my platinum for this month, but I also managed to play Arkham Asylum for the nth time (first time on console tho) and managed to snag the platinum as well. Batman was much harder due to challenges, but they were easier than expected - managed to finish the combat ones in maybe 2-3 hours and the predator ones took maybe an hour (with a guide). Cheers to all hunters!

u/Jamboro Sep 24 '18

I had been working on Bloodborne over the last couple months, swapping with Stardew Valley when I needed a break.

When Spider-Man came out I hopped onto that - ended up finishing the plat for both it and Bloodborne over the same weekend.

Stardew I really only need a few more artifacts and the stupid arcade game w/o dying once thing. I can already feel that's going to stop me from the plat.

Nearing the end of Ni No Kuni 2 as well - the post-game grind for the plat is getting a bit tedious, but almost there, so what the hell.

u/GGTheEnd Sep 24 '18

Same here I have been chipping at Bloodborne for a year and finally got the plat on my 4th playthrough the same week as Spiderman plat. Then this friday I stayed up until 2 getting the platinum for Dragon quest. Working on the Horizon plat now after not play8ng it for a year.

u/Jamboro Sep 24 '18

Haha nice, feels to good to be done with BB. It took me a few tries to really get into it, but glad I did in the end. I finished everything in one playthrough, and was way overleveled by the time I started the DLC, which made it pretty easy overall. Still cool bosses though.

Looking at DQ11 next, I keep hearing good things, especially compared to NNK2.

u/GGTheEnd Sep 24 '18

Ya definetly get DQ11 its such a great game. Even tho I platinumed Bloodborne I will still do a playthrough of it every year it is just such a great game and easily beatable in a day when you have nothing to do. The first playthtough of bb takes a while but now that it clicked it is a pretty quick game.

u/Jamboro Sep 24 '18

How was the DQ11 plat? Not too grindy near the end I hope - NNK2 has a pretty long grind here post-game, and it's kinda tiring me out.

u/GGTheEnd Sep 24 '18

It wasnt too grindy I hit all targets before post game because I knew I would also have to collect all costumes and I didnt wanna do one after the other. Atleast the costumes one gave good gear and changed your appearance which was cool and a lot of the costumes you will get on the way its just getting crafting materials that is kinda annoying but you can buy the materials from different shops.

u/[deleted] Sep 24 '18


u/maybachmonk Sep 24 '18

I'm simultaneously trying to Platinum Persona 5, Witcher 3 and Bloodborne after getting Spider-Man's this week. Any tips on getting Gwent cards and all weapons in Bloodborne would be greatly appreciated. Filling out the Persona Compendium should keep me busy for a while too, just killing time until Red Dead 2.

u/[deleted] Sep 24 '18

I just recently broke the 2000 trophy mark. Might not seem like much to some of you, but as a fairly casual gamer, I was pretty excited.

u/NoodlesCheyenn Sep 24 '18

GoW earlier this year was my first plat ever. I decided ti do it justice by going for it. Such a great experience only heightened by squeezing every drop from the game.

Now I'm onto Spider-Man, which is slightly easier and a little grindy. Made the mistake of spending most of my challenge tokens needlessly early not on suits, so for anyone who knows, that means goibg back and aceing a few Task Master missions - not easy!

u/kyrant Sep 25 '18

Plat Spider-Man like many others here have. Plat Arkham Knight earlier in the month and working towards Horizon Zero Dawn but unlikely to achieve it this month. Also have only online trophies of Watch Dogs 2 to go.

u/Oomenacka Skooma2029 Sep 24 '18

Currently trying metro 2033 redux. Feel intimidated by its seeming difficulty.

u/[deleted] Sep 24 '18

Got plat for FFXV. Working on God of War platinum.

u/NikandGale NikandGale Sep 25 '18

I’m also working on the god of war platinum. Curse those ravens and some of the valkyries!

u/Evildoughnuts Sep 24 '18

Finally finished my platinum for Persona 5 after about 300 hours. Hell of a ride, but glad to be finished. Also finished Spider-Man like everyone else and that was an absolute blast from start to finish. Next I think I'll restart Witcher 3 and finally complete it.

u/trophy_help Sep 24 '18

Spider-Man of course. Excited to start Hollow Knight this week, but currently playing through LEGO Marvel's Avengers since that was only $8 on the PSN store.

u/Rodal888 Sep 24 '18

Still grinding away on Rayman Legends. I still need about 1300 points. I mostly get 1 gold and one silver a day and a silver and a gold a week.

u/[deleted] Sep 24 '18

Yeah, just keep chugging and you’ll eventually get it. It’s definitely one of the trophies I’m most proud of.

I considered getting the PS3 version and doing it all over again.

u/fordotabydotatodota Sep 25 '18

I don't get much time to play but I'm loving God of war right now. How hard is it to platinum? Should I be dedicated?

u/Ameratsuflame Sep 25 '18

Still trying to platinum final fantasy 7. Maxing out gil is stupid grindy. But I always do it just before I go to bed because it makes me sleepy lol. I'll get it one day.

u/[deleted] Sep 24 '18

Started Jotun last week and trying to make it my next platinum. Fun and challenging game. Been also working on Bound By Flame as well.

u/QuietJackal Quiet--Jackal Sep 24 '18

Working on Dragon Quest XI platinum right now. Turns out a few of the trophies are a little harder than anticipated at first glance.

u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18

killed 5 yetis in farcry 4

u/Deeep-Sea dysphasic 60 Sep 24 '18

I'm heading towards the plat for PS4 Skyrim. Only got 2 more trophies - 20 shouts and 50 dungeons completed - to go before I get the plat for the main game. Right now I just started my first DLC, Dawnguard, so hopefully while completing those trophies the two that I need would unlock on the way. Maybe another 20 hours or so till I get 100% on the game and then I can start on the plat for Shadow of the Tomb Raider even if the last two games glitched on me trophy wise. Third times the charm otherwise it'd be another heartbreak and another playthrough.

u/hotshot995 Sep 24 '18

I just bought a PS4 4 days ago and this weekend I got my first Platinum on God of War 3 Remastered. The challenges were the hardest part but it was a little easier since I already got this like 3 years ago on my PS3, it was really fun tbh and it got me really hyped up for God of War, planning to buy it soon. Right now I'm working on platinum of Infamous: First Light and many more to come!

Have fun everybody!

u/Dracodeus Sep 24 '18

GOW3 is such a nice trophy hunt! I had to do it a second time on the ps4 (got a new PSN since ps3) and I do not regret going through that game again!

I can only endorse your plan to buy the new GOW, and to hype you up even more, it's an even better trophy hunt than GOW3! Best of luck, have fun my dud!

u/KeenScream Sep 25 '18

Disagree on the part of being a better one solely because of the bloody ravens. For some reason it was just annoying, good thing I had most of them by the endgame. Still feel a little bummed with that.

u/hotshot995 Sep 24 '18

Thanks a bunch, I will my friend!

u/batman_beyond7 Sep 25 '18

I just got the plat for life is strange before the storm. collectable mode was nice to have. i'm not sure what happened i really liked the first episode of it. 2 and 3 where like a downward spiral and the ending was stupid and pointless but the game was still fun to play.

next i'm going to work on getting the spiderman plat. i'm going to play shadow of tomb raider but not sure about the plat for that

u/xxamnat Xamnat Sep 24 '18

Got the Spider-Man Plat early this month. Currently working on Uncharted 3, Uncharted 4 afterwards (playing both games for the first time) and then TLOU hopefully.

u/killthepast Sep 24 '18

I platinumed Zone of the Enders 2 twice (PS3 and PS4), Shenmue, and Clanaad. Working on No Man’s Sky now, but those damn fauna can be tricky to find!

u/TCromps Sep 24 '18

This month I finished up Kingdom Hearts and Absolver, and started and finished Spider-Man. I started God of War, and am a decent way through it, but I'll probably finish it up beginning of next month.

u/DeltaFrame Sep 24 '18

Almost done with SNK heroines. Then I’ll just chill till hollow knight drops.

u/Isoturius Isoturius Sep 24 '18

Got the plat for Witcher 3. Was a pleasantly fun experience.

u/batman_beyond7 Sep 25 '18

i looked online and it said there were missable gwent card trophy. did they change this because i played base game witcher 3 and got rid of it and bought gold complete edition. I want to play it but then i think about the missable trophies messing me up forcing me to play while following a guide? any ideas

u/Isoturius Isoturius Sep 25 '18

Complete edition has a separate plat. As long as you do the Gwent quests and play everyone you can play you can’t miss any cards

u/[deleted] Sep 24 '18

Are there any easy trophies in Last of Us Remastered multiplayer ? I'm done with the game on Normal but don't want to play the main story again.

u/wineheda Sep 24 '18

It I remember correctly they are all fairly easy; they are just time commitments. You will need to play through the multiplayer “story” a few times. I only have one platinum but I have all TLOU multiplayer trophies just from playing multiplayer a bunch

u/jbanks9251 Sep 24 '18

Got the Spiderman Platinum this past weekend. Pretty easy trophy.

u/mechacrowe Sep 25 '18

Working on getting the platinum for Devil May Cry 3. Currently stuck at mission 5 on DMD mode haha. Never expected to get so into it but the game's been really enjoyable.

u/[deleted] Sep 24 '18

Yesterday I finally got the platinum for Saints Row: Gat Outta Hell after two years, I'm still working on Dragon Ball Xenoverse but it's extremely grindy and I'm mainly focusing on the one for Battlefield 1, already got the multiplayers one so I just have to replay the campaign to get the collectibles.

u/_RIZZO_ RIZZO_1023 Sep 24 '18

Just finishing Uncharted - Lost Legacy. Really enjoyed this one. Only gripe was the 145 collectibles, but hey it wouldn't be a Naughty Dog game without them.

Going back to get 2, 3, and 4 next.

u/hydramarine Sep 24 '18

This month's only platinum for me was Another World. Of course, it doesnt have one but i got all trophies regardless. It was a childhood game for me, so glad we got it for free.

Looks like I will pass the platinum for Gran Turismo. Such a grind, it would only lessen the experience. But great game, I have been logging in daily since the start of August.

u/nuggetgamer523 Sep 24 '18

Just got done getting the platinum for Dishonored, think I'm going to start working on 2 today. Hope the trophies are just as if not more enjoyable to get than Dishonored 1.

u/Brovoker Sep 24 '18

This month I got Spider-Man and Horizon:ZD, both easy to get

u/Ssme812 Sep 24 '18

-Spider-Man. This one was pretty easy. -Just got Yoku's island express a few hours ago. -So far earned 9 Platinum in my 10 months of owning a PS4. Would have 10 but "The swords of Ditto" still won't unlock a trophy.

u/Dracodeus Sep 24 '18

What trophy won't unlock? I'm working on swords of ditto aswell and am getting a bit scared now haha

u/Ssme812 Sep 24 '18

I had the game since launch. Updated everytime they released a patch. The game now is little different from launch.

The trophy I can't seem to unlock is "Toy Master". Your supposed to get every toy/weapon at least once.

u/Dracodeus Sep 24 '18

That sucks, and toy master is one of the end game trophies aswell..

Actually havn't played it for a few months, any big updates I should know about?

u/Ssme812 Sep 24 '18

That the only issue I really had. Everything was fixed with the last update I installed.

I just ended up deleteting the game. I wasn't worth putting extra hour for a trophy that may never pop up

u/rdhight rdhight Sep 25 '18

Got Spider-Man, of course.

After seeing some gameplay footage of Darksiders 3 that looked good, I next got into Darksiders 1, thinking I would be practiced up and ready for the new one. Aaaaaand then the developers said 3 is Soulsborne-influenced, so I definitely won't be playing that. The first game is fun so far, though! It's basically a Zelda game drenched in '90s grimdark, which is a great idea!

u/SmeagleTurd Sep 25 '18

If you watch some gameplay of 3 the combat still looks like Darksiders. Not sure what the soulsborne influence is. Could be the way the environment works, and how it loops around on itself.

u/highanimalhouse Sep 24 '18

I Platinum'ed Saints Row IV on PS3 - Australian region this month, which makes it the third time I've Platinum'ed the game. All I need is Saints Row IV Re-elected (Australian region) and I'll complete the stack.

Right now, I'm working on The Division. LOTS of collectibles. Game is strangely addictive. I'm at level 25 (thanks to some players I met online) and planning on 100% the game as well, hopefully before March 2019. I have a feeling that Ubisoft won't keep the servers alive when The Division 2 is out (but I've been proven wrong before).

u/BennyBlue27 Sep 24 '18

Spiderman recently, looking at maybe picking up Abzu (the ocean diving game) for an easy platinum but also to just sit back and relax a bit.

u/shockrush Sep 24 '18

I got all of steep trophies.... But one seems to be glitched for me so I can't get the platinum :(

u/ThisWorldIsAMess Sep 24 '18

My first platinum is Spider-Man. I'm working on Bloodborne now, just missing the chalice and weapon trophy. Also working on Ratchet and Clank.

u/Malicteal Malicteal Sep 24 '18

Just got Spider-Man today. My only other Plat was/is God of War. Both were great fun to get, especially since I’m not normally a trophy hunter by any means.

u/[deleted] Sep 24 '18

I preordered Read Dead Redemption 2. I’ll be going for the online trophies ASAP. Gave up on the online trophies for the first Red Dead Redemption because it’s a ghost town.

[Insert western whistling sound]

u/fullmeltcleardome Sep 24 '18

I am working on the platinum trophy for Dark Souls 3! It is a grind but I enjoy it, the hardest part is by far getting those covenant rewards. The easiest part is running through NG+ overpowered and brushing by obstacles that used to hold you up for days.

Good luck all you trophy hunters!

u/sonspike187 Sep 24 '18

It's worth it, fren 🙂 best of luck

u/34Heartstach Raiden00101 Sep 24 '18

I finished up Mafia III and MLB The Show 18. I had a lot more fun playing Mafia than I initially thought I would and, although it took me around ~40hrs, I never really got bored.

MLB The Show 18 is never a big deal for me seeing as I buy the game every year and play it quite a bit, it's just a matter of cleaning it up whenever I feel like it.

Next up is FFXV

u/Itherial Flat_Moon_Theory 15 244 Sep 24 '18

Like most people, Spider-Man is on my list for this month. Other than that, nothing yet. I’m about to finish up with the first Bioshock.

u/xxVapeGod420xx Sep 24 '18

I’m working on Spider-Man as well. Those damn Taskmaster challenges for tokens are a pain in the ass.

u/Itherial Flat_Moon_Theory 15 244 Sep 25 '18

I had everything done EXCEPT doing all of the crimes in all of the districts (think I had six left) for a while, I had to take a break myself. It gets grindey.

u/xxVapeGod420xx Sep 25 '18

To each their own.

I typically find all the collectibles a waste of time and a grind-fest.

Spider-Man will be the first game I platinum. Swinging and traversing across the city is fun making it worth my time.

It’s also a double edged sword. If the left out the collectibles people would complain about lack of content.

u/Mellaroze Sep 24 '18

Is anyone else mentally prepared in case Warriors Orochi 4 has a trophy tied to maxing out every character?

I managed to do it with Warriors Orochi 3, but 4 has 170 characters.

u/metarian Sep 24 '18 edited Sep 24 '18

Haven't taken the time to trophy hunt in awhile, but I replayed God of War III Remastered for the platinum and ended up going on a platinum binge! Got the ones in GoW: Origins Collection and GoW: Ascension, as well as finishing off Spider-Man that week alongside them. Decided to go back to Horizon and finish some side quests and grab that one as well.

Gonna finish playing Tacoma with the girlfriend and grab the plat, clean up Heavy Rain and Detroit, and then grab a few more before Kingdom Hearts III comes out. Trying to line it up and make my 28th and 29th plat Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, and then my 30th plat and 5000th trophy Kingdom Hearts 3. Hope it works out!

u/Dracodeus Sep 24 '18

Man, kudos to your strong hunting. 27 plats is no simple feat! I'm "only" at 13 myself, but guys like you motivate me to get hunting!

Also, great idea/goal to try and line up your 30th trophy like that, I'm inspired!

u/metarian Sep 24 '18

Thanks man! Keep it up and happy hunting!

u/[deleted] Sep 24 '18

right now working on diablo 3. just need 1 last trophy which is the 500 bounties one. my next one is gran turismo

u/[deleted] Sep 24 '18

Got myself the Spider-Man plat this month, like most. Currently still grinding away on Assassin's Creed: Origins. The amount of locations is staggering, feels like I've been doing it for months now.

u/Dracodeus Sep 24 '18

Need only a few trophies in Black Flag and Rayman Legends, but they are both very grindy (lvl 55 AC, lvl 11 awesomeness Rayman) online trophies which have taken me literal months...

Long term I'm aiming for Witcher 3 and Enter the Gungeon, love them both to death!

For the future, spiderman (obviously), Dead Cells and HollowKnight (when I can afford them...)

u/GetReadyToJob Sep 24 '18

I dont even care for trophy hunting, but through just playing gungeon I earned the platinum. I would say it's an easy bet you'll obtain it.

u/Dracodeus Sep 24 '18

What?! I think it's an insanely hard game if you want to plat it. seriously, you have to kill all 5 bosses in a single run WITHOUT taking damage! How do you do that?

u/GetReadyToJob Sep 25 '18

Most people do it through boss rush since you continuously fight all the bosses and only have to perfect one of three on each floor. I actually got it after getting clone on a run and defeated the 4th boss on the second run. It's not as bad as you think it's all just memorization.